Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 475: Escape Failed

Thinking of this, Clever gritted his back molars and decisively gave the order to retreat.

"Inform the entire fleet, all salvage ships will start immediately, look for the void stable area nearby, directly make a super long-distance jump, and leave here!"

At the same time, the main battleships in early formation were charging their bow main guns at the maximum rate.

We don't expect these more than 20,000 warships to be able to repel the enemy.

Clever only hoped to use long-range force to deter him and try to slow down his opponent's speed.

In order to escape as many as possible of the 80,000 warships fully loaded with resources.

Although this area is filled with countless void turbulences, and the risk of making a space jump is not high, it is still much better than sitting still and waiting for death.

Without the burden of a bloated fleet, the chance of breaking through with the main fleet will be much greater.

In terms of performance, the performance of the encircled Familia warships is still far behind that of Claver's most elite fleet. It is not impossible for them to break out of the encirclement.

Claver's decision was made without any delay.

However, the next development of events made 놛 shocked and angry.

I saw multiple salvage fleets sailing towards the nearby void stable zone, just starting their jump engines, preparing to make a cluster jump.

Many warships in the fleet exploded violently inexplicably.

What is even more worrying is that in the continuous explosions, a violent spatial disturbance spreads rapidly like ripples.

The newly activated spatial folds immediately experienced sharp deformation and distortion.

The fold area is like tofu being scraped randomly with a dull knife, and ferocious space cracks suddenly appear.

Separate all the nearby dense fleets.

"Morrell!" Cleaver's eyes were splitting.

놛I never expected that Morell would lay such a deadly backhand in advance.

Cleaver's expression was extremely ugly now, and he was not sure how he could hide so many space interference bombs in the Familia warship without even realizing it.

It can only be that they did something secretly when they purchased the warship from the family.

Just thinking of this made Clever's heart fall to the bottom.

This means that the competition for family inheritance is no longer limited to competition between new generations.

The person who can do something when purchasing a warship must be an elder in the family.

If you are willing to intervene secretly, you are likely to bet on the selected target.

Thinking of this, Cleaver couldn't hide his sadness.

Not only for himself who has nothing to rely on, but also for his family who is in fierce internal strife.

"Haha, I don't want to leave a way to survive!"

Clever couldn't help but laugh angrily, his eyes showing endless coldness.

"Transfer the fleet, give up the jump, and reorganize the defense array with the main fleet as the center."

"Start the conventional engines at full speed and follow the main fleet to break through."

After giving this order, Clever turned his attention to the radar developing light screen again.

At this time, the total number of enemy warships detected was close to tens of millions.

With the millions of ships of various types currently in existence, if you want to resist head-on, you will undoubtedly hit an egg with a stone.

Time was tight and there was no room for Clever to hesitate.

"Break through the encirclement and move towards the lower reaches of the void ocean current!"

놛The breakout route chosen temporarily, 녊 is the area controlled by the powerful 그-like god.

Following Claver's order, the main fleet's divine main guns, which had been charging for a long time, roared in unison.

Tens of thousands of divine light spears shot out, drawing brilliant strips of light in the dark void, blasting towards the enemy warships that were preparing to block the way forward.

At such a long distance, energy level decay is inevitable.

While the hit rate is low, even if it can really hit an enemy ship, its lethality is quite limited.

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins, and what they compete with is this desperate momentum to break through.

While the main fleet was speeding up with all its strength, it continued to operate without any regard for energy consumption.

The other warships, which were traveling at a slightly slower speed, tried their best to follow along the remaining light and shadow of the breakout road.

Clover's eyes were red as he commanded the fleet to break through.

In front of the enemy in the direction of breaking through, Priss commanded the family fleet with a sad face. Looking at the incoming divine light spear, his expression was as uncomfortable as eating shit.

놛I feel that I am really unlucky.

Not long ago, 놛꺳 was severely punished by a 그-like god, who almost brought in all the fleet that had been accumulated for many years.

In the end, only with a large amount of intelligence, 꺳 was able to let the opponent 뀘 let go of 놛's remaining fleet.

To participate in the encirclement and suppression of Clover this time, Pulisi planned to show off and try to fish.

Just punch in and sign in, even if there is an explanation in Morel.

꽭Good conscience! 놛I really never thought about participating in the war directly.

How could these warships, which had just been disabled and had not had time to repair after the war, stand up to an elite fleet equipped by direct descendants of the Xhosa family.

Even the special shield transmitter is almost scrapped!

As long as the divine light spears that continuously burst out hit the family warship even slightly, the armor would be broken and the ship would be destroyed.

Just after being hit by several salvos, the battleship was completely damaged.

In addition to being heartbroken, Pulis could only grit his teeth and let the fleet deviate from the preset route as soon as possible.

녤껥 approached the huge 늅-shaped encirclement, and a gap immediately appeared.

Such an obvious flaw was immediately noticed by Morell, who was always paying attention to the battle situation.

놛 contacted 껗깊Pliss almost immediately.

"what you up to?"

Moller's cold tone made this question full of grim meaning.

"Sir, my fleet just encountered a fleet of human gods on the way here, and suffered heavy losses. We can't stop them at all!"

Priss's face was full of pain and sorrow, without deliberately pretending, just showing his true feelings.

Then, Morrer received the war damage information from Priss.

After a quick glance, Morrer's eyes flashed coldly at the fleet that was no match for his combat power.

As Priss was an 'old man' who had followed him for a long time, it was not good for him to attack directly at this time, which would easily make other followers around him feel chilled.

"Let your fleet return to the original route and intercept Cleaver's fleet at any cost!"

"As long as the speed of breaking through is slightly slowed down, it will allow them to complete the encirclement."

"After the incident, I will give you enough compensation to make up for the losses!"

Although Morel's tone was a little gentle, it contained an unquestionable meaning.

"Follow your will."

Priss answered without any hesitation.

However, after hanging up the communication, his face suddenly darkened.

In his originally tangled expression, a hint of ferocity also appeared.

As an 'old man' who has followed Morel for a long time, Priss knows this man's character very well.

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