Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 531 Transformation 3

In the depths of the E75 type ocean current, in the regional joint defense headquarters.

The farmers who were forced to abandon their own territories, due to strategic contraction, gathered all their main ships here, and there were more than tens of millions of dormant void worms nearby.

Recently, under Longwa's fierce attack without regard for casualties, more than fifteen lines of defense of the E75 void ocean current have been breached, and the entire outer front is in danger.

Send troops to reinforce, or abandon the front?

This is a difficult problem.

In the temporary regional consciousness network, the brain worms are frequently transmitting mental fluctuations in order to discuss countermeasures as soon as possible.

"The outermost defenses of several of our military fortresses have been penetrated. Now we can only continue to retreat and rebuild the defense line in the rear."

"The number of fungal farms has increased by more than seven times in recent losses."

"If we continue to consume like this, there will inevitably be a gap in the reserves on the front line..."

"How about taking some fungal farms from the inner defense line to fill it?"

When the worms came up with the idea of ​​the inner defense line, a brain worm farmer immediately spoke up and said:

"Don't do this, I'm under a lot of pressure!"

"Once the outer positions fall, the invaders will hit me in the face!"

"I am responsible for building this inner three-dimensional line of defense, and I have invested all my resources in it, but it is still not filled."

"There is no way to withdraw more fungal farms to support the outer periphery."

What he said was true, and the regional joint defense agreement had long stipulated that all war losses would be shared by all members.

There is no need to deliberately shirk responsibility and preserve one's own assets.

If they really lose, all the hundreds of years of foundation of all the brain worms in the area will be burned.

"Alas... Then I can only try my best to delay. You say it's really weird!"

"These bastards are crazy. They are obviously seriously injured but still keep attacking. There is no sign of retreating at all."

Since the war, the brain worms have lost a large number of fungal farms.

The number of combat units stationed in the farms that can build the outer front is very limited.

More Zerg pioneer ships are responsible for patrolling and local defense in the rear.

As for the Zerg, the statistical method that never regards red-eyed barnacles as combat units, the battle loss ratio of both sides is actually very outrageous.

The crew members of the Longwa warship are all intelligent creatures with flesh and blood, and they are also technical talents. The cost of training them is much higher than that of the red-eyed barnacles.

If it were the attacking party of the brain worm, they would definitely not be willing to take such a bloody exchange method.

"According to the intelligence shared by the Agricultural Union, the total number of warships dispatched by the other party has already exceeded one trillion."

"There are nearly thirty void ocean currents invading at the same time, which shows that the other party still has sufficient backup forces."

"I feel that if it drags on like this, our void ocean current will sooner or later not be able to withstand it."

The so-called Agricultural Union is actually another type of brain worm consortium.

They are located in the E76 void ocean current behind the E75 void ocean current, which is a distance away and is one of the ocean currents controlled by the swarm and still invaded.

"I get angry when I mention the Farmers' Federation. The alliance application I submitted to them was rejected by the damn decision-making level!"

"What a bunch of cowards, they don't even understand the principle of "lips and teeth are cold". They are unwilling to send troops to support the large-scale invasion of foreign enemies."

"They only donated 20,000 fungus mat fortresses, and they sent us away............."

The brainworms who heard the news were helpless except for complaining.

What is the Farmers' Federation thinking about not wanting to send troops to support?

The brainworms in the E75 ocean current area are more or less aware of it.

If they were in their place, they would not choose to weaken the defense of their own control area and send troops to support other void ocean currents.

The benefits are not high and the risks are extremely high. What if the hometown is attacked after the troops are sent out?

It is better to sit on the sidelines and watch. Who knows, after watching the cranes and clams fight, you can also reap the benefits of the fishermen.

By the time the invaders flatten the E75 Void Ocean Current, they will probably be exhausted.

At that time.

The Farmers' Association can either wait for the invaders to come and give them a head-on blow.

Or immediately lead the troops out and catch the invaders off guard.

It is more cost-effective than sending troops to support them directly now.

The most important thing is that after the invaders are driven out, the Farmers' Association can legally and legally take over the E75 Void Ocean Current Zone, which has never been owned by anyone.

The controlled area will be doubled instantly, isn't it wonderful?

"Since the outer positions can no longer be defended, then implement Plan B. We must leave a painful enough lesson for the invaders."

"In addition, the single-eyed worms in charge of the front-line command can be withdrawn in advance."

Wilson, who was elected as the commander-in-chief of the E75 Ocean Current Zone, issued this order to the other brain worm farmers in the consciousness network.

Upon hearing the official order to abandon the outer defense line, a bunch of brain worms immediately began to howl.

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