Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 49 Thunder Beast

After leaving the four-man team, Han Fei finally returned to his familiar rhythm. He first found a Feng Shui treasure land for the God's Domain to stop moving.

He projected 30 exploration beacons into the void, and then began to wait patiently.

In less than ten days, a new demigod was discovered by him. Han Fei immediately controlled the God's Domain and rushed towards the other party. After catching up with the other party, he invaded directly without hesitation.

He was already quite skilled in invading other demigods. He first sent out stinging dragonflies to investigate the environment of the other party's God's Domain.

As long as the God's Domain is not a wasteland with no value, Han Fei will send Zerg units in proportion according to the size of the other party's God's Domain he feels.

For areas that do not exceed 100,000 square kilometers, there is no need to be cautious. Just send 500,000 springtails per 10,000 square kilometers to launch the first wave of exploratory attacks.

As long as the two sides fight, the situation of the other side is basically clear, if the other side can support or resist.

Han Fei will choose to continue to invest in the first wave of troops or retreat decisively according to the actual situation. This has almost formed his standard invasion process.

Time is in Han Fei's efficient invasion and plunder. In the past ten years, during this period, he has not received any distress messages from the other three.

It should be that the three people are cautiously grouped together, and the invasion is quite smooth. It may also be related to the fact that they need a period of time to recuperate after each battle.

They are not like Han Fei, who can directly maximize the invasion efficiency. As long as they find the target, they will not let it go. This kind of invasion method is simply unbearable for ordinary demigods.

In the past ten years, Han Fei has never encountered an opponent of comparable size. All the demigods he encountered have a divine domain within 200,000 square kilometers.

There are very few divine domains exceeding 200,000 square kilometers, and the divine domain area of ​​​​close to 500,000 square kilometers has only been encountered once.

I think it should be the area selected by Lu Wenzhong. The demigods who are active are all from this newly opened divine domain, and there are no divine domains of nearly 10 million square kilometers.

In the continuous invasion, Han Fei also reaped a lot. Not only did he expand the area of ​​​​the divine domain to more than 4 million square kilometers, but also included various genes.

Recently, his Zerg has welcomed the addition of a new unit. The gene template was accidentally obtained in the process of absorbing the other party's divine domain after he killed a demigod of 300,000 square kilometers.

It is a large ordinary beast, similar to a triceratops without horns, and can grow to 10 meters in weight.

After being domesticated, it is kept in the other party's divine domain as a logistical livestock, although it has no combat power.

But it grows fast and has excellent endurance. It is a qualified production tool and can be used as food when necessary.

After Han Fei got the complete gene of this beast, he was ecstatic. He didn't care about the combat effectiveness of this large beast at all.

What he really valued was the internal energy supply system in this giant beast.

This is also an important factor that has been blocking Han Fei and preventing him from making the Zerg unit larger.

After all, if you want to enlarge the entire energy supply system in a beast with a body size of dozens of kilograms to be able to drive a body of several or even more than ten meters.

The number of various difficulties faced in it is a nightmare even for Han Fei, who works overtime, without a reference.

Although he has been working hard to strengthen the Zerg's melee ability after realizing that the development route of the long-range unit has been stuck, the progress in the design of the giant melee unit has always been slow.

After obtaining the gene of this giant beast, Han Fei, who already had a rich accumulation, quickly opened a breakthrough, and the new Zerg melee unit was born.

It looks like this, just a simple appearance, and the black technology of the Thunder Beast is also missing.

This is a heavy Zerg unit with a height of nearly 10 meters and a weight of more than 15 meters.

The head continues the ferocious appearance of the Zerg, with sharp fangs and large jaws, and a blade-shaped horn on the forehead.

There are huge multi-faceted bone armor on the side of the head, which covers half of the back while protecting the top of the head.

When they charge headfirst, the multi-faceted bone armor that stands up can cover the entire head to ensure the safety of the entire head.

In addition, their entire body is wrapped in layers of thick chitin shells, with a thickness of more than 20 centimeters, to achieve almost no dead angle defense.

The limbs are strong and powerful, and they can easily drive the 15-meter-heavy body to run on the ground.

Their most terrifying weapons are two pairs of giant bone sickles growing on their shoulders. The specialized muscle fibers can expand and contract with stimulation, allowing the two pairs of giant bone sickles to burst out with amazing power and speed to slash.

In Han Fei's positioning, these new Zerg units named Thunder Beasts are definitely heavy ground assault units, which will bring the offensive ability of the Zerg to another level.

In this way, their slow consumption of food and growth rate also set a new record for the Zerg.

The food consumption of a single Thunder Beast is several times that of an ordinary mutant springtail.

Moreover, it takes one and a half years from the birth of the larva to the cocoon. The Thunder Beast that has just emerged from the cocoon can only be regarded as a semi-finished product.

They also need to go through 6 months of crazy eating, grow, and make all the organs in the body fully mature, so that the weight can reach 15 meters, which takes nearly two years in total.

So far, the total number of mature thunder beasts in Han Fei's divine domain has just reached 20,000.

However, in the future, Han Fei will concentrate the production capacity of split ovaries on thunder beasts, so that they can maintain a certain number of groups first.

It only takes a period of time for the scale of thunder beasts to expand at a very fast speed.

Through the crazy plundering in the past few years, the growth rate of the area of ​​his divine domain has exceeded the growth efficiency of the swarm.

Now there are more than 220 million springtail units in his divine domain, and there is still a gap of nearly half of the number to reach the limit of the divine domain.

If this part of the resource consumption is concentrated on the thunder beasts, Han Fei will be able to produce 500,000 thunder beasts in a few years, pushing the consumption of the divine domain to the limit.

But compared with the current power unit springtail, this unit dedicated to ground attack can only be a tactical supplement for the swarm. Whether it is cost-effective or functional, they are far from replacing the position of springtails in Han Fei.

Just when Han Fei was satisfied and full of expectations for the future.

Suddenly, he received a message from Lu Wenzhong. The content was very simple, "Han Fei, come here quickly. I will explain the details to you later. The coordinates are............."

Looking at the coordinates he received, he was just asked to go over quickly. The message did not explain in detail, and he could not guess what the situation was.

He could only control the divine domain to move towards the coordinates given by Lu Wenzhong with full of doubts.

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