Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 515 Different Insect Hearts

Chapter 515 Different Insects

Trum's wailing spread along the network of consciousness.

It was filled with extreme pain, shrill and sad.

It simply hurts the listener and sheds tears.

As the brainworm whose territory is closest to here, he has transferred almost all the pioneer ships under his command.

Among the 40 million pioneer ships assembled, a quarter belonged to his family.

In this wave of attacks, in order to seize greater results, the pioneer ships that rushed to the front were basically all Trump's 10 million pioneer ships.

As a result..., it was all gone.

Even if he still has a large amount of territory, carpet fortresses and 20,000 void giant worms left, he still maintains a strong fighting force.

But these things are all mortgaged by the Zerg Sacred Bank!

Once he is unable to repay the loan on time and his farm is found to be poorly managed, he will most likely have his assets frozen and be forcibly liquidated.

At that time, Trump will really have worked hard for hundreds of years and returned to before liberation overnight.

The miserable howl continued in the consciousness network, but strangely, the other brainworm farms remained silent at this time with a tacit understanding.

After a while, Trump's miserable howl finally stopped, and then the brainworm hesitantly broke the silence and said:

"Let's attack with this super-large divine magic!"

"It's the first time I've seen such a wide coverage area and maintaining such attack intensity."

"It doesn't look like it's going to be easy to deal with!"

"The attack just now caused me to lose more than two million pioneer ships. This number is already close to a quarter of the fleet I brought."

Seeing that one brainworm started the conversation, other brainworms immediately picked up the conversation:

"I'm almost there. Well..., the fleet I brought this time has suffered such heavy losses, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to break this bone."

"So, I am going to retreat temporarily and will not compete with you for the victory."

"I 껩놆…………."

In the originally quiet consciousness network, the brainworm farms other than Trum started to activate one after another.

There is actually only one central thought in the discourse.

"녈This thing has caused too much damage. I'm going to run away. Come on."

Anderson, who had been fishing for money from beginning to end, suddenly lost his composure when he saw these neighbors retreating.

He has come to the conclusion that the opponent's target is his own hive.

If he wants to find these brainworms, he can run away directly. Without neighbors to block the gun, his hive cannot run as fast as the fortress, so doesn't he have to deal with them alone?

‘We will never let these cowards shrink like this! ’

Anderson thought of this, without any hesitation, a loud roar immediately resounded through the network of consciousness.

"Shut up, everyone!"

"You are a bunch of cowards who want to run away when something happens. You have lost all the dignity of the tribe!"

"Look at Trump, who has suffered the most losses. He didn't even say retreat. You guys retreat!"

"Besides, if you want to retreat, where can you retreat to?"

"Everyone's territory is around here, are you waiting for the other party to come and defeat them one by one?"

As the longest surviving brain worm here, Anderson has shown the majesty of his predecessors, and his huge mental network of consciousness is shaking back and forth.

The few brainworms who sensed the gap shut up at this moment.

Although the brainworms in the group all belong to the same level, the actual strength gap within the group is not fully reflected in the number of subordinates.

Anderson, who has reached the hero level, if he doesn't care at this time.

There are even cases where 땣꺆놇 is one-on-one, and he forcibly invades through the consciousness network and seizes the control of some of these neighbors' Zerg units.

Anderson, who calmed down the situation, saw that no brainworm was provoking him.

While he was relieved, his tone immediately softened.

"Now that it has been launched and caused more than 8 million ship losses to the other party, it is inevitable that the two sides will form a dispute."

"With such a powerful attack, I don't believe that the fortress can be used without restriction."

"Think about it, why didn't the opponent use this attack method from the beginning and only used it after he was at an absolute disadvantage?"

"It means that the opponent's large-scale attack is a trump card and has usage restrictions!"

"If you retreat at this time, give the opponent time to recover and breathe."

After listening to Anderson's analysis, several brainworms in the consciousness network were all thoughtful.

Anderson continued to take advantage of the heat: "It's just a loss of several million pioneer ships. Anyway, they are all about to be eliminated, so it won't cause any injuries to you."

"As long as we take down that super fortress and the 2 million high-end battleship, we won't necessarily make a profit in the end!"

"You choose to retreat now, wait for the other party to adjust their status, and deal with it alone when they are approached one by one."

"If you choose now, gather your strength and take advantage of the opponent's poor condition. Press them to death here. Maybe you can get a wave of blood back!"

"It doesn't matter to me, I've decided to move anyway."

"When the other party recovers and retaliates, the creep farm being pushed will definitely have nothing to do with me."

Anderson's words of encouragement were all true.

The brainworms were not stupid and immediately began to secretly analyze the pros and cons.

The consciousness network fell silent again. In this dull atmosphere, after thinking for a while, Trump jumped out first to break the silence.

"Brother Anderson is right. We must not retreat at this time!"

Compared with other farms, he is the youngest, has the least experience, and has the least family background. Unfortunately, he suffered the most losses in this battle, and his territory is the closest to here.

No matter from which angle, he does not want the battle to end.

This will not only make him completely hopeless to recover his investment, but also may lead to revenge from the other party in the future.

He has to face it alone, which is not acceptable to Trump.

"The opponent's attack is so fierce that they even kill their own people. Obviously, they are at the end of their rope."

"As long as we work harder and take down that giant fortress and the 2 million battleship, we will have to ship out hero-level lives, and the opportunity to make a profit is right in front of us!"

"If we don't do it now, the previous investment will really go down the drain!"

Hearing that Trump was setting up a stage for him, Anderson couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"It's worth all my care in the past. This little brother is quite reliable at the critical moment............!"

Before Anderson finished sighing, Trump secretly sent him a private message.

'Brother Anderson, my pioneering fleet is almost completely lost. If it continues, according to the previous profit distribution method, I will suffer a great loss! '

'We are close friends, you have to help me! '

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