Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 500 [Light of Purification] 2

Chapter 500 [Light of Purification] 2

At the end of the fleet, the void giant worm that Wilson was riding was one step faster than all of his kind. He did a backflip on the spot and turned around and ran away first.

As a heroic brain worm of the first rank, isn't it natural for him to prioritize saving his life?

It is suppressing the consciousness network and bloodline.

Ordinary Zergs without brains will not respond to the commander being the first to escape.

As for the single-eyed worms in the fleet, Wilson's consciousness network covers them, and he also has absolute control over these intelligent individuals.

So, there is no need to consider morale issues at all.

The innate extraordinary talents of the void giant worms make their huge bodies move in the void environment with unusual agility and swiftness.

During the short explosive maneuver, their extremely strong tissues and organs also allow them to easily withstand the extremely strong load that far exceeds that of ordinary void creatures.

In the entire Zerg fleet, most of the void giant worms completed a rapid turn before the attack arrived.

But the power of [Purifying Light] completely exceeded Wilson's expectations.

Not only the area covered by the light, but also within a certain range close to the trajectory of [Purifying Light], the terrifying energy tide followed closely.

A large number of void giant worms that escaped the coverage of the light were also severely damaged by the energy tide.

Fortunately, they are an excellent population born after Han Fei's hundreds of years of hard work.

Even if only half of the body is left, as long as the brain is still there, it can still rely on tenacious vitality to continue to escape.

In an instant, the radiation field that was still ravaged by the energy tide was already sparsely populated by insects.

Only large pieces of broken limbs and debris were left, swept away by the shock wave.

Mena, who witnessed all this, was completely confused at this time.

This was completely different from what he expected.

The pursuing Zerg fleet was not only reduced to ashes by the attack of [Purifying Light].

Most of them also forcibly escaped from the sweep of the energy tide.

The performance of the Zerg fleet completely overturned his cognition.

Such a large fleet, when escaping in a stress state, did not encounter any collisions.

The seemingly chaotic scattering vaguely revealed a certain absolute order.

"How did this...?"

Mena was still in shock and could not believe his eyes.

At this moment, another energy beam shot out from the depths of the void.

Compared with the first [Purifying Light], the energy level and scale of this beam of light are far inferior.

But the attack that burst out did not dissipate instantly.

The beam of light that continued to be emitted was like a giant searchlight, and the angle was adjusted rapidly to sweep as much area as possible.

Although the area covered by each radiating violent light was not small.

But after losing its suddenness, facing the void giant insects that burst out with all their strength and fled in a scattered manner, the killing effect was extremely limited.

Countless void giant insects, like being controlled by an invisible big hand, can always escape from the gaps where the beam of light danced.

Not only Mena was shocked by what he saw.

Even Nalain behind him was full of shock at this time.

He stood up from the throne, his smile was gone, his pupils shrank, and he stared at the fleeing Zerg fleet in the distance.

As the heir of the Perrin family and one of the most outstanding new generation gods in the Longwa Empire, his vision and experience are not comparable to Mena, who is a follower.

In his eyes, the Zerg followers that Han Fei had shown in the past were just low-level species that relied on numbers to win.

Although the overall strength was acceptable, the development potential was ultimately limited.

Even if Han Fei sold a large number of Zerg combat units, making those lowly human demigods uneasy in the outer circle of the cradle.

Nalain had never regarded him as a threat.

This time, it was just a routine operation to deal with the Zerg fleet that kept chasing his followers.

Dare to provoke me, just slap Han Fei again to make him sober up.

Nalain didn't expect that there would be an unexpected discovery.

"This is not a traditional biological warship!"

"Each of the opponent's void giant insects is blessed by divinity, and all are dependent individuals!"

"There are also means of communication that have not been explored before."

"Combined with this collective response ability and action mode............."

Nalain's whisper was like the devil's whisper, full of expectation and desire.

"Collective will!"

"No mistake! This is collective will!"

The greed in Nalain's eyes could no longer be controlled. From the slightly trembling shadow of the majestic god, he could reflect his excitement at this moment.

In wartime, species with collective will almost do not have the problems of people's hearts and morale that ordinary races need to face.

From a macro perspective, their overall response speed will also be more than a dozen streets ahead of other species.

According to the information Nalain understood, except that the core of will is a fatal point, the benefits of species with collective will are simply innumerable.

"As the core individual of the collective will, it must be in this escaping fleet!"

"Get it!"

"Must get it!"

As long as the core individual of the collective will is in hand, no matter how much it costs, he will always find a way to transform it into his own fanatic.

By then, a subordinate clan with the talent of collective will is still a group of void beasts that can reproduce rapidly...

Thinking of this, Nalain's eyes gradually emerged with the wonderful scene of the giant void worms enslaved by his core followers, rampaging in the 'cradle'.

"Cease fire!"

Without any hesitation, Nalain's oracle was instantly delivered, and the attack with little killing effect gradually stopped.

"Leman, let the fleet advance at full speed and catch up."

"There is a special individual in this fleet............."

"No matter the cost, find it and capture it!"

A shortcut to becoming stronger is right in front of him. Except for a few elites and fanatics, Nalain doesn't care about the casualties of ordinary followers.

For the heir of the Perrin family, Nalain has a team of logistics gods in his hands to provide him with support.

Whether it is a high-performance warship or a technical subsidiary family.

No matter how much is lost, it can be easily replenished.

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