Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 477: Breakout Failed

Chapter 477 Breakout Failed

In the Void Ocean Current.

Cleaver, who personally commanded the family fleet, found that the enemy fleet in the direction of the breakout took the initiative to deviate from the course and made an evasive move.

Although he felt a little surprised, he was not too surprised.

After all, Morrell's attitude of treating his followers as worthless was destined to fail to guarantee their loyalty.

All came for profit, and must go for profit.

When serving Morrell, his followers would naturally weigh their own pros and cons more.

The guy on the opposite side obviously did not want to waste his fleet too much to intercept Cleaver's full-scale breakout.

Even after that, the enemy fleet returned to the original course and set up a defensive array.

Cleaver knew without thinking that Morrell must have put pressure on the follower.

He didn't think that the other god's followers would really try their best to block his way in such a helpless situation.

Compared with his own fleet's determination to break through, Clever believed that it would not be long before the other side could not bear the pressure of casualties again and quickly collapsed.

Keeping this idea in mind, Clever ordered the main fleet to speed up again while maintaining fire suppression.

The high-performance engines equipped with elite warships, under overload, increased the speed at the cost of engine loss.

The seemingly far distance was almost reached in an instant.

Facing the fierce enemy warships that were ready to collide at high speed.

Priss's followers fleet not only did not flee as Clever expected, but also made a response that shocked him.

As the bow main guns that had been accumulating energy for a long time roared together.

The opponent's original defense array suddenly changed to an assault formation.

The heavy warship, which was originally at the core of the array, quickly moved forward and directly moved to the position of the arrowhead of the assault formation.

From the flashing white light of the warship engine, it can be seen that the opponent is also speeding up.

With a tougher attitude and fearless momentum, it launched a counterattack against Cleaver's vanguard fleet.

With such a high relative speed, any attempt to dodge is futile.

The two fleets collided head-on in an extremely tragic posture.

The shields of the warships were destroyed.

The hull was then shattered in a more violent collision, and the gorgeous fireworks of the explosion bloomed densely.

In this explosion, countless hull fragments were shot out.

The rear-row warships that directly led to the collision were also affected.

The translucent shield, which was full of light, was hit by a large number of high-speed fragments, and ripples appeared.

Then came the baptism of fire from the enemy's medium-sized warships.

Caught off guard, Clever saw that nearly 10,000 warships of the leading fleet suffered heavy losses in an instant.

The remaining warships were firmly entangled by the enemy, as if they were trapped in a quagmire and unable to escape.

For a time, they could not quickly get rid of the harassment of the enemy ships, but instead became an obstacle for the rear fleet to break through.

"Damn it!"

Clever gritted his teeth, and the anger in his eyes almost burst out.

In this turbulent void ocean current, the cluster movement of such a large fleet was greatly restricted.

It is more difficult to choose a safer route than in the dense star-shattering belts of the real universe.

If not, even if Morel sent out more followers, he would not be able to annihilate Cleaver's family fleet.

At this moment, Cleaver did not have enough time for the family fleet to re-select the route.

In desperation, he had to dismantle all the warships and attack the remaining enemy warships while allocating part of the firepower to clear the route.

Even so, the wreckage of the warships blocking the channel ahead and the annoying harassment of the enemy ships like flies still inevitably caused the entire fleet array to quickly become loose.

Worse, some forced dodges caused the speed of the entire main fleet to begin to slowly decrease.

In this moment of breaking through every second, a short delay will trigger an extremely serious chain reaction.

When Claver suffered heavy losses, Morel had just recovered from his shock.

He really didn't expect that Priss would execute his orders at all costs.

What a loyalty! He almost got confused.

"Priss, well done!"

"After the matter is done, I will definitely give you enough compensation and more generous rewards!"

"You guys, learn from me!"

"If anyone dares to avoid the war passively again, don't blame me for settling accounts after the war............!"

In the temporary group communication frequency band, Morel expressed his appreciation for Priss and began to use it to put crazy pressure on other followers.

It must be said that Priss's unexpected move was like forcing other followers into a corner in disguise.

It is conceivable that after Priss greatly slowed down Claver's breakout speed.

If they failed to encircle and suppress him, and he escaped safely, they would face cruel punishment afterwards.

In an instant, the speed of all fleets participating in the encirclement and suppression increased significantly.

Some of the closest fleets even approached Claver's less powerful salvage ships.

However, under the personal supervision of Morel.

These followers had no choice but to give up their wishful thinking of picking the weak persimmon.

The lower fleet went straight to Cleaver's main fleet and was forced to take on the tough challenge.

There were also many fleets closer to Priss, who, under the threat of Morrell, had to cross the turbulent void and approach the battlefield from the side at the cost of heavy casualties.

Providing support to the remaining fleet of Priss, they firmly held Cleaver's fleet.

Nearly a hundred fleets, with more than 10,000 warships, accelerated the encirclement.

This relatively narrow and long safe channel was blocked in front and pursued in the back.

Even the surrounding area was a dangerous area full of debris.

Cleaver's main fleet, with only 200,000 elite warships, had nowhere to escape.

At this time, he was completely in despair.

If he could, Cleaver would even put down his dignity and beg Morrell for mercy.

Unfortunately, the other party never thought of letting him go, leaving him with trouble.

This is indeed the case. Morel not only had no intention of persuading him to surrender, but was even too lazy to talk to him anymore.

The fleets of those followers opened fire without hesitation after entering the range of their own warships.

Although Clever's warships were more superior in performance, they did not have a time difference after all, facing a large number of main guns.

One warship after another was blown up in mid-air before they could even make an effective counterattack.

Clever, full of grief and sorrow, could not bear to watch his followers die like this.

When he was about to withdraw his consciousness and completely leave the possessed followers.

From a distance, a very majestic divine thought swept across the vast void unscrupulously.

"Oh, Longwa rats, I've caught you!"

The wild laughter, with an extremely arrogant tone, exploded in the ears of all living beings.

Cleaver suddenly widened his eyes and explored in the direction of the spread of divine thoughts.

He instantly saw a towering spirit that was rapidly upstream from the downstream of the void ocean current.

And the huge divine domain wrapped in a thick layer of fungal blanket controlled by this humanoid female deity.

This made Cleaver, who was in despair, feel a strange pleasure in his heart.

"Haha, I'm done, and you, Morler, don't think about having an easy time either, you all have to die!"

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