Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 383: Desperate Charge

The fleet's plan to speed up at full speed, near the broken star belt, is simply seeking death.

Clever had no idea that the relative of the human god opposite him would be so deadly.

Buddy, who was standing by the side, was shocked when he saw the reaction of the Zerg warships, and he immediately issued an order to the entire fleet.

"All fleets are firing at full speed to prevent enemy ships from approaching!"

With this posture of the insect swarm battleships, even a fool knows that the other side is about to collide in a swarm, and is ready to pull them to death together.

At this time, Claver's fleet has not yet crossed the Broken Star Belt. If it wants to disperse and avoid, it will inevitably disrupt the formation.

A large number of ships will have to crash into the surrounding broken star belt, and may cause more serious losses due to chaos.

Therefore, Buddy directly chose to concentrate and suppress, trying to block the desperate advance of the enemy fleet as much as possible.

All the Longwa battleships that received the order output their power crazily.

When the energy supply equipment of massive divine energy crystals is operating at full power, it is converted into majestic divine power, which is injected into the divine pattern array to quickly charge various divine technology cannons of the same type.

Kinetic energy shells, high-energy rays, particle beams, ionized plasma...

For a time, energy and physical attacks of various colors bloomed in this void.

It was originally a Divine Pattern Cannon with the same target, but it already focused on the strike effect, even the range and hit rate, and poured all its ammunition towards the Zerg fleet.

Looking back at the madly advancing Zerg fleet, the battleship's engines were already overloaded with energy, and bursts of flowers burst out under the high load of energy flowing through the energy supply lines.

But even though the engine has been turned off, the battleship that has picked up speed is still under the influence of huge inertia, adjusting its course through the auxiliary engine and heading straight for the target.

Especially after the stern engine exploded and exploded, the entire battleship was like a comet dragging its tail of flames, drawing brilliant strips of light in the void.

Faced with such a calculated high-speed advance, the distance between the two fleets closed in an instant.

The heavy battleships in the Longwa fleet had no time to fully charge their cannons before they had to fire in a hurry.

However, the fungus blanket covered by the Zerg warship quickly made up for the damage caused by the naval gun by frantically absorbing the flesh and blood of the insect swarm units in the ship.

The fungi covering the bow of the ship grew uncontrollably and savagely when energy was given priority.

In a short time, it has expanded into a thick crown of bacteria.

The Zerg warship that originally looked like a winter melon now turned into a mushroom.

It's probably like this, just change the skin

The thick crown of fungi was like a huge shield woven by flesh and blood vines, completely covering the rear hull, resisting the enemy's relentless and intensive force.

Although the Zerg warship was penetrated by the enemy's heavy force during the advance.

But even if the power is completely lost and the burning wreckage of the ship is still there, the surviving thunder dragons in the battleship will continue to adjust their course through the consciousness network.

Only the Zerg warships hit by some physical kinetic energy shells will disintegrate on the spot under the huge impact.

Then they were smashed into pieces by other warships that followed closely. Even so, these fleets of ships that ran over similar ships did not stop at all.

That crazy momentum of fear of death completely revealed the Zerg's disregard for life and death in Clever's eyes.

As for the monocular crew members inside the battleship, they were afraid of death.

놇Under the coverage of the consciousness network of the brain worm commanders, relying on the double suppression of blood and mutant mental power, the single-eyed worms participating in the battle could easily lose their minds completely.

These single-eyed bug crew members, who had reached the level of fanatics, had their blood boiling in an instant and fell into a crazy and violent state of bloodlust.

The cruel and desperate momentum of the Zerg fleet really shocked Clever's family members.

In their horrified eyes, the hundreds of Zerg warships rushing to the front had already broken through the area with the densest force network.

Most of the Longwa battleship's guns have lost their optimal range of fire and require time to be recalibrated.

The medium-caliber naval gun cannot deal a fatal blow to the Zerg warship at all, and can even slightly delay its advance speed.

In an instant, the warship carrying the fungus crown collided with the destroyer formation that had fully maximized its shield output.

The overloaded defensive force field has greatly weakened its impact.

But these thousand-meter-long battleships are already as large as the cruisers in the Longwa fleet.

For a destroyer with a density level half an order of magnitude lower, in such a head-on collision, any destroyer that dodges will be knocked over and rolled far away, resulting in an immediate destruction of the ship and the loss of lives.

The remaining strength of the Zerg fleet was eliminated, and it broke through the defense line composed of destroyers.

Continue to charge towards the middle and rear of the Claver fleet, where the flagship is surrounded and protected by nearly a thousand heavy cruisers.

Unfortunately, at this time, the large attack array engraved on the bow of the ship has been tightly wrapped by the bacterial crown and cannot be opened anymore.

As for the Zerg units carried in the ship, most of them were drained of life and flesh by the fungus carpet.

Unable to cause greater chaos to Claver's fleet, Han Fei felt helpless.

If you are poor, you can make do with some bargains.

However, Clever and the fleet commanders on the opposite side knew the inside story.

Seeing that the Zerg fleet had rushed into the hinterland of their own array, their faces turned pale.

They thought that the enemy's warships were slow to fire their guns, most likely because they were accumulating energy to attack the flagship.

For Cleaver, who was a god, this was naturally not life-threatening.

Even if the fleet was completely destroyed, it would only mean the loss of a squadron for him.

But when the lizardmen on the flagship faced this threat, it was a life-threatening moment.

Fleet commander Buddy took over the command at this time and issued various orders decisively.

His prestige accumulated over the years easily stabilized the morale of the army at this critical moment.

The huge flagship not only maximized the output power of the defense field, but also activated the divine shield.

The five-kilometer-long battleship, the mysterious divine pattern on the hull like meridians quickly lit up.

The divine power flowing in it exudes a brilliant divine light, and inside the defense field, a more solid divine shield is condensed.

This is the ultimate defense barrier of the flagship, and the divine energy crystals consumed are extremely terrifying.

According to the existing divine energy crystal reserves in the ship, the shield cannot be maintained for a long time.

All of Cleaver's warships adjusted their hull postures and stopped to output power to the Zerg warships that broke into their own formation.

Looking at the Zerg warships one after another, the void was like a large firework. Buddy clenched his fists with both hands, his eyes were extremely firm.

"If we can block the enemy's first wave of artillery fire, we will win!"

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