Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 400 Fungal Farm

The warships Liu Dan had built for Han Fei before had already reduced the cost of shipbuilding to less than half of the price of a normal transport ship or a bare ship.

Excluding the material cost, the OEM fee earned is actually very meager.

Spending the same labor cost, if the family members of 놛 can produce best-selling magic technology creations.

If sold on the Gods Exchange Continent, the profit would definitely far exceed that of producing these shabby shelves.

If Han Fei hadn't used the void insect swarm and the carpet monocles to offset the purchase price and given him the exclusive agency rights, Liu Dan would never have agreed to do the work for him.

Nowadays, Han Fei is directly speaking, not only to increase production, but also to reduce costs again.

The labor fees for the dependents are very high, okay? Not only do you want to have prostitution for free, you also have to pay for it yourself!

From Liu Dan's perspective, the more of these junk warships we build, the more we will lose?

"Friendship is friendship, business is business, we can't accept this money-losing deal of yours, please hire someone else!"

Liu Dan chewed the explosive Yangbao fiercely and stared at Han Fei with contempt.

Seeing Liu Dan's appearance, Han Fei squinted his eyes, raised his hand and used his magic bracelet to send a document to Brother Dan and Sister Dan.

"Haha, I just trained a new family unit."

"Two bosses, how about getting to know each other?"

The document Han Fei sent was naturally related to red-eyed barnacles. It contained detailed theoretical data and a large number of measured images.

These materials were prepared long before the meeting with Liu Dan.

After quickly browsing the information, Liu Dan and Mu Peng immediately showed great interest.

Mu Peng, who never liked nonsense, asked directly: "How do you plan to sell this thing?"

Han Fei knew this tiger girl's temper, so he didn't deliberately seduce her, and said solemnly:

"It's quite troublesome to cultivate this thing. I don't plan to sell it to external parties for the time being. At least, I have no plans to sell it to external parties until it fully meets my own needs."

"Just looking at the data, you should know clearly that if enough of this thing is accumulated."

"Not only is the 'money' prospect bright, it can even be said that this is the cheapest strategic weapon."

"It can also form a blanket of bacteria that has the effect of one plus one in two..."

After listening to Han Fei's explanation, Liu Dan, who understood instantly, said helplessly with a constipated expression on his face:

"Okay, I can continue to manufacture Zerg warships for you according to quality and quantity according to your requirements."

"But all the shipbuilding costs must be offset by using red-eyed barnacles."

"In addition, if you plan to sell red-eyed barnacles in bulk in the future, you must leave it to me as the exclusive agent."

Han Fei, who had obviously expected this, smiled brightly.

"Mr. Dan is angry, deal!"

Afterwards, the price of red-eyed barnacles was discounted, relying on the deep trust between the two parties.

Han Fei was so angry that he offered Liu Dan a 50% discount on the sales price.

Even if Liu Dan guessed that the cost of cultivating this thing might not be high, Han Fei would definitely make a profit.

But from 놛's point of view, high-quality products like Red-Eyed Barnacle, which are cost-effective and can compete with or even surpass battleship weapon systems, are also a monopoly business.

As long as Hanfei opens up to external sales in the future, 놛's profit margin will not be low either.

Both parties in the transaction felt that it was a good deal, and the transaction was naturally smooth and smooth. In a few words, Han Fei established his own warship foundry.

In the following days, Han Fei temporarily put down the research work at hand.

놛Leave more consciousness and energy in the real world.

Regarding the development and management of the divine domain in his own world of gods, he has temporarily lowered the intensity of his daily work by one level.

In addition to attending classes and going to the library every day, I also manage the affairs of the Ethics and Discipline Inspection Committee.

Occasionally, when I have free time, I will meet up with some close friends and have a few drinks.

This is the way of life advocated by civilized central universities.

If you are blindly immersed in the world of gods and are constantly out of touch with reality, it is indeed easy to have mental problems.

Although Han Fei returned to normal campus life.

However, in the divine realm, due to the "pioneering work" dominated by the insect swarm, it was like a raging fire cooking oil, and it completely entered a boiling state.

One after another, the latest version of the Zerg warships, controlled by the single-eyed insect, sailed out of the God's Domain barrier.

The outer covering layer of bacteria shrinks in an early direction, leaving a passage for these battleships to pass through.

The Zerg warship that left the God's Domain immediately started its jump engine and made a long-distance space jump toward the predetermined coordinate position in the inner circle of the cradle.

This kind of jump that lacks early warning measures and does not step in advance is extremely risky.

No one can predict what will happen at the target point of the space jump.

But fortunately, most of the reserved coordinates are in remote areas where there is no trace.

In the inner circle of such a huge cradle, it is not a probability event to directly encounter the active gods and their families.

As long as the Zerg warships that jumped over were not directly involved in the void turbulence, it was actually not common for them to be written off on the spot.

Compared with conventional navigation, this method of exploration is not only more efficient, but also saves a lot of fuel and daily consumption.

Comparing the two, Han Fei naturally prefers to let the warships spread directly through space jumps.

Anyway, these newly built cheap warships have ridiculously low configurations.

In addition to a cost-effective jump engine and the corresponding power system, there is a small life-support equipment as the bridge for the captain's life.

The captain has been reduced to about 100 meters, and the rest of the configuration is to save as much as possible.

In order to save costs, the main combat swarm on board has been replaced with the long-obsolete but cheaper Void version of springtails and flying dragons.

Even the red-eyed barnacles used as ship guns were hastily put into service before the number reached the upper limit of the ship's capacity, and they could only reproduce slowly after departure.

Therefore, Han Fei didn't feel bad at all if a few of these ships crashed occasionally.

In the monocular worm and brain worm, this type of ship is called a civilian pioneer ship.

As the name suggests, it is a ship dedicated to exploration and pioneering in the inner circle of the cradle.

These ultra-low-configuration ships will be driven by monocular worms to build their own fungal blanket farms in the vast areas pre-planned and search for fragments of the ownerless domain.

Whether it is direct spreading of fungal blankets for free-range breeding or concentrated large-scale breeding, it is up to you to play freely.

If you can encounter high-value and rare resources, you will receive extra rewards for timely reporting.

The single-eyed worms who get the "pioneer" status, take large loans to buy pioneer ships, and enter this emerging industry at a considerable risk, just for the extremely considerable expected returns.

The level of faith of these single-eyed worms can never reach the level of fanatics, so they cannot be promoted to brain worms.

Their actual status in the swarm is actually not much higher than that of the main combat swarms with low IQ.

Compared with the brain worm group that enjoys preferential treatment, the single-eyed worms at the level of devout believers are almost like consumables.

Now you only need to buy a pioneer ship and actively participate in the pioneering.

After paying off the loan and returning to the divine domain, you can retire immediately and become a boss with a ship and gain limited autonomy.

Especially those who have made contributions to the tribe can even be rewarded and leave the army to join politics.

In the society of the one-eyed tribe, serving as a high-ranking official is a different path of life.

No longer have to worry about being eliminated and purged.

Under the generous policies issued by Han Fei, the subjective initiative of the one-eyed insects at the level of devout believers is directly maximized, and there is an endless stream of people who want to participate in the pioneering industry.

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