Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 570 Seth Moeller

Following Ander's guidance, Han Fei controlled the bionic mecha, boarded the passenger magnetic rail cabin, and soon left the mooring well.

The winding submarine tunnel almost penetrated the mantle of the planet.

The walls along the way were dotted with colorful fluorite, making the interior of the tunnel not only not dim, but gorgeous and dazzling.

Although such fluorite minerals are not of much value in interstellar time, it can be seen from these details that the management of the Winstowton black market is really operating with care.

Generally speaking, most of the mobile black market operators are desperate to be wiped out by the military and police at any time.

They don't have the mind or confidence to run the black market for a long time.

The atmosphere in the magnetic rail cabin is somewhat solemn.

The high simulation of the bionic mecha showed Han Fei's arrogant and disdainful expression on his face.

For fear of offending him, Ander did not dare to say much, but smiled awkwardly.

I don't know if it was intentional, but the speed of the magnetic rail cabin was unusually fast.

Amid the colorful lights outside the window, it didn't take long to slow down steadily and then slowly parked.

"Seth. Moeller, welcome to your arrival, distinguished guest from a foreign land!"

Han Fei's bionic mecha, as soon as he stepped out of the cabin door, subconsciously paused because of this welcome word that suddenly came into his ears.

Although he reacted very quickly and quickly covered it up.

On the platform, the virtual projection that was so subtle that it was visible had already slightly curled its lips.

"Can I think that this is the way the Seth family welcomes guests?"

Han Fei did not directly respond to the other party's temptation, but asked back.

"Because of the long distance, I can't rush to Winstowton to welcome the distinguished guests in person. It's indeed a bit polite."

"But... I didn't hide my identity, and I ordered this site to be cleared. I believe you should see my sincerity from it, right?"

Müller paused, and then said slowly with a meaningful affirmative tone: "A distinguished guest from human civilization."

Hearing Seth Merler's words, Han Fei, who was in the bridge of the Star Shuttle at this time, suddenly shrank his pupils.

Ander, who was originally following the bionic mecha, also blacked out after hearing his young master's words, and almost fainted.

I never expected that the so-called "fat sheep" introduced to the young master turned out to be such a background!

"Young master, I........"

Ander knelt down on the ground with a plop, and was about to kowtow and apologize, but was interrupted by Merler.

"Let it go this time, but it won't happen again."

"Retreat first, you know what to do next."

Möller waved his hand, saying generously.

A powerful and loyal follower like Ander deserves more tolerance.

Han Fei, who was watching from the sidelines, had recovered at this time.

Seeing the virtual projection of Möller, he seemed to want to invite him to move to a secret place for a private chat.

Seeing the unexpected arrangement of the other party, Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, and after quickly going through the current situation in his mind, the bionic mecha also showed a meaningful smile.

The superiority of his star shuttle far exceeds the technological gap shown by the defense system of the Venstotton planet. In addition, the garrison warships in the surrounding star regions are still normal and have not shown any reaction. This also gives Han Fei enough confidence to escape from here at any time.

And this collateral descendant of the Seth family really made me a little interested.

Maybe there will be some unexpected gains.

Not long after, in a secret reception room somewhere, a bionic mecha and a virtual projection sat opposite each other.

Möller was the first to break the silence and said with a smile: "Dear human god, how should you confess your identity to show your sincerity?"

Han Fei remained calm and tried to ask: "Didn't you find out everything?"

"Haha, I think you misunderstood."

Seeing Han Fei's defensive attitude, Möller said frankly without getting angry.

"The reason why I guessed your general origin is nothing more than judging from the access code you used and the structure of your vehicle."

"After all, I am very clear about the content of the mission performed by that guy from Moore."

"In addition to your vehicle, it is even more difficult to conceal the shipbuilding style and technological application ideas of human civilization. Anyone who is willing to spy can distinguish many subtle details."

Han Fei listened to this explanation, and he couldn't help but reflect deeply.

After all, it was carelessness, and he underestimated the control of the Ventoston black market over the internal affairs.

"Haha, since you can see it, you should also guess the purpose of my investigation of the black market this time?"

"You dare to reveal your identity in front of me, let me completely confirm that you are the mastermind behind the slave trade. Are you really not afraid of death?"

Although Han Fei had a brief contact with him, he was convinced that the other party was not a stupid lunatic.

Could it be that he felt that he would die after the truth was revealed, and he wanted to give up completely?

"The mastermind behind the scenes?"

"I am just a collateral descendant of the Seth family, what virtue do I have?"

"It's nothing more than a scapegoat that can be abandoned at any time and used to take the blame!"

Möller still had a smile on his lips, but it was inevitably a bit bitter.


Han Fei didn't realize it, pretending to be curious, trying to get him to reveal more inside information.

"What do you mean........"

Möller did not want to say more, but stared at the eyes of the bionic mecha, as if he wanted to see through the bionic pupils, through the ansible that penetrates time and space, and look at the remote control of the other party.

"I am not afraid of death, on the contrary, I want to live!"

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope to survive, I will never give up!"

The pure black eyes that are different from those of humans are shining with a bright red light, like a leaping flame.

That is the majestic mental power that is almost materialized, in the uncontrollable manifestation, showing the powerful strength that the peak gods have in the real universe.

If it were not for the virtual projection of Möller at this time, the other party would definitely crush the bionic mecha into a pile of scrap metal easily.

As a peak god, although Han Fei did not meet him face to face, he could not guess what he wanted to express.

Such an environment, coupled with the unconcealed spiritual will and emotions, makes it extremely unlikely for the other party to lie.

"Even if you are already a peak god, and even have the hope of becoming an eternal true god, you hide everything about yourself because you are born in a side branch of the family..."

"A dog of a direct member! A dog that can be abandoned at any time!"

"I won't accept it!"

Han Fei has been beaten by society for two lifetimes, and he still understands Mueller's situation very well.

"Haha, yes, it has come to this point. If it were me, I would not accept it!"

"So, my arrival gives you hope?"

"Or have you already anticipated, or even prepared to welcome this day?"

The other party has shown such frankness and straightforwardness, Han Fei naturally has roughly guessed Mueller's thoughts.

"No, I'm also gambling, gambling on a chance that I won't be wiped out by the true god of your star field with a slap."

"And your arrival gives me a little more chance of winning the bet."

"You have condensed such a high-purity divine crystal and drive such an excellent car, so it is very likely that you have an extraordinary identity or status in human civilization, and even get the attention of the true god."

After a violent mental catharsis, Mueller said in a deep voice: "Believe me, I have enough value for both you and human civilization."

Han Fei said with interest: "Oh? Are you really willing to defect from your family?"

"Haha, if you can get a chance to become a true god, what's wrong with betraying your family or even your race?"

Mueller's sneer was full of endless determination.

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