Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 410 External Invasion 1

Chapter 410: Invasion 1

Once these leopard men with dragon blood can greatly increase the concentration of blood through force.

It is possible to completely activate the dragon blood in the body and produce a benign mutation like blood reversion.

After the mutation, these dragon vein leopard men can easily obtain a strong body comparable to that of dragon-like creatures.

Even if they are only elites, the huge advantages brought by the flesh can also make them have combat power far beyond ordinary elites.

Combined with a systematic strengthening and training method, after embarking on the path of extraordinary fighting spirit, the strength can even approach the pseudo-hero level.

On the flagship today, not only has the fleet commander Myne reached the hero level combat power, but he is also equipped with a hundred "dragon warriors" as his personal guards.

These muscular giants with a height of less than five meters and the characteristics of leopard men and dragons.

When facing the huge killers, their relatively small size and extremely strong physical fitness became their combat advantages in the narrow terrain.

After Mayen divided his guards into several teams and went to various places of the flagship for reinforcement, the situation in the ship soon reversed.

In the narrow passage, the killers' huge bodies were not easy to use, and they even had difficulty passing through some areas.

The killers who rushed to the front could only deal with the group fight of the "Dragon Warrior" team alone.

The Zerglings and Hydralisks that followed them could only play a disruptive role at most.

Facing the "Dragon Warriors" with a small body and extremely fast movements, the killers could only wave their sickles randomly to try to stop them from approaching.

However, such defense was almost useless.

The 'Dragonborn Warriors' who cooperated well could easily find the gaps in the killer's defense with the help of their companions.

Then when they swung their sharp divine power, their faces wrapped in flame-like fighting spirit would stick to the killer's shell, and easily break the tough skin from the gaps between the scales.

Swing upward, cut into the flesh, and withdraw immediately...

Everything was as smooth and neat as flowing water, leaving the killer almost no time to react, and causing serious damage.

Although the killer had thick skin and flesh, it was still a flesh and blood body.

When the 'Dragonborn Warrior's' blade cut into their body, the majestic fighting spirit burst out and directly bypassed the hard shell and poured into the body.

The violent fighting spirit rushed into the killer's body, wantonly destroying the more fragile internal organs.

Under the efficient and precise strangulation of the ‘Dragonborn Warrior’ team, the restricted killers could not hold out for long and would be killed on the spot.

Other Type 2 Zerg units that invaded the warships were in the face of these powerful individual forces.

Because of the integrity of the warships, the Type 2 Zergs without the Flame Dragonfly had no way to deal with them.

As the killers died one by one, the hot blood gushing out of the wounds flowed everywhere on the deck, gathering into a stream of steaming hot water.

Seeing that all the enemy ships were captured one after another, only the enemy’s flagship, the Zerg commando’s offensive was slow to start.

They even suffered a head-on blow, and the troops that entered the ship faced the possibility of being completely wiped out.

"Ace, you useless guy, why haven't you taken the flagship yet? Your performance bonus this month will be halved!"

In the consciousness network, Wilson angrily scolded his chief assistant:

"I can't count on you idiots at all, I'd better do it myself."

Opening the hatch, Wilson stepped out of the special command cabin, and the sticky nutrient solution dripped from his sturdy body.

He shook his head casually, and the nutrient solution that soaked his golden hair splashed away, without a drop left.


Wilson raised his head and let out a tiger roar.

His new body is a hero-level warrior of the tiger man.

Just because of the high degree of soul compatibility, this tiger man body has been gradually transformed after he took over, tending to be highly Zerg-like.

The original tiger tail has been forcibly transformed into an arthropod-like scorpion tail, and the tip of the tail has a hideous barb.

From the nape to the tip of the tail, a carapace-like spine grows, with sharp barbs like a bend.

Only the two upper canine teeth that are more than half a foot long, and the golden hair with brown tiger stripes all over the head, can still vaguely see the original appearance of the tiger people.

It is probably this body shape, plus the alien tail and body carapace, a tiger person's head! Use your imagination!

With the buzzing sound of the catapult track, Wilson's Thunder Dragon, at a super high initial speed, shot out from the Zerg flagship.

He drove the Thunder Dragon and easily avoided the warship wreckage and Zerg corpses that were scattered throughout the airspace on the route.

After getting close enough, Wilson kicked his feet hard, and the Thunder Dragon he was riding, under the huge force, instantly exploded into a ball of blood mist.

Then Wilson's sturdy body rushed straight towards the enemy's flagship like a meteor.


Using his head to grab the ship, Wilson used the powerful impact force to knock a hole in the enemy's flagship with his head.

Not only the outer armor, but also the inner shell was penetrated by him.

Wilson himself was not hurt at all. Now he not only perfectly inherited the strong body of this heroic tiger man.

When he entered the heroic level, the talent he obtained also tended to strengthen the body.

Let alone the overall combat power, Wilson was sure that he was much stronger than most hero-level followers in terms of physical defense alone.

This can be seen from the detailed data that Dimi personally verified and provided.

Even the close-range bombardment of the divine heavy artillery could not completely destroy Wilson's physical defense.

He was tied to the shooting range by Dimi, and was blown away for several kilometers by a cannon, enduring huge impact and energy damage.

He was able to crawl back to the test site by himself with his heroic-level strong body.

It was precisely because he had something to rely on and the battle situation was determined that Wilson was sure that there was no possibility of a setback, so he was considered to be personally out.

As a brainworm with a strong desire to improve himself, when his side had an absolute advantage and there was no danger.

His personal appearance on the front line of the battle not only set an example for his employees, but also enjoyed the pleasure of crazy bullying.

I can also show my bravery to the great master. Maybe today's performance will catch the master's eye.

Then, the master will waive his war loan when he is happy?

When I meet a strong man, I am submissive;

When I meet a weak man, I punch hard.

That's how despicable!

The place where Wilson invaded happened to be in a narrow cabin.

As soon as he crashed into the warship, he saw several "Dragonborn Warriors" besieging a killer.

From the chopped-up bodies of Zerglings and Hydralisks around, it can be seen that this siege has been going on for a while.

Sensing the killer in front of him, most of the energy organs in his body were crushed under the attack of the opponent, and he was already in a stage of serious injury and dying.

Wilson immediately felt unhappy.

As a high-level Zerg, he had no kinship with the consumables of the Zerg, the Killers.

But as the boss of the pioneer fleet, these were the tool bugs he had bought with a loan.

They were all his assets for promotion and wealth in the future, so how could he let others slaughter them at will?

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