Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 38 Development Direction

"As for wanting to get a ranking in the Star Region Competition, there's no need to consider that. Anyone who gets a ranking in the Star Region Competition is a monster."

"They will be invited to enter the internal special training and compete with the monsters from the other two districts for the resource allocation rights of the Ministry of Education of the three districts next year. These monsters are all fierce people who can be chosen and learned at will."

At this point, Lu Wenzhong paused and said again: "It's too far-fetched. Anyway, remember, if you are really good, these competitions will not only give you generous rewards, but also help you choose and learn how to do it. "

"There are many extremely precious resources. In top schools, you have the opportunity to get them, but generally you can't get them at all. So this is very important to your future. It can also be regarded as a shortcut to ignite your spirit. You have to pay attention to it during the assessment. The current stable development and solid savings." Seeing Han Fei's serious expression, Lu Wenzhong showed a satisfied look on his face after listening to what he said.

"Teacher Lu, I understand. I will definitely take the assessment on time in three months." Han Fei used to study hard when he was a sophomore in high school, but he didn't know much about what happened after his senior year in high school.

Now after listening to Lu Wenzhong's explanation, I finally have a clear idea of ​​the future route after entering higher education.

"That's it for now. You should go and get the advanced positioning transmission card. These are all issued by the school's Academic Affairs Office. If you miss it, it will be very troublesome to make up for it." After hearing Han Fei's confirmed reply, Lu Wenzhong This is a relief.

He was really afraid of these ignorant boys who, because of their arrogance and arrogance, missed the test that would be most helpful to them in the senior year of high school.

"Thanks for the reminder, I'll go there right away." Han Fei no longer hesitated and immediately stood up and walked towards the God's landing cabin next door.

Looking at Han Fei's back as he walked out of the classroom door, Lu Wenzhong raised the corners of his mouth and thought silently in his mind: "I'm so good at talking, so little guy, I can't be treated docilely by just a few words."

"Although I don't know the specific results, after completing ten invasions, we have accumulated steadily for three months. As expected, our class will secure a place in the city's league."

At this time, Han Fei, who had entered the Divine Landing Cabin, also thought to himself: "It seems that we must re-plan the future development. Now the Divine Domain is 300,000 square kilometers, and the limit is to accommodate 40 million springtails. This Compared to the growth rate of the insect swarm, this area of ​​​​the God's Domain is far from enough."

"With the current growth rate of split ovaries, the world of gods will have 35 split ovaries in 30 years. The daily insect colony production will be enough to reach 70,000 insect units, and the annual output will be more than 25 million." Thinking of this. , Han Fei started to feel pain in his head.

"We must start optimizing the genes of springtails to reduce the consumption of single units, and at the same time increase the frequency of invasion and expand the area of ​​​​the gods. We have to grasp it with both hands." Helplessly, he began to make future overtime plans in his mind, and Han Fei suddenly felt that So tired.


At 9:40, Lu Wenzhong once again stood on the podium, looked at the students who had returned to the classroom and reassembled, clapped his hands, and said to the students under the podium with a smile: "Congratulations, now it's official Entering the third year of high school, this is just the beginning. Three months later, we will take an assessment..."

Han Fei sat next to Lang Xue with a strange expression, listening to Teacher Lu's impassioned speech on the podium. The content was consistent with what he had said to Han Fei alone before, but it was more inflammatory.

Looking next to him, his eyes were clearly shining with excitement, but Jiu Nu kept a serious look on his face.

Han Fei silently complained: "This teacher Lu is quite sophisticated in his routines, and his artillery skills are also quite good."

"Lang Xue, don't get too excited here. Just use your snake family to compete in the city's college leagues. As for the global league, just listen to it. Let me ask you, when we just left the protection period, Where are the coordinates of your divine domain?" Han Fei casually interrupted Lang Xue's obscenity.

"When I left, the coordinates were..." Lang Xue, who had not yet recovered, subconsciously reported a list of coordinates when he heard Han Fei's question.

Then 꺳 reacted and said to Han Fei: "Think about it, can't you, 놋extra points, there is no difference between having no dreams and salted fish! You are still a top student, why do you ask for these coordinates?"

"Nothing, let's see how far away the 꺶 family is when they leave the safe zone." Han Fei casually brushed off Lang Xue's question and then ignored him.

At this time, Lu Wenzhong finally finished his impassioned speech, took a breath, and continued: "That's it for today. 놖껥 has sent you the gathering coordinates. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, the 꺶 family will be on time in the world of gods. gather."

"Unless notified by 놋, there will be no real classes in the future. Now you can choose your dormitory and disband based on the information on your bracelet." After saying that, Lu Wenzhong immediately walked out of the classroom.

"Let's go, too." Seeing that the class teacher had left, Han Fei stopped waiting and greeted the two people around him. He immediately got up and called up the navigation system, leaving the classroom and walking towards the dormitory area.

The three of them walked forward and looked at the distance display on the navigation system. Han Fei estimated that it would take him half an hour to walk to the dormitory area, so he and the two people around him started chatting to pass the time while walking.

"What do you think we should do to develop God's Domain in the future? This snake man has no special skills. He can't develop any industry. He is too stupid to even build a house. There is simply no direction for development." During the chat, Lang Xue suddenly asked about the problem he encountered.

Han Fei glanced at him lightly and replied casually: "Tomorrow, you can ask the head teacher and he will help plan the development direction. If it doesn't work, just sell it. Snakes are generally very lively."

"Are the dependents still for sale? The snake-man dependents are quite lively. You have to think about it, Brother Bao, what kind of business are you planning to start?" After listening to Han Fei's words, Lang Xue thought thoughtfully and turned to another topic. He turned his head to look at Li Mingbao.

"Well, dependents are standard human-type templates, and their extraordinary talents are not strong. Let's engage in industry and technology first. After igniting the gods, we can then switch to the technology system." Li Mingbao didn't hide when he heard Lang Xue's question. Privately, he stated his development direction very casually.

Lang Xue immediately looked at Li Mingbao in surprise and said, "Brother Bao can do it, but the resource requirements in this direction are particularly high, and it is difficult to increase the family's faith. The family will definitely not be able to afford it."

After Li Mingbao listened to Lang Xue's explanation, he turned to look at Han Fei and asked: "Xueba, what are your dependents? What industry are you planning to start?" He was very curious about what Han Fei's dependents were. Judging from the previous information, he 놙땣I am sure that Han Fei’s dependents should be very strong.

"The dependents are ordinary-level alienated beasts. As for industry, they should probably focus on the breeding industry." Han Fei said casually. What he did in the God's Domain was no different from the breeding industry.

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