Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 502 Anderson's Territory

Chapter 502 Anderson’s Territory

At the edge of a certain void ocean current.

The void disturbance here gradually calms down.

A looming huge black shadow slowly pushed outwards.

It continued to push away the dangerous whirlpools that were everywhere in the void, until it was out of the radiation range of the ocean currents, and the true picture was completely revealed.

This is an irregular and huge spherical star. Its purple-red outer surface is full of dark and deep holes.

Zerg pioneer ships frequently shuttled back and forth in this hole like a honeycomb nest.

It's like working hard like a worker bee without stopping.

This astral core was originally a large fragment of the unclaimed God's Domain.

Nowadays, under the layers of bacteria carpet, the original shape can no longer be seen, but it is getting closer to a regular sphere.

【Beehive Farm】.

This is nothing new.

Since the implementation of the pioneering plan, it has become more and more prosperous.

Various types of business strategies have been innovated through the continuous practice of the brainworm group, and a large amount of guidance and experience has been accumulated.

All brainworms who are interested in developing in the void will choose the most suitable management method based on their own financial resources and preferences.

Some of them have relatively small financial resources and choose too radical a development strategy. They may lose all their capital and owe huge amounts of high-interest loans.

Therefore, this kind of all-in-one beehive farm has become the most cost-effective choice among countless brainworms.

Anderson! I've always been a cautious person.

When the pioneering plan was promulgated, 놛 was just a small brigade leader.

Thanks to the brainworm Wilson's promotion, 놛 also earned generous rewards while serving as the commander of the forward base's squadron.

Otherwise, I would not be able to save enough capital so quickly and become a leisurely independent farmer.

As for carrying the loan?

Haha, no loan, no one in this generation can get a loan!

놛껥I have seen too many experiences. Because I was unable to repay the loan on time, I was liquidated by the Zerg Sacred Bank, and I went bankrupt overnight.

Some of these unlucky ones were forced to sell themselves to pay off their debts, and were sent to the Dimi Brain Worm Laboratory... It's all miserable!

Anderson doesn't have the guts and confidence like a big gambler, so he just wants to make money steadily.

Even though the 놛놅 farm is now prosperous, the scale of operation is getting larger and larger.

Anderson has never gotten carried away and remains unchanged.

We have always adopted a relatively conservative management strategy and built a honeycomb-type intensive farm.

After searching for the fragments of the Unowned God Realm and extracting valuable resources, they will be gathered together.

Surrounding the main farm, the carpet of bacteria is firmly adhered and continues to expand in shape, forming a huge main nest.

After that, they spread fungus blankets and red-eyed barnacles on their own land for planting and harvesting.

Although this conservative development strategy will consume more resources and time in the early stage, the planting and harvesting cycle is also relatively long.

The best thing is that the safety factor is high!

I didn’t buy too many battleships and saved a lot of money.

The vast majority of super farmers such as Wilson are radicals.

The size of a single squadron is on the order of millions.

The total number of pioneer ships he owns is less than ten million, so he is not qualified to be called a 'big boss'.

This model of constantly expanding the territory and frantically raiding everywhere has great benefits, but the risks are also high.

If you really get into trouble, you might end up overturning.

Not only were many foundations destroyed, but they also had to owe a lot of debt.

"Oh, I really can't have fun with these big guys, I'd better just move house."

Anderson rubbed his new body's neck with his hands and sighed helplessly.

Some time ago, 놛 finally acquired the body of a foreign hero with a high degree of compatibility and completed the soul transfer operation.

Who would have thought that as soon as he was discharged from the hospital, he would receive bad news from his subordinates.

In the area where the 놛놅 farm is located, the amount of unclaimed resources has dropped to a level close to exhaustion.

This is so outrageous!

In the void ocean current, the rich resource belt is constantly flowing, and it is not a pool of stagnant water. How come the resources are exhausted?

After asking for the reason, Anderson only felt a pain in his balls.

Who knows that 놛 is not a boss, but he is a neighbor to a boss.

The upper reaches of this Void Ocean Current have long been divided up by several big bosses.

Anderson's pioneering area is located downstream.

Originally, we were able to develop sustainably just by picking up the slack.

Unfortunately, since the emergence of the giant void worm, the efficiency of searching for unowned resources has been greatly improved.

How many fragments of the upstream Wuzhen Realm were intercepted!

Anderson, who is downstream, can't even eat hot shit at the moment.

If we continue to stay in place, we can only rely on the scale of the existing farm to engage in cultivation with the lowest efficiency.

Just relying on the growth of void energy from the creep carpet, the development speed..., compared with other brain worm friends, it is not a worm that will die in a hurry.

At that time, the farm will produce income, and after excluding the capital expenditure, it will make a lot of money.

Battleship maintenance, energy consumption expenditure, insect force wages………….

Everything is rising, except that the purchase price of mushroom carpet is not rising, and is even showing a downward trend!

Just thinking about it makes Anderson feel as if his life has lost the sunshine.

For this reason, 놛 had to be forced to migrate and head out of the ocean current.

Out of caution, 놛껥 has released a sufficient number of 놅networms into selected new development areas.

After preliminary exploration, although the resource density in the area was looked down upon by the big guys, Anderson felt it was pretty good.

As long as we sift through all the scattered resources there, it will be enough to support further development and operation.

Just wait until the resources are exhausted and then change the land.

Moreover, after long-term observation, 놛껥 has confirmed that there are rarely foreign fleets in this area.

The environment is relatively stable and suitable for leisurely farming.

Finally, a detailed assessment was conducted, and Anderson didn't delay any further.

He also spent a lot of money to submit a demarcation application for the undisputed area to the Zerg City Hall, and obtained the exclusive right to develop there.

According to the regulations on pioneering management promulgated by Physius:

‘In any area without any disputes, after official registration and demarcation, all resources produced within the specified limits will be classified as private property and are sacred and inviolable. ’

Anderson bought the rights to develop the area, so he didn't have to worry about other nearby brainworms coming to trouble him.

If not, I would not be willing to pay the declaration fee.

On the other hand, those big guys never apply for demarcation.

Wherever the fleet under his command goes, the territory will be occupied.

They are the only ones who make trouble for others.

The old man is overbearing!

As a farmer who is afraid of trouble, Anderson thinks it is worth paying this money to reduce unnecessary neighborhood disputes.

This is not cowardice, but stability!

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