Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 422 It’s really fun

But now, this huge toy is right in front of me.

It would be unreasonable not to experience it properly, since it is not my own thing anyway.

I can build it casually. If it gets knocked, bumped, or damaged, I won't feel bad.

With the mentality of taking advantage of the bargain, Han Fei changed into a standard space combat driving suit.

He stepped out of the constant gravity zone and floated towards the green mecha standing in the distance.

When he entered the cockpit through the chest of the mecha and sat in the driver's seat,


Two soft prompt sounds immediately rang in Han Fei's ears. When the hatch door closed automatically, the originally dim control panel automatically lit up.

As the 360-degree panoramic imaging system surrounding the cockpit was activated, the originally cramped cockpit immediately became bright.

Then a palm-sized Q-version cartoon projection of a Kshatriya appeared in the cockpit.

"Dear pilot, this is the onboard intelligence of this machine, 'Big Green Pepper'. It is detected that this is your first time to log in to this machine."

"You will automatically enter the machine explanation and control guidance tutorial. If you don't need it, please choose to skip."

Looking at the onboard intelligence projection that suddenly appeared in front of him,

Han Fei raised his eyebrows.

"No wonder Dandan let you get on the machine so confidently. It turns out that this mecha is also equipped with auxiliary intelligence."

"Even the instruction manual is so advanced. High-end products are really different."

Thinking of this, Han Fei nodded gently, indicating that the auxiliary intelligence can start explaining.

After receiving Han Fei's signal, the cartoon Q-version Big Green Pepper immediately projected a proportionally reduced image of a Kshatriya in front of you, and used it as an example to explain.

"As a high-end divine power mecha, this machine was built with a divine mind sensing skeleton and a mental brain wave synchronizer."

"The manual control system can only be used with the assistance of intelligence to drive the machine to make simple movements. If you want to bring out the nature of this Kshatriya, you must have a body transformed by divine power and a strong enough divine mind to drive the consciousness control system."

Hearing this, Han Fei's face flashed a hint of joy. The divine mind sensing skeleton and mental brain wave synchronizer are extremely expensive and have extremely harsh conditions for use, but their role is also worth the money.

In short, we let the driver directly control the mecha with consciousness.

In this way, the difficulty of driving the mecha is instantly reduced to a level that novices can easily use.

Not only has Han Fei's body been transformed by divine power for many years, but he has also reached the level of a god in the world of gods.

Through the connection between soul and body, Han Fei projected the divine thoughts of reality, although the strength was not high because he had not been a god for a long time.

Usually it was only used to control Mao to rub his back, but the quality was also a real god level.

Compared with being in the world of gods, for those who have lost their divine domain, it is at least one level higher.

It is naturally no problem to use it to drive this mecha.

Without waiting for Han Fei to try, he released his divine thoughts to connect to the control system.

The intelligent projection of the machine has already begun to introduce:

"The characteristic equipment of this machine is the four large multi-purpose pods mounted on the shoulders, which not only integrate additional balance and propulsion components, but also four small weapons depots."

"Each pod is equipped with six beam floaters under the width, and two beam particle cannons on both sides."

"There are also multiple mechanical arms and small beam swords hidden in the wing section of the pod."

"At the same time, each pod is also equipped with an independent force field generator, and the pod itself is also a very good defensive shield."

"In addition, there are four high-speed ray cannons on both sides of the chest of the Kshatriya body, and two beam swords are hidden in the arms as close combat weapons."

Hearing this, Han Fei's scalp tingled.

Wow, a single mecha is equipped with 24 floaters.

8 beam particle cannons, 4 high-speed ray cannons, plus 6 beam swords and 4 divine shield generators.

This firepower and defense configuration are really armed to the teeth. (With pictures)

I think the big green pepper is actually quite handsome!

Add to that the divine engine, divine mind sensing skeleton, mental brain wave synchronizer and other equipment.

No wonder Liu Dan dared to say that the cost of a mecha is equivalent to that of a cruiser.

From now on, this should be a relatively conservative statement.

After stabilizing his mind again, Han Fei silently followed the onboard intelligence. It took more than 10 minutes to solve the mecha.

As Han Fei completed the divine mind connection with the body and drove the body into space, he felt for the first time that controlling the mecha was so simple.

The engine output, the flying posture, the direction adjustment... the whole mecha seemed to be a part of the body.

Under Han Fei's control, the Kshatriya sprinted in space, stopped suddenly, flipped, changed direction continuously... all kinds of difficult movements were easily captured.

This made Han Fei, who had never been very interested in mechas before, sigh at this time: "It's really fun."


With this big toy for the novice, the originally boring space travel immediately became colorful.

Liu Dan and Han Fei would reduce the speed of the battleship from time to time, and then drive the mecha to rush into space for a while.

The original three-day trip was dragged on by the two of them until the seventh day, when they barely arrived at the coordinates on the notice.

From a distance, through the light and shadow imaging system of the warship, the two saw their destination this time.

In the vast area, with the background of the starry sky, a small mobile space station quietly floated in the space.

Just as they discovered this space station, a regional information plus a communication request was also received by the Eternal.

"This is Songgang 461 Space Military Port. Attention, destroyer in front, you are entering a military restricted area."

"Please identify yourself immediately and show your ship's registration and warship registration certificate, otherwise we will have the right to take necessary measures against your ship."

Looking at the content of the message, Han Fei and Liu Dan, who were lying on the lazy sofa dedicated to the bridge, were not nervous at all.

Liu Dan waved his hand and asked the two female bionic robots beside him to move away.

He sat up straight and chose to connect the video communication. At the same time, he sent the ship's registry, warship registration, the two people's student ID cards of the school, and the exercise observation certificate to each other.

After 5 minutes of simple questioning and identity verification.

Under the guidance of the military port control personnel, the flashy Eternal slowly drove to the spaceport in front of it.

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