Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 509: Trom, a rising star

In the direction Anderson is heading, there is the edge of the void ocean current.

Coerced by the violent void turbulence, various particles collide rapidly, forming brilliant light bands that appear and disappear.

Behind the beautiful scenery is an extremely harsh environment.

Even ordinary void creatures rarely choose to stay here for a long time.

The void is so vast that it is difficult to find a more comfortable place, so why bother yourself?

However, in the eyes of brainworm farmers, similar areas are often like a cornucopia of existence.

A large number of fragments of the God's Domain, like floating meteorites, flow down the river continuously, gradually converging into a resource-rich area.

In the past, the brainworms who came here to develop only had a large enough territory, a good enough position, and a strong enough fist.

Just salvaging the intercepted resources can make a lot of money.

It's a pity that such a good thing has become a thing of the past.

Nowadays, commodity prices are skyrocketing, and business performance is also rising accordingly.

If the brainworms cannot continue to expand more financial resources, sooner or later they will make ends meet.

Tram is a rising star among many farmers, because he caught up with the trend of pioneering.

He boldly adopted an expansionary business strategy, and now the total number of pioneer ships under his command is close to ten million.

The monthly maintenance and consumption of supplies for these battleships is a small sum.

For this reason, Trump, who became the big boss, would take a modified void giant to personally inspect the development of the farm under his name whenever he had a little free time.

In addition to preventing employees from stealing fish, the owners also want to see if there is enough room for improvement in these farms.

Any farmer who expands aggressively will struggle to some extent due to debt pressure.

In the process of crazy enclosure, they continued to build a carpet farm on the spot and set up a relay base.

In order to provide supplies for his patrol fleet along the way, and thereby consolidate his control over the area.

Such a large-scale infrastructure construction means that the capital investment will be small.

Trump tapped the calculator hard for a while, then looked at the final number and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, after excluding maintenance costs and salary expenses, and including the loan that needs to be repaid this month, we finally balance the balance of payments."

"놊 is easy, 놊 is easy."

"But it's a problem that I still don't get any money!"

"We still have to find ways to open more new farms and increase income."

Since the launch of the Void Insect, Trump has followed the trend and applied for a loan from the Zerg Sacred Bank to update his core fleet.

Now, he is also a large farmer with more than 200,000 giant void insects.

Except for the uncontested old man Anderson, Tromp finally stood on the same level as several of his neighbors.

There is no way, we are all big farmers, and the only thing we care about when we come out to work is face.

I take millions of pioneer ships with me when I go out, and my neighbor also takes millions of pioneer ships with him when he goes out. Everyone is just about the same.

But it's the neighbor's fleet array, headed by two hundred thousand giant void insects.

And I only have 10,000 to 20,000, and I am instantly outclassed. I am also shown off by my neighbors. It is simply too uncomfortable.

Having just compiled the quarterly income and expenditure accounts, Trump plans to go to the next farm to inspect for a few days.

Anderson's conscious touch came from the public communication area network.

This slight contact is equivalent to a polite knock on the door before the other party visits.

When Trump faced this neighbor who was much older and more senior than himself, he would naturally put on airs.

He immediately opened an independent channel for the other party in his consciousness network.

As soon as the channel was connected, Anderson's mental fluctuations were immediately transmitted.

"Brother Trump, are you free?"

"Brother Anderson, we haven't been in touch for a while!"

"Whenever you have time, you finally came to chat with me."

"놖I heard that you recently bought a suitable hero-level body, but I'm so jealous of you. How about it? I changed it to 꼊?"

In the special nutrition cabin, Trum danced his tentacles and asked curiously.

For a large farmer like him, the cost of purchasing a hero-level body and soul transfer surgery can be easily collected through gritted teeth.

But whether you can get a suitable body depends on luck.

The unlucky guy Trum has never encountered a suitable hero-level body.

"Hey, what's there to envy? I can't compare with you big bosses!"

"In order to buy this body, I spent all my savings."

"Thanks to everyone, I finally completed the operation safely. I have been adapting to my new body recently."

After a few polite words, Anderson immediately changed the topic and went straight to the topic:

"I am looking for you just to chat, but I have something good coming to my door."

"I have been moving recently. As soon as I left home, I encountered a foreign fleet, numbering in the tens of millions, and they were all elite warships. This is a big piece of meat."

When he said this, Anderson paused briefly and gave the other party time to digest the good news before continuing:

"You understand 놖's situation."

"The number of battleships is limited. This one has just been replaced with a new body and is still in the running-in stage. It's best to start."

"We have so many neighborly relationships, how can this good thing be so cheap? Don't worry, I thought of you guys right away."

"We will try to lead this fleet into the void ocean current."

Anderson, who was very familiar with Trom, did not give him a chance to interrupt.

"We have also greeted the other neighbors. Let's eat meat together."

"You should also prepare quickly and calculate the troops you have mobilized. We will connect with multiple parties later to coordinate the encirclement and suppression strategy and the matters of captured goods..."

After speaking, Anderson directly shared the real-time coordinates of the hive with Trom, and also attached close-up images of the enemy warships.

"Wow! They are all elite warships!"

Trump has been expanding all the time, and his combat experience is much richer than Anderson's.

He saw at a glance that these alien warships were extremely well-equipped.

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