Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 453 Qin Fen’s Difficulties

Chapter 453 Qin Fen's Difficulties

Since the wolf monkey tribe attacked and bloodily massacred the Longwa Empire, they were completely exterminated.

The two peacekeeping forces of human civilization quickly took over the race in the name of maintaining regional stability.

They originally occupied two galaxies in the real world.

In order to avoid other subordinate races from causing suspicion and panic chain reactions due to the death of the rabbit and the grief of the fox.

When sending peacekeeping forces, human civilization did not forget to support the indigenous races of the galaxy as puppet regimes in name.

Doing so can not only slightly appease the other subordinate races of a civilization.

At the same time, it can continue to retain the buffer zone between the territory of the Longwa Empire.

If the two regional hegemons border each other, once a border conflict breaks out, it is very likely that the situation will escalate rapidly and evolve into a fuse that will detonate the entire star field.

Except for fools and lunatics, no one would want to fight an endless war of genocide with an opponent of equal strength.

Compared with restraining each other in the real universe, the two powerful tribes have less concerns in the vast void of the world of gods.

The wolf monkey tribe originally controlled the void area, but now it is completely occupied by human civilization.

In order to station the two peacekeeping forces of Yaodong and Lingnan in the world of gods.

At the same time, this is a place for the training of two reserve officers.

Most of the internal members of the two peacekeeping forces are outstanding new generation gods in recent years.

This time entering the peacekeeping force can be said to be a chance for them.

Their performance here will be recorded in detail and used as one of the criteria for future promotion assessments.

To a large extent, it directly affects their future prospects.

They will rise to the top and rise to the top.

They will also waste their time and waste their time.

They will see the results after this peacekeeping mission.

Most of the officers who entered the peacekeeping force knew this well.

Therefore, after arriving at the area originally controlled by the wolf monkey clan, the two newly established forces have always maintained a delicate relationship of both cooperation and competition.

Even within the peacekeeping force, the internal competition between the brigades was extremely fierce.

Qin Fen was appointed as an officer of an independent regiment shortly after he joined the army.

Even though he graduated from a civilized middle school and had made enough military achievements during the Battle of Ossi, it was still inevitable that he caused some controversy.

We are all descendants of the true gods, so why can Qin Fen lead a regiment directly as soon as he comes?

Therefore, there are naturally many people who are dissatisfied with him.

Although the military discipline is strict in the army, no one dares to trip him up behind his back.

But if they compete secretly with each other, no one will care. Maybe the military leaders are happy to see this kind of healthy competition.

As a direct descendant of the old Qin family, Qin Fen has been raised with pride since he was a child, so he will naturally not give in.

He knew that the strong were respected in the army, and only by showing impressive achievements could he fight back against doubts most effectively.

Unfortunately, knowing is knowing, and reality is reality.

And reality often does not change according to people's will.

Since receiving the sweep order from the General Staff, he has led the independent regiment to carry out several large-scale sweeps in this resource-scattered belt.

But the results were not satisfactory every time, and it can even be said to be extremely bad.

Those void looting groups that have been here for a long time have all shown unexpected slickness.

Although these void rats are not very strong, they really understand the essence of guerrilla warfare.

Relying on their familiarity with this area, they completely ignore Qin Fen's independent regiment.

As long as they find the fragments of the divine domain, these void plundering groups will immediately drag them away if they can. If they can't drag them away, they will dig out the most valuable ones.

Then, they will hide the average valuable ones on the spot and take them back when they have the chance.

Even if Qin Fen tries to get intelligence and confirms the locations of several void plundering groups' nests.

But every time he tries to launch a surprise attack, he fails.

These void plundering groups have been entrenched in this scattered resource belt and have a deep business.

Especially near their nests, they basically set up detection sentries with a very large radiation range.

The outer members of the plundering group have long deployed their own divine domains and followers in the vast void around the nest.

Whenever there is a slight disturbance, they will immediately send a warning back to their nest.

This kind of "human detection" and early warning method is stupid but extremely effective.

It directly caused the independent group's multiple targeted raids to fail.

Every time they faced the empty nest of the looting group, the gods participating in the raid felt very discouraged.

After all, the benefits of their recent operations could not even make up for the fuel consumption of the family fleet.

What made Qin Fen even more helpless was that he had just withdrawn his troops, and those void rats came back again.

He wanted to rely on daily patrols to control this area, but he was not able to do so.

When deploying fleet patrols, he was always in a dilemma.

With fewer ships, it is easy to be harassed by the void looting group, or even gather strength to eat them up.

With more ships, the patrol efficiency will be reduced. All they need to do is stay away from them and change their direction to continue searching for resources in the patrol area.

The search efficiency of large patrol teams is really not as good as these void rats.

Faced with such a dilemma, Qin Fen, the officer of the independent regiment, was so worried that he almost went bald.

In addition, the military expenditure of the peacekeeping force is extremely limited.

The share allocated to the brigades under its jurisdiction is even more pitiful.

In the words of the General Staff, such a large territory has been allocated to you, but you can't even solve the military expenditure problem by yourself.

Then you are a complete waste, so report and resign quickly!

This makes Qin Fen very uncomfortable. Now his independent regiment is so poor that it is almost impossible to take out the daily operation expenses.

Even if Qin Fen pays for it himself, it can't last for long.

If he can't come up with a solution, he may end up auctioning Emilia's collectible underwear on the interstellar network.

Thinking of this, Qin Fen couldn't help sweating on his forehead, his back was cold, and his whole body was twitching.

"Wu Bo, go find Han Fei and invite him to our base."

"Just say I have a big business deal and want to talk to him."

Qin Fen is not desperate, but knows that he is facing a problem that Han Fei can definitely solve.

Han Fei's family members have been in the inner circle of the cradle, and their behavior of grabbing land has long been seen by many people.

The Qin family's intelligence network is not inferior to other true god families.

It's just that because of the civilized middle school, he has been listed as a key training target, so no one dares to reach out.

Otherwise, people who come to win over and recruit him would have lined up in front of Han Fei's dormitory.

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