Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 408 Ambush 3

Main, who was on the flagship, had completely lost his calm expression on his face, replaced by an expression of horror and fear.

"Why..., this can't be..., without the protection of the jump barrier, only the main gun level of the battleship can penetrate the energy barrier of the destroyer!"

The scene in front of him was beyond his reasonable cognition. With just one volley, the opponent destroyed half of his warships.

Sitting up from the command chair, Main shouted angrily at the panicked crew in the bridge with an ugly face:

"Find out what that is!"

Relying on the prestige accumulated over the years, his rebuke at this time can help others in panic find the backbone.

But this only temporarily stabilized the morale of the army.

Wilson, on the other side, did not show much excitement after seeing that his first wave of salvos had caused extremely high losses to the opponent.

Entering the state of war, controlling the situation in this area in real time, he saw that almost all the small and medium-sized warships of the alien fleet were destroyed.

The rest were all Type 5 destroyers and cruisers, as well as more than ten battleships with a length of more than five meters.

Without hesitation, Wilson immediately continued to control the surrounding floating gun arrays and started the second wave of concentrated fire.

The priority target was directly aimed at those warships whose energy shields were overloaded in the previous attack and had lost their ability to resist.

More accurate energy rays once again covered the remaining fleet.

The large number of warships turned into fireworks blooming in the void under the attack of high-energy rays.

Then came the third wave of salvos, the fourth wave of salvos...

If the red-eyed barnacle wants to emit high-energy rays that can pass through the jump barrier, it must raise the energy level of the attack to the strength of the battleship's main gun.

All the energy consumed by their attacks needs to be quickly replenished by consuming the reserves of the fungal blanket.

After multiple rounds of ultra-high-intensity salvos, the reserve energy of the fungal blanket harvested in the past half month has been consumed, and it is temporarily unable to continue to provide sufficient energy for the red-eyed barnacle.

In addition, some red-eyed barnacles died due to emitting high-energy rays that exceeded their own limits, causing the intensity of the subsequent waves of attacks to continue to decline.

Wilson, who had an overview of the battle situation, found that the efficiency of destroying the opponent's warships in the subsequent rounds of shooting by the floating artillery array began to decline.

He shook his head helplessly. This situation was within his expectations.

The intensity of high-energy rays after the original energy level dropped is difficult to pose a fatal threat to the Type 2 warship equipped with a high-power energy shield.

As long as the opponent's attack energy level cannot reach the strength to penetrate the energy shield, and the energy supply of the ship-borne energy shield launcher is stable, the damaged energy shield can be quickly recharged.

Unfortunately, there are too many red-eyed barnacles, and many warships have suffered varying degrees of damage in the first round of ultra-high-energy salvos arranged by Wilson.

Even if the intensity of the subsequent rounds of salvos dropped sharply, the density of the attack did not decrease but increased.

The spherical encirclement constructed by the floating artillery array completely surrounded the entire alien fleet.

No matter which angle, the warships in it will be bombarded by high-energy rays, and there is almost no gap!

Most cruisers' energy shield launchers, in this non-stop intensive attack, have various faults or even burn out due to output power overload.

Round after round of covering high-energy rays, like a downpour, sprinkled on Myne's fleet, and the clusters of fireworks from the explosions of warships continued to sweep from the edge of the remaining fleet array to the center.

No warship within the coverage attack range could escape such intensive attacks!

Myne, who was on the flagship, looked at the one-sided battlefield situation and knew that he must have kicked the iron plate this time.

"The fleet will disperse immediately. While the jump barrier has not completely disappeared, the attack lock will be disturbed. Everyone will break out separately and regroup after leaving our firepower range."

He decisively issued an order to break out. In his opinion, this is the only option at present.

The opponent's attack is not only huge in number, but also powerful. Who can withstand it?

Besides, the floating artillery array has built a spherical encirclement, which is not invulnerable.

Relying on hundreds of thousands of rootless duckweed-like fungal mats and ray towers rooted on them, such a large-scale encirclement was built. The power in each direction was undoubtedly extremely weak.

If the remaining Type 5 warships were to break out in a dispersed manner, not only would the target be reduced, but the floating artillery array that could not move would no longer be able to carry out the all-round concentrated fire like now.

There would inevitably be loopholes in the entire encirclement, allowing some undamaged Type 5 ships to break out.

Not only did Mayne notice this, but Wilson, as the designer of the floating artillery array tactics, also had this in mind.

This was the reason why he endured the pain and was willing to sacrifice a large amount of fungal mats and red-eyed barnacles to gain an absolute advantage in the first wave of attacks.

The subsequent floating artillery array continued to fire continuously in order to kill as many enemy ships as possible before the enemy commander could react.

Now, even if Mayne reacted, his troops had already suffered huge losses, and a large number of warships were constantly destroyed in the process of breaking through.

In the end, the only ships that could really break through the floating artillery array would be those dozen battleships and more than 10,000 cruisers that suffered varying degrees of damage.

What made Mayne vomit blood was that even the warships that had broken through were still within the attack range of the Red Eye Barnacle Ray Tower.

The Red Eye Barnacle's all-round attack angles made the warships that had just broken through continue to be bombarded by high-energy rays while trying to quickly distance themselves.

As the interference of the jump barrier disappeared, whether it was the main guns of the warships, the auxiliary guns, or even the air defense arrays...

All the ship-borne weapons began to roar wildly, pouring fire on the floating guns within the range.

The crew vented their anger and panic in this way, and a large number of fungal blankets collapsed and exploded in the gunfire.

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