Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 559 Slave Ship

In the dark void, a huge ring-shaped spaceship is slowly drifting under the drive of inertia.

The three ring-shaped orbital modules around the central axis of the ship have long stopped rotating and can no longer provide simulated gravity for the orbital modules.

The power engine and booster at the tail of the cylindrical hollow body at the axis have been extinguished for a long time.

A large amount of leaked accelerant condensed into ice crystals in the low-temperature cosmic environment, sticking to the vicinity of the jet nozzle, forming a long and thin blue tail cone.

"Wow! Tsk tsk tsk tsk ..."

Seeing the picture sent back by the deep space detector, Han Fei couldn't help but let out a burst of tsk tsk sounds, and his face could not hide the disappointment.

This spaceship that sent a wide-area distress signal is obviously not a high-end product.

Looking at the condition of its hull, it can be seen that it has been drifting in this cosmic cavity for some time.

Outdated design, outdated architecture, inefficient divine crystal supply system and junk engines that should have been eliminated long ago...

In today's human civilization, only textbooks and museums can see antiques like this model.

Of course, it is at least a spaceship that can travel across star regions. Even if it is not equipped with a folding engine, it can at least carry out continuous space curvature navigation.

The efficiency may not be high, but the consumption of divine crystals is also very low.

The biggest advantage of this old stall product may be that it saves money!

Looking at the huge three-ring orbital cabin, you can know that the carrying capacity of this thing is definitely not enough. It is definitely a high-cost transport ship that is the first choice for poor people.

"Since we're here, let's go take a look."

Touching his chin, even though he had already determined that there was probably nothing good in this ship, Han Fei still held the attitude of a thief who wanted to take advantage of the situation and ordered the simulator to turn the starship's course and head towards the crashed ship.

It didn't take much time for the advanced optical equipment equipped on the starship to clearly observe the details of the ship.

Through the porthole of the bridge, Han Fei looked at the ship getting closer and closer. After getting closer, he felt its huge size more intuitively.

"Damn! No wonder it's a three-ring cabin structure that can simulate gravity. This is also a ship that transports living things!"

"A ship sailing in the cavity of the universe must not be a regular interstellar travel ship."

"In that case, this is either a smuggling ship or a slave ship!"

After reaching this conclusion, Han Fei seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze.

He simply couldn't imagine how these smugglers could gather enough goods for this ship.

Both smuggling and slave trade were highly profitable businesses.

Moreover, in this era of gods, the slave trade also derived a high-end slave commodity.

That is, high-value slaves who obtained the seeds of gods but still opened up the divine domain.

In the star field where Han Fei was located, the most valuable slaves were definitely the teenagers of the two dominant races, the human race and the longwa.

Because these two civilizations have the fire that can produce the seeds of gods, the young people of the right age in this race have a very high rate of obtaining the seeds of gods.

As long as they control these people in reality, then when they open up the divine domain, the value they can bring to the world of gods is self-evident.

There is a famous saying in the interstellar world that if there is a profit of one hundred percent, the beggars in the interstellar world will take risks.

If there is a profit of 200% of a hundred, they are willing to defy the rules.

If there is a profit of 300% of a hundred, they dare to trample on everything in the world.

And this quality and scale of slave trade only needs to be done once, and the guys who beg for a living in the interstellar will earn a lifetime of profits.

So even if the two hegemonic civilizations join forces to attack in this star field, it is difficult to completely kill the greedy slave traders.

Every year, many tribes are secretly abducted to the outer star field through various channels.

Watching the spaceship, when the starship approaches, Han Fei immediately sends a drone team to explore the surface of the crashed spaceship.

These multi-purpose drones have different shapes according to different purposes.

Matching each other is enough to complete drone operations in harsh environments under remote control.

After the initial inspection, it was confirmed that there was no danger. Without Han Fei's instructions, the crew members of the simulator had already skillfully issued specific instructions.

As the laser blades of the multi-purpose drones lit up, the outer armor of the orbital cabin was melted through, and a passage large enough for drones to enter was quickly formed.

At the moment the cabin was opened, the multi-purpose drones that automatically put on a defensive posture were not impacted by the leaking airflow.

In the bridge of the starship, Han Fei, who was staring at the real-time projection screen, couldn't help but shake his head secretly even though he had guessed this result long ago.

As expected, the orbital cabin that had been shut down for a long time could no longer provide a gravity simulation environment.

The independent ecological circulation system inside naturally could not continue to be maintained, and most animals and plants would find it difficult to survive for a long time in such an environment.

As for the maintenance cabin, after the mass supply was completely cut off, it was no different from a coffin.

They simply died in a dormant state without knowing it, thus avoiding the helplessness and despair before death.

Not to mention that this is not a high-end interstellar travel ship, how can it be equipped with a large amount of high-end emergency maintenance equipment for slaves or stowaways in the orbital cabin.

As the drone entered the hull, the real-time images of the cabin were continuously transmitted back. Even though Han Fei had been well prepared, he could not help but frown deeply.

In the world of gods, he had seen extremely bloody scenes, but it was ultimately a fight between alien creatures.

At this time, in the prison cells of the spacecraft, the lizard-shaped corpses that had long lost their lives were floating quietly.

Because the oxygen in the cabin dissipated too quickly, in the vacuum environment, there was no rotting corpse face, and the desperate and terrified expression was still vivid.

Han Fei could clearly identify their appearance.

In this ship, nearly half of the people were humans and Longwa people, and the remaining half were all other races in the nearby star field!

What made Han Fei's eyes split was that these prisoners were almost all still in their teens.

The three orbital cabins with similar structures were all like this!

According to a rough estimate, in the numerous prison cells, at least more than one million slaves were imprisoned.

Han Fei sensed that there were quite a few individuals with weak traces of residual divine power in these corpses.

This means that the proportion of young people who have obtained the seeds of the gods is definitely not low.

Even though the number of human beings and Longwa tribesmen is already in the trillions, the abduction of such a large number of tribesmen is shocking enough.

These are young tribesmen who have not yet opened up the divine domain, and they are all descendants of the race!

Such behavior is to trample on the faces of the two hegemonic civilizations and rub them crazily.

At this time, Han Fei couldn't help but close his eyelids slightly, his eyes cold.

As the saying goes, sympathy for one's own kind, even the extremely rational Han Fei, after seeing the fate of human beings, couldn't help but have a burst of evil fire in his heart.

"Damn it!"

While spitting out these two words fiercely, Han Fei's mouth showed a cold smile.

"How brave!"

This slave ship adopts an outdated design and cheap equipment.

It's not a cost consideration at all. It's all to avoid being exposed and being traced back to the mastermind from the traces on the ship.

In this star field, no one can bear the wrath of two hegemonic civilizations.

Even other hegemonic civilizations in neighboring star fields would not want to face the joint revenge of the human race and the Longwa tribe.

"Expand the search range, search the axis carefully, don't miss any corner, and dig up some useful information for me!"

Keeping a smile that makes people's backs cold, Han Fei's calm humming sounded softly in the bridge.

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