Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 389 Profit 1

In the cradle resource well, Han Fei drove the divine domain and slowly entered the boundary buffer zone between the inner and outer circles.

As soon as he crossed a certain area, the landing capsule immediately popped up a warning message, reminding him that he was about to enter the inner circle of the ‘cradle’.

He did not care about this, and continued to move forward until he approached the dividing line marked by the star map and successfully met the Zerg fleet that had been waiting there.

In the ‘cradle’, it is a very common phenomenon for the gods to leave the divine domain in the boundary buffer zone and send the family fleet to the inner circle to fish for resources.

After all, the gods cannot leave the outer circle, and the family fleet will leave the inner circle, even if it is completely safe.

A Zerg fleet towing a large number of divine domain fragments appeared in front of Han Fei’s divine domain.

The fragments of the divine domain, which were originally covered with thick fungal blankets, shrank and wriggled their roots rapidly due to the interference of the brain worms in order to break away from the surface they covered.

Then, under the pulling of the warship's tractor beam, pieces of fungal blankets rose into the air, like cracked skin peeled off from the fragments of the divine domain.

These fungi without self-awareness, although they have no wisdom and find it difficult to execute complex instructions.

But the instincts recorded in their genes allow them to be easily suppressed by high-level Zerg units.

Whether Han Fei's divine thoughts or the mental coverage of the brain worms, they can drive the fungal blankets within a range, and even make them passively do some simple actions.

For example, accelerate the growth of a designated area, or shrink and break away.

The fungal blanket land in the inner circle of the cradle deliberately glued and spliced ​​a large number of fragments of the divine domain with directional growth fungal blankets.

After the Zerg swarm killed the Longwa fleet, Han Fei decisively issued an evacuation order.

Wilson and other brain worm commanders stationed on the fungal blanket land immediately controlled part of the outer fungal blanket to shrink quickly after receiving this order.

Without the fungal blanket adhesion, the fungal blanket land was re-splitting a large number of God's Domain fragments for the Zerg warship to tow.

At this time, the fungal blanket peeled off from the God's Domain fragments, towed by the warship, slowly approached Han Fei's God's Domain.

As soon as it touched the fungal blanket layer covering the God's Domain barrier, it quickly merged into it.

Han Fei sent the Zerg fleet into the inner circle of the 'Cradle', in addition to salvaging resources, it was also to save resources for cultivating fungal blankets.

Every time he recovered the fungal blanket, he would keep some of it to thicken the outer fungal blanket layer of his own divine domain, and use it as a reserve food for the insect swarm. The rest would be sold inside the academy through Liu Dan's channels.

For Han Fei, this was almost a no-cost business. Even if he gave Liu Dan a 50% discount, he could still make a lot of money.

Especially after he showed Liu Dan the controllability of the fungal blanket, the number of orders for the fungal blanket, which was Han Fei's first punch product, skyrocketed.

This kind of controllable product that can easily improve strength at a very low cost, the gods are still willing to try the effect.

Liu Dan even offered a sky-high price to buy a batch of brainworms. If Han Fei hadn't insisted on not selling, Liu Dan would have killed him with money.

Fortunately, in addition to brainworms, single-eyed worms with low faith can also barely drive the fungal blanket.

The mental power of the single-eyed worm has not been induced, and it can only build a simple mental coverage area.

Compared with the consciousness network of the brain worm, there is an insurmountable gap in terms of coverage and mental strength.

But in Liu Dan's opinion, as long as it can drive the fungal blanket, it is enough.

He did not hesitate to order a large number of single-eyed worm larvae from Han Fei at an extremely high unit price.

Damn, unit price!

Han Fei's single-eyed worms are sold at a price, as a species with intelligence that he "carefully cultivated", in order to reflect its preciousness.

It can't be like the main combat worm group, where each delivery is priced according to the legion level.

As for the degree to which these sold single-eyed worm larvae can be cultivated, it depends on the buyer's own ability.

It must be said that the single-eyed worm larvae bought by Liu Dan are all lucky ones in the species.

After years of research and practice, Feixiusi, who is in charge of the faith of the clan, has summarized a set of relatively effective brainworm holy spirit cultivation processes and wrote an epic masterpiece of faith.

"The Path of the Holy Spirit: From Birth to Eternal Life!"

He also extended the scope of application of this process to the entire monocular worm population.

Today, this guiding work has become a holy book for the faith cultivation team.

This professional "brainwashing team" headed by Feixiusi is composed of holy spirits.

Although Feixiusi is not a core clan, he cannot directly provide divinity to Han Fei like the brainworm holy spirit.

But among the existing holy spirits, his position is unquestionable.

Not only several first-generation brainworms such as Heseman were cultivated by him when they were young, but the vast majority of the later-promoted brainworm holy spirits also "benefited" from his holy spirit cultivation plan.

Feixius is truly worthy of the title of the brainworm saint master.

Under his leadership, all the holy spirits divided their work and built an efficient faith cultivation system for the brainworm and single-eyed worm population.

During the growth of the single-eyed worm, how to establish faith, improve piety, and make it a fanatic brainworm.

Then, after the single-eyed worm becomes a brainworm, how to build three views, induce promotion conditions, and make it a holy spirit.

It can be said that after all the single-eyed worms are hatched, the entire worm life has been strictly planned and firmly controlled by the faith cultivation team.

There are two endings for their insect life. Either they die due to elimination during the growth process, or they are completely transformed and become holy spirits.

This cruel and cold-blooded elimination mode means that even some brainworm legion leaders can no longer easily lie on the military merit book and enjoy a good insect life like in the past.

All single-eyed worms and brainworms will undergo regular and rigorous screening in a variety of ways, and survival competitions are one of them.

Once, twice, three times..., no promotion, no screening!

You know, even in survival competitions for brainworms, the death rate is often as high as more than two times!

Some brainworms that have participated in several consecutive sessions and are still alive, even if they fail to successfully promote to holy spirits, are definitely fierce insects with extraordinary strength, outstanding wisdom, and bursting luck.

The mental strength and will of this kind of fierce insects are often honed to be extremely tough.

If they really play with their lives, they have the probability of taking the same promotion path as Patrick.

This is equivalent to providing a training route for the brain worms to become hero units in disguise.

As the master, Han Fei is naturally happy to see this.

Therefore, he completely lifted the restrictions on the death rate of previous survival competitions, and repeatedly gave Fesius a large amount of performance bonuses to encourage him to continue to do it.

The brain worms have been rolled up like this, and the living environment of the single-eyed worms can be imagined.

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