Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 534 Transformation 6

The powerful attack on the front line did not affect the rational analysis of the brainworms in the rear.

After all, after this wave of attacks, the divine patterns engraved on the huge main gun of Longwa's battle fortress had begun to collapse visibly.

According to the size and degree of damage of the main gun, the brainworms roughly estimated that without a period of emergency repair, the main gun would not be used again.

Of course, the divine power barrier wrapped on the surface of the battle fortress where the main gun was overloaded and damaged was still glowing and running well, which gave the brainworms a headache.

Finding that the enemy had begun to deploy combat troops, Wilson also guessed the opponent's plan.

"No need to wait. Judging from the situation, the enemy will let the battle fortress approach the fortress."

"Release all the remaining combat insect swarms inside the fortress."

"It can still delay for a while."

After the surface defense system was destroyed, facing the enemy's firepower cover and the endless supply of mecha and fighter units, it was only a matter of time before the fortress was completely occupied.

The Zergs still alive in the outer front instantly received the orders from the brain worms through the consciousness network.

Inside the originally quiet fortress, bursts of roars gradually sounded.

The dry surface with rolling heat waves was surging, and countless rocks were lifted up by the giant.

"Puff puff puff............!"

The huge sickle pierced the layer of rocks and scraped hard on both sides. The rocks that had just solidified after melting were broken and scattered like tofu.

With the groaning of the earth, tall figures finally emerged from the ground.


The killer, no longer restrained in the dust, raised his sickle blade and roared to the sky.

Behind him, various Zerg combat units such as Thunder Dragon, Springtail, Alien Dragon, Corruptor, etc., swarmed out of the tunnel opened by the killer.

Without any extra life, the moment they left the cave, they had already locked onto the flying mechas and fighters.

As soon as a killer left the tunnel, it collided head-on with the concentrated fire of several mechas.

Driven by biological energy.


The killer's strong hind legs suddenly exerted force, the ground cracked, dust flew, and under the huge reaction force.

It has a void organ, and its huge body that can almost be bound by gravity instantly leaves the ground.

It shows the speed and agility that are completely consistent with its huge body.

Like a cannonball, it rushed straight to the mecha and fighter formation attacking him under the dense strafing.

Watching the bullets on the heavy head armor of the killer, countless sparks were scraped. The combat mecha formation, which had been highly alert, faced the ferocious insect beast that was beyond previous experience.

But no one retreated. Relying on the team tacit understanding formed over the years, the entire combat team immediately adopted the tactics of dispersed siege and started a fight with it.

The killer's super high agility and the tough scales that can easily withstand light machine guns made them shuttle through the fire network with ease.

With their keen sense of battle, these killing machines quickly realized that their speed was not an advantage when chasing the Void Fighter as bait.

Through the information sharing of the consciousness network, several Corruptors approached nearby and bit the fleeing Void Fighter directly.

The huge Killer changed its target and caught up with the mecha formation that had just poured fire on him.

With the full load of adrenal glands, the flexible Killer was like a red death wielding a sickle.

The armed blade equipped with the sickle limbs vibrated violently in the buzzing, and a dark light was emitted.

The standard mecha, which was a circle smaller than the Killer, faced the bloody behemoth that suddenly attacked rapidly.

After calmly comparing the speed of both sides, the experienced mecha pilot Luosang knew that dodging was futile.

He decisively responded and directly controlled the mecha, discarding the light machine gun in his hand that had little damage.

After the mecha's posture was adjusted in an instant, the engine power was fully turned on, the sword was unsheathed, and it took advantage of the situation to meet the terrifying giant sickle.

If he could hold off the killer's slash, relying on the tacit understanding formed over the years, Luosang believed that his teammates around him would be able to seize the brief gap and launch a fatal sneak attack on the giant beast in front of them.

Unfortunately, when the mecha's sword collided with the killer's giant sickle, the strong shock transmitted by it completely exceeded Luosang's expectations.

The powerful impact even affected the cockpit, and the condensed protective liquid filled in it made Luosang, who was wrapped in it, feel a huge tremor in his internal organs.

At this time, it was too late to withdraw the sword, and he was a veteran.

Luosang retreated and advanced, and the sword scraped a string of sparks along the inside of the sickle blade until it hit the killer's head protected under the head shield.

His past combat experience has long proved that in this situation, attacking to defend, forcing the enemy to give up his life in exchange for his own, is the most correct choice.

But this time, Luosang chose the wrong opponent. He is now facing the Zerg Killer, a guy who has regarded killing and death as his mission since his birth.

Facing the blade that was enlarged in his scarlet eyes, the Killer did not retreat until the mecha's sword chopped off his head scales and got stuck on the skull.

The pair of terrifying sickle limbs had also closed at the same time, cutting the mecha and the cockpit that were clamped on the inside of the blade in half.

The sudden melee took only a moment to cover the entire fortress's airspace.

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