Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 377 Scouting Fleet 1

However, the facts were quite different from Walker's guess.

These transport ships, which seemed to have little combat power from a distance, suddenly burst out with powerful ultra-long-range firepower.

The nearly 1,000 Zerg warships left behind by Anderson ignored the harassment of the small frigates.

Instead, they aimed their bows at another fleet that wanted to bypass them and pursue the main Zerg fleet.

Under the coordination of Anderson's consciousness network, the Zerg warships that were left behind almost simultaneously blasted out thousands of azure blue thunder rays.

Compared with the divine cannon, the magic attack array has a faster charging speed and is more concealed.

Especially under the thick fungal blanket, the magic array pattern engraved on the bow of the warship and the flowing magic halo were covered up, and there was no sign when the attack was launched.

The detour fleet was caught off guard and did not expect that the other party would intercept them first.

A small frigate that gave up other characteristics and pursued high speed and maneuverability.

The streamlined hull of more than 200 meters was equipped with only a small shield launcher.

Facing the attack that came across the void, many frigates were easily torn apart by shield armor.

Some ships were even penetrated by engine furnaces or ammunition depots, and the scene of the explosion was like fireworks blooming in the darkness, lighting up the dark void around them.

In just one salvo, Walker's scout fleet had lost nearly half of its troops in an instant.

This was because the Zerg warships used a multi-to-one concentrated fire attack method to avoid missed shots.

"Disperse! Avoid the bombardment!"

Walker, who had no time to regret, saw that his fleet suffered heavy losses in an instant, and immediately issued a disperse order in the communication channel.

In fact, before he gave the order, the remaining 400-plus frigates had already quickly dispersed like a school of frightened fish.

In the following rounds of salvos, when the small frigates were evading with high maneuvers, the hit rate of ultra-long-range artillery dropped sharply.

Even if the attack was guided by the mental lock of the monocular worm operators, it was not easy to hit these flexible ships that were doing evasive maneuvers.

Anderson, who discovered this, immediately adjusted the fleet.

He directly asked the operators in the warships to give up the precise lock and change the attack mode to regional coverage.

In the consciousness network, the order was transmitted to all the rear-end warships instantly without any delay.

Then the attack mode of the entire fleet changed in an instant, and the thunder ray that had been chasing the frigates no longer attacked a single ship.

Instead, they began to cover a large area with irregular long-range firepower. This attack mode immediately increased the threat to high-speed frigates.

Seeing the increasing losses of his own fleet, Walker was anxious.

However, the small frigates' guns had insufficient range and could not conduct effective attacks within the current distance.

If they had already entered the enemy's range and wanted to turn around and leave.

They would inevitably be chased by the enemy fleet all the way, paying a greater price in casualties.

So Walker made another wrong decision under the extremely deceptive appearance of the Zerg warship.

"Dash at high speed, insert into the enemy ship array, and engage in close combat."

Based on observations during this period, Walker determined that the enemy warships were only equipped with the bow main gun, but no small-caliber guns and close-range defense weapons were found on the hull.

He even suspected that these transport ships did not even carry void fighters or combat mechas.

As long as the highly maneuverable ships from the frigates break into the enemy fleet, they will engage in close-range melee.

Whether it is the clumsy size of these ships or the accidental injuries caused by them, they will limit the enemy's bow main gun attack.

However, his small frigates, relying on their high maneuverability, can unilaterally attack these large transport ships that are like winter melons.

According to normal logic, Walker's response should be considered a very correct choice.

The tactics adopted are also the usual attack methods used by the frigates when encountering large enemy ships.

Unfortunately, the ships he is facing at this time, which are covered with the skin of transport ships but do the work of aircraft carriers, are completely contrary to normal logic and inertial thinking.

After Walker gave the order, the more than 400 frigates that had been scattered began to accelerate while evading the thunder rays.

Soon, they had passed the area with the most concentrated firepower and penetrated into the formation of the Zerg fleet.

More and more Zerg warships stopped firing their main guns.

Seeing that the situation was as he expected, Walker couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The frigates that broke into the enemy formation showed their power after there was no threat!

The gun barrels engraved with divine patterns kept spraying out hot high-speed projectiles.

This kind of dynamic weapon driven by divine power not only has a very high rate of fire, but also has strong penetrating and lethality of solid shells.

In just a few seconds, nearly a hundred high-speed projectiles were fired, enough to tear open the alloy armor several meters thick.

The fungal blanket tightly wrapped around the Zerg warship was instantly blasted open by the rapid-fire guns, leaving hideous gaps.

A large amount of reddish-brown viscous juice splashed out with bloody and flesh-like debris.

However, the extremely strong fungal blanket also greatly slowed down the impact speed of the projectile.

As a result, the rain of bullets did not achieve the expected results.

Although from the outside, the gap in the fungal blanket was huge.

After the projectile penetrated the fungal blanket, the destructive power to the ship's armor was greatly reduced.

The frigates, which had already rushed into the enemy formation and shuttled at high speed, did not aim at the bullet points and make accurate finishing blows.

A wave of concentrated shooting could not cause effective damage to the armor of the Zerg warship.

Even if the ship's guns kept firing, they could only scrape off a larger area of ​​fungal blankets from the surface of the warship.

Instead, after the fungal blankets were blasted, they used the thriving roots that penetrated the hull to madly squeeze the flesh and blood of the fungi and earthworms in the ship.

A large amount of nutrients and energy were transmitted to the damaged area through the roots.

As soon as the hole was broken, a large amount of mycelium grew out at a very fast speed!

It was like a spider weaving a web, and like a wriggling maggot, it quickly intertwined and adhered, and then completely covered and wrapped the damaged area.

As time went on, those hideous gaps quickly closed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Walker stood on the bridge and looked at this strange scene through the projection screen, his eyes full of astonishment.

Before he could react, the battle situation changed again.

I saw that the thick fungal blankets suddenly had many cracks, and a lot of hideous huge heads poked out from inside.


The thunder dragons poked their heads out from the hull, and they sprayed out lightning attacks one after another.

The azure thunder seemed to burst out from various parts of the Zerg warship.

In an instant, a dense thunder net was interwoven, illuminating the extremely dark void.

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