Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 432 Sneak Attack

Nardari is an Ossi ace pilot, controlling his Silver Knight, and easily avoided two beams of harassment from a distance with a flip.

Looking at the black machine in front of him, which once again solved the three people's lore, Nadari couldn't help but feel annoyed.

The three Ossi ace pilots on his side have been delayed for five minutes by the powerful mecha in front.

During this period, not only the colonial space station was constantly under the bombardment of the enemy fleet.

Even the mecha troops that rushed out were also being crushed by the enemy mecha troops.

The only chance to change the situation is that the three of them can get rid of the damn human ace pilot in front of them as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when the colony space station is destroyed, not only the 80,000 people inside will face a catastrophe.

Even if we kill the machine in front of us at that time, we can't escape without the micro star gate.

Thinking of this, Nadari can no longer suppress his inner anxiety.

He controlled his silver knight, threw away the mecha and held the shield in his left hand, and then pulled out the second physical sword equipped with the mecha from his waist.

Then, the engine behind the silver knight was fully powered, and rushed towards the black machine on the opposite side again.

As the more violent attacks were launched, Nadari could clearly feel that the pressure on him began to gradually decrease.

"It works!"

This made Nadari happy and his attacks became more fierce.

Nadari focused all his attention on the opponent in front of him, and didn't care about the other soldiers who kept harassing him.

Naturally, he didn't pay special attention to the green mecha in the distance that was slowly approaching them.

Just when he attacked, he was blocked by the opponent's shield again.

Without any warning, the alarm in Nadari's cockpit rang wildly.

Four high-energy rays brushed the cockpit at the waist of the black body in front of him and attacked him.

At the same time, there were eight particle beams at extremely tricky angles.

After blocking all the evasive space on the right side, the attack route of the two companions was also cut off.

Without any hesitation, Nadari, who has rich driving experience, immediately released the physical sword that collided with the shield through conditioned reflex.

The body flipped over forcefully, the engine thrust was fully pulled, and it moved sideways to the left, narrowly avoiding the twelve beams.

But before he could recover from this sudden attack.

On the left, the floating guns that had been ambushed opened fire at the same time.

Twenty-four beams formed a net, which had completely blocked all the space for him to dodge.

Even if the ace pilot had a slow reaction, facing this attack that seemed to hit him, Nadari had no chance to retreat.

At the critical moment, he could only forcibly lift the physical sword in his left hand to block the area where the cockpit was located.

Boom boom boom………….

Of the 24 beams fired by the floating gun, 12 of them were used to block the space for evasion and all missed.

The beam that rushed to the cockpit was blocked by Nadari with the physical sword.

The remaining beams, after hitting the Silver Knight's head, left arm and left leg, did not penetrate the opponent's protective armor.

But the explosion caused the Silver Knight to lose balance for a short time.

Dai Yong, who was in the cockpit of the black mecha, saw the opponent's flaw.

Even though he was just startled by the attack that brushed his cockpit.

But as an ace mecha pilot, Dai Yong almost acted as a conditioned reflex.

He sent the high-energy beam saber in his hand through the gap in the physical sword to the cockpit of the Silver Knight in front of him.

The black and silver bodies crossed each other, cutting the Silver Knight mecha in half, and it had become a firework in the dark universe.

Dai Yong turned the body again, feeling refreshed. He was annoyed by the tacit cooperation of the three opponents just now.

Now that one has been killed, the remaining two Silver Knights will definitely not be his opponents again.

Recalling the series of fatal long-range attacks just now.

Precise trajectory, timing control, opponent prediction... ..., the whole set of attacks can be said to be seamless.

If he were in the position of the Silver Knight, he would not be absolutely sure to avoid such a fatal sneak attack.

This is definitely an ace-level driver. Just when he wanted to see who helped him break the deadlock.

When he looked up, Dai Yong was confused, and the green mecha in his sight quickly retracted all the floating guns.

As the four green pods were retracted, the four thick golden energy shields also lit up instantly on the surface of the mecha.

Then the engine of the mecha was fully powered, showing a wave of sudden stop and change of direction like flowing water.

Then it drew a beautiful arc trajectory in the universe and ran away in a flash.

It was so decisive to leave, not to mention the subsequent fire support.

There was really no intention to stay and continue to wait and see.

This slight distraction almost gave the two silver knights who were still fighting with me the opportunity to attack me fiercely.


Suppress the impulse to continue to curse.

Dai Yong regained his composure, controlled the machine to raise its shield to block the physical sword that was coming at him, and at the same time moved his machine sideways to avoid the high-energy ray attack from another Silver Knight.

The black mecha took up residence again with a beam sword in hand, and fought with the two silver knights.

On the other side, Han Fei rode a Kshatriya at high speed and ran to the edge of the entire battlefield.

Then he slowly stopped and began to observe from a distance. Only three ace mechas were left in the battle group.

Elliot spoke first: "The remaining two silver knights are still in place. I'm sure they haven't chased us. They're safe!"

Edel also hurriedly replied: "No one was found nearby. There are no threatening targets to trouble us. They're safe!"

After listening to the reports of the two insects, Herseman's excited voice finally sounded.

"That machine hit the Silver Knight, and the cockpit was penetrated by the high-energy beam sword of the black machine. The driver is dead."

"Hehe, a box of top-quality nutrient solution was successfully obtained! Cool!"

"Long live the Jae, long live the top-quality nutrient solution!"

Just when the three bugs confirmed the results of the battle and were venting their excitement in the consciousness network.

The supreme commander of the Osi Colony Space Station has already marked this green machine as a high-level threat target.

"Asshole, why didn't you find this guy before? The sneak attack just now made us lose an ace pilot directly!"

"The remaining two Silver Knights are already struggling to hold back the black ace machine on the opposite side!"

"We must not let you get close to the ace mecha regiment again."

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