Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 511: Countermeasures

As several of Anderson's neighbors prepared, a huge encirclement network consisting of pioneer ships, void insect fleets, and creep war fortresses quickly took shape.

Lyman's fleet completely fell into a trap while pursuing Anderson.

In the bridge, Lyman, who was looking attentive and highly alert, had a sneer flashing across his lips at the moment the high-energy detection array lit up.

"Sure enough, there is an ambush, and it's this kind of super long-range attack."

"How can such a trick make it possible for you to do what you want again?"

When this idea flashed through Lyman's mind, his command sounded.

"Activate [Guardian Glory]."

The runes etched on the surface of the [Brilliant] Super Fortress, which had been prepared for a long time, lit up instantly.

The situation was similar to when [Swift Glory] was activated, except that the cyan glow turned into a faint golden color, and the glow instantly spread to the entire fleet, echoing the runes engraved on the surface of the battleship.

In an instant, a layer of light gold was added to the surface of all battleships.

눁The scarlet rays shooting rapidly from all directions penetrated the shield of the battleship and hit this layer of pale golden glow.

늀If 땢 is poured into an alkaline solution of acidic water, 늀 will be neutralized and dissolved in an instant.

Only a few scattered medium-sized warships were hit by multiple ultra-long-range rays because they did not dodge in time.

As a result, the [Guardian Glory] attached to the surface of the ship exceeded the upper limit of its carrying capacity, resulting in the ship being destroyed and people being destroyed.

But the losses of less than tens of thousands of medium-sized warships are negligible for the huge Lyman fleet.

In the consciousness network, the brainworm farmers who saw such a result immediately exploded.

"Fuck! Why?"

"How could you block it so easily?"

"How did they do it?"


When the brainworm farmers were talking about it, they were shocked that the damage caused by this wave of ultra-long-range firepower was so slight.


In the consciousness network, Anderson deliberately coughed twice, attracting the attention of several farmers, and then said calmly:

"What's so surprising?"

"The void is so big, there are so many false gods, and we are constantly going deep into the inner circle of the resource well. Isn't it natural to encounter some powerful alien races?"

"Besides, after the scarlet ray crossed such a long distance, the energy it caused spilled, and the other party had targeted measures and made preparations in advance."

"It is normal for ultra-long-range attacks to have poor damage effects."

After hearing Anderson's calm explanation, Trump, who had the closest relationship with him, felt that there was some truth to what he said, but he still raised the doubts in 뀞.

"Brother Anderson, we all know that red-eyed barnacles launch super long-distance attacks, which will cause the energy of scarlet rays to escape."

"But our attack consumes so much energy that it can easily penetrate even the shield and armor of a battleship."

"This time we only killed tens of thousands of the opponent's medium-sized warships. This is so unscientific!"

Sensing the rising star's questions, Anderson twitched the corner of his mouth and thought:

"Damn it, I emptied the energy reserves No. 1 to 99 before, and killed less than a million warships of the opponent."

"Although 껩 is farther away, the intensity of firepower cannot be compared to you guys who have to calculate the gains and losses with every shot."

Anderson's complaints in 뀞 naturally did not tell the neighbors what to do if they were scared away, so he remained calm on the surface and continued to explain:

"You are still too young. Didn't I say that the other party has targeted methods?"

"See that layer of pale golden glow? The high-energy ray did not explode when it went up, but was directly absorbed!"

"What does this mean?"

After Anderson pointed out the key, Trump was able to stand out among the many brain worms and quickly grew into a large farmer. He was naturally not stupid.

"You are saying that the opponent's layer of glow can absorb high-energy rays and is a special defense method against pure energy attacks!"

Anderson grinned and praised with a childlike look: "Smart, a little bit transparent."

"This kind of targeted protection often has a relatively single effect, and will only show an outstanding effect on the attack methods it can restrain."

"But for attacks of other natures, this layer of glow can provide a certain defensive capability, but the intensity will be very limited, and it may even have no effect at all."

After listening to Anderson's words, Trump and several other brainworm neighbors couldn't help but nod in approval.

"Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot, and I am an old brother. I can see the problem at a glance."

"Since the other party has special means to deal with scarlet rays, let's not use any super long-range attacks with him. It consumes a huge amount of energy and only causes so little damage. It is not cost-effective."

"Can't he defend against pure energy attacks? We can't just launch a pioneer ship and carry void combat units for assault."

"It's impossible for the opponent to be immune to a face-to-face blast at close range!"

Trump's mind was running at high speed, and he became more and more excited as he spoke.

"It can not only disperse the opponent's firepower, but also directly pull the war into a close-range melee mode, and capture the enemy warships as completely as possible."

"With tens of millions of elite warships, facing an encirclement and suppression by 500% of our pioneer ships, winning this war will not be easy."

Feeling that there is a brainworm in the consciousness network who wants to interrupt, and Trump, who knows what the other party wants to say, does not give the other party a chance to speak.

"Although this will lead to increased battle losses, as long as we can capture a group of hero-level aliens, this loss is completely within our acceptable range."

"The previous method of distributing victory results is abolished and changed to more rewards for more work."

"Except for Brother Anderson's 5% hard work, whose family members invaded the opponent's warship first, the ownership of this warship will belong to whoever."

After hearing the new distribution method proposed by Trump, the farmers all expressed their approval after thinking about it for a while.

After all, relatively fair results distribution rules are the basic requirement for joint operations.

땤Everyone is a seasoned person, and they are all respectable big bosses.

It's not like he shamelessly jumped out to take advantage of everyone just for this little profit.

After reaching a consensus, let's do it, a slight fluctuation spread instantly in the network of consciousness.

More than ten million pioneer ships, almost at one moment, their engines were running at full power, dragging colorful tail flames, and rushed towards the location of the Lyman fleet.

Some Zerg combat units on the ship that had been dormant for a long time were quickly awakened by the fluctuations in the consciousness network.

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