Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 466 Ultra-long-range sneak attack 1

Faced with this sudden long-range attack, Priss's family fleet had done their best to respond to the emergency.

However, the enemy's firepower was beyond his expectations.

Countless scarlet high-energy rays, like from the depths of the dark void, turned into a suddenly rushing river of burning light.

The raging ray flow had arrived in an instant.

On the periphery of the fleet array, facing the direction of the ray flow.

A large number of frigates were swept up and swallowed by the angry tide, like dead leaves drifting with the waves, bearing the violent erosion of the ray flow in the constant tumbling.

The defense shield of the Type 5 warship, which had been fully activated, was instantly beaten into a sieve by the high-energy rays.

The shield generator carried in the ship was completely scrapped in the sparks.

All the crew members had been burned from the inside to the outside in the intense high temperature earlier.

The metal hull had already become a huge coffin, and it quickly melted and vaporized under the continuous scouring of the high-energy ray flow.

A large amount of high-energy materials stored in the ammunition compartment and the fuel chamber were ignited in an instant, and the entire warship exploded and collapsed.

The violent energy was swallowed up by the high-energy ray flow and continued to attack the inner circle of the fleet array.

Fortunately, these frigates guarding the outside provided a relatively effective shielding effect for the large and medium-sized warships in the inner circle.

The high-energy ray flow was originally condensed, which could avoid scattering and diversion, and the energy level was reduced.

The destroyers in the inner circle, relying on the higher-efficiency defense shields when facing the ray flow, could barely hold on for a little longer.

Even so, once the defense shields of these warships were partially penetrated, the hull could not completely isolate the rapidly pouring high-energy particles.

The life in the ship would be exposed to strong high-energy radiation before it could react.

The high-energy radiation that penetrated the hull could ignite every inch of the skin of these carbon-based lives in just a few seconds.

They were like living creatures roasted on charcoal fire, and the first part of their internal organs to be destroyed was the respiratory system.

The strong feeling of suffocation made these lives kneel down one after another.

They struggled violently with their remaining breath, instinctively put their hands into their mouths, and grabbed their throats frantically.

Until the broken corners of their eyes began to shed blood and tears, and the protruding red eyeballs seemed to be about to fall from their eyes that were staring to the extreme.

The yellow-green gastric juice and bile, mixed with thick turbid blood, were able to spurt out from their mouths and noses.

Many individuals with stronger physiques were extremely envious of their compatriots who had lost consciousness early and lost their lives in a coma.

Because a stronger body would not allow them to save their lives, but would make them suffer longer before death.

The partially penetrated shield and the more solid hull, although they withstood the bombardment of high-energy particles, did not collapse and shatter like the light frigates before.

However, the death of a large number of crew members caused these destroyers to lose control and become real void coffins.

The warships in an out-of-control state naturally could no longer maintain the original array.

When this wave of high-energy ray flow completely dissipated.

From a distance, the huge fleet array looked like an onion with a bite taken out.

The direction facing the ray flow bombardment had been peeled off several layers, and the heavy cruiser group in the middle of the array was also completely exposed at this time.

In the bridge of the flagship, Priss, who possessed the body of the hero-level dependent with his consciousness, was stunned by this result and fell into complete fear.

PS: It's still so short, this week will be like this, there are things to be busy, helpless.

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