Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 440 Follow-up

A few days later, Liu Dan controlled the Divine Domain and finally arrived at the connection point sent by Han Fei.

He saw Han Fei's Divine Domain from a distance, which had expanded nearly a thousand times.

"It's rich, it's really rich this time!"

This was Liu Dan's most real first thought.

Now he is the exclusive agent for Zerg unit sales.

Although Han Fei is a black-hearted businessman, he still abides by the rules on some principles.

Before the Battle of Osi, when selling fungal blankets and red-eyed barnacles within the Discipline Committee, Liu Dan, the agent, was not skipped.

It was just because of the half-price sale that he didn't get much commission from the agent.

Now he just came back and spent a lot of money to get the limited edition toys, but they were ruthlessly confiscated by Mu Peng.

This is a great opportunity that will be delivered to my doorstep right away, which can help me recover some blood.

There is no other way. My mother stands on the side of my new wife. Now the pocket money given by the family is directly given to Mu Peng for management.

I can only rely on myself and find ways to make some money to barely maintain my life.

Seeing the expected huge income in front of me, Liu Dan instantly forgot about being pulled by Han Fei to do hard labor.

Money can make the devil push the mill, and money can naturally make the egg pull the cart.

In this way, through the joint efforts of the two, Han Fei's divine domain finally moved slowly towards the cradle station.

But looking at the turtle-like speed, Han Fei estimated that even if there were no obstacles along the way, it would take at least a month for them to reach their destination.

"Alas, if it wasn't the year-end holiday, I could find more free labor to help."

Bored on the way, Han Fei looked at a row of disciplinary committee brothers in his address book, all of whom had gone home for vacation, and he could only sigh helplessly.

There was no special landing capsule at home, so if they wanted to ask these guys to help, they couldn't enter the 'cradle'.

You can't let the brothers cancel their vacation and go back to school directly for such a small matter, right?

When Han Fei was studying whether he should find a way to set up a holiday duty system in the future, the unexpected free labor came to him at this time.

"Senior, can you handle such a large amount of goods?"

Han Fei looked at Wu Bo, who came here after hearing the news and offered to help pull the cart, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

You know, this batch of fungal mats and red-eyed barnacles is not a small number.

According to Han Fei's original plan, he would return to the school first and then let Brother Dan go to further expand the sales.

Who would have thought that after Wu Bo learned about this, he immediately came running over and wanted to buy it all.

"If you use divine power to buy, you definitely can't take out so much at once."

"But you can use the previous trading method and use resources to offset it."

Knowing Han Fei's character, Wu Bo was too lazy to talk nonsense, and didn't even think about bargaining, and gave his own payment plan.

Hearing this, Han Fei couldn't help but twitch his cheeks, and directly cast a contemptuous look at him.

"Haha, stop it!"

"You still have the nerve to talk about resource offset. I want to ask, are you serious about the resource list you sent me?"

"All of them are ordinary goods that can be bought in the market. Where are the high-level resources?"

Han Fei was angry when he mentioned this.

According to the original agreement, Qin Fen, Wu Bo and others should give priority to using the high-level resources captured in the war to offset the debt owed, except for the resources they urgently needed.

But in the resource list sent by the other party after the war, there were only a few high-level resources.

This shameless level, there is no style of a senior in the academy.

No integrity at all, conscience has been eaten by dogs!

Although the number of low-level resources given is enough to offset the amount owed, it is even slightly more than that.

But does Boss Han care about this little bit of profit? What he really cares about is high-level resources.

If Qin Fen and Wu Bo were not both senior members of the Discipline Committee and had done them favors during their tenure as chairman, Han Fei would have put them on the blacklist of prohibited sales.

Even so, Han Fei will never let them pay on credit again in the future.

This is a matter of principle, and no matter how much he says, it's useless.


Wu Bo was a little embarrassed when Han Fei mentioned this.

"There's really nothing we can do about this."

"Although the entire Osi was destroyed this time, the seniors looted high-level resources, the quantity is not actually that much, and everyone's needs are not small."

"After all, Osi is just a poor and weak tribe. In order to build their own true gods earlier, the entire race was almost squeezed dry, and it has not recovered yet."

"You still have to pay tribute to the Longwa Empire every year, how much oil can be left?"

"We have dispatched nearly 100,000 high-level gods to participate in the war, it's really too many monks and too little porridge."

"Besides, isn't there some left for you?"

Wu Bo looked embarrassed and tried to explain.

Han Fei didn't buy Wu Bo's tricks at all, and sneered while looking at him coldly.

"Haha, without enough benefits, our civilization leaders are just bored, so they mobilized their troops to conquer an Osi that has no benefits?"


Wu Bo was speechless after being rebuked. After hesitating for a moment, he lowered his voice and muttered mysteriously:

"Forget it, I'll tell you some inside information."

"One of the main goals of the civilization's conquest of Osi this time is to get the top resources left by our true god in the world of gods."

"In order to reduce the difficulty of entering the real universe, weak true gods like these will remove the top resources in the divine domain first and carry out the so-called naked star manifestation."

"And these top resources left in the world of gods are undoubtedly the best growth resources for other gods."

"According to reliable information, the top resources left by this true god Osi were not handed over to the Longwa Empire, but left to his direct descendants."

"You Think about it, if the resources that can make this kind of noob become a true god are placed in the hands of gods with higher talents, how much effect will they have? "

"Just look at the fact that after becoming a true god, his descendants in the Principality of Osi are still constantly emerging in large numbers of peak gods, which is evident. "

"Therefore, most of the top resources seized in this war must be handed over, and the civilization will distribute them uniformly according to their contributions. "

"This means that all its high-level resources must be counted and registered, and there is no way to transfer and sell them privately in a short period of time. "

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