Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 573 Perrin.Morson

In the deep space of the universe, in the remote areas of the star field, there are still individual star areas where civilizations gather.

Such densely populated civilizations are undoubtedly small civilizations. They are either descendants of the interstellar era or outsiders who were forced to migrate here due to various reasons.

Only star regions with poor resources and desolate areas, regarded as useless by stronger civilizations, are the places where weak races can survive.

The weak races gathered here either fight endlessly with each other to compete for development resources, or they stick together for warmth and establish various alliances to check and balance each other.

Even though the law of the jungle still prevails here, conflicts rarely escalate until they develop into endless battles of genocide.

The civilization that has weakened to the point where it has made its home here has long been unable to withstand more risks.

Exchanges between civilizations and trade exchanges are the mainstream development methods of these weak races.

As time goes by, individual civilizations will eventually emerge from this remote wilderness and migrate to the more fertile starfields, creating legendary stories that may be tragic or dazzling.

Therefore, the higher-level civilizations adjacent to the remote areas will not be too harsh on these weak civilization groups living in a corner, and will even occasionally provide some small support to some weak races with potential.

Give me a rose and leave a lingering fragrance in your hands.

Using some backward technological resources, not only can we easily make profits from these weak civilizations, but it can also make them grateful and form good relationships. Why not?

In this kind of relaxed development environment, the remote star field will naturally become a weak civilization with no background, an excellent cradle for growth.

More and more foreign races are migrating here to gather together, which further promotes the prosperity of this place.

In fact, in dense star regions in remote areas, the population and density of intelligent creatures often exceed those in vast and sparse star regions.

The extremely dense number of species and poor resources make these remote star areas highly dependent on the import of external resources.

Low capital technological strength and low labor costs have made these remote star areas become low-end manufacturing industrial zones for many interstellar business groups, perfect product dumping grounds.

Even a source of cheap labor.

Capital oppression from superior civilizations is often more subtle and cruel than rule by force, but it is also more difficult to resist, even irresistible.

What is even more sad is that, as the rulers of a weak civilization, for the survival and development of the race, they not only have to sit back and watch this kind of oppression and attract more investment, but also provide various preferential policies and safeguards for these business groups. .

For example, providing corresponding tax exemptions, protecting the legitimate interests of foreign investors, and maintaining the safety of commercial waterways...

In particular, the major waterways are patrolled regularly by joint fleets formed by many civilizations.

The military expenditures of the combined fleet are allocated to various civilizations, but their command rights do not belong to the local forces. Instead, each business group appoints deacons to jointly supervise and command in a collegial manner.

It is equivalent to the local civilization jointly investing and providing free mercenaries for the transport fleets of those merchant groups.

Of course, these business groups from higher civilizations are not completely enjoying the benefits.

They will use their own channels to purchase a batch of advanced warships and even some military control equipment from medium to large civilizations to equip the combined fleet.

For most weak and small civilizations, this is undoubtedly something that even money cannot buy.

After months of operations and reinforcements, the combined fleet has been built with a combat power level that is no less than that of the elite legions of medium-sized civilizations.

Even in some high-end ordnance, it is even better.

You must know that in these remote star regions, in the intricate business interest chain, no corporate consortium of the overlord civilization is involved.

This group of bloodthirsty and greedy giant crocodiles have no scruples at all when using some bottomless means in order to make profits.

Not to mention the meat in your mouth, if you really touch their cheese, let alone the remote star field, even a medium-sized civilization will definitely be able to withstand their revenge.

It's not worth it to offend the capital groups behind the scenes for a little profit!

This is a disguised form of safeguarding the development ecology of remote star areas and avoiding interference from neighboring superior civilizations.

Without the control and governance of a strong civilization, dense areas in remote areas naturally form a mixed but relatively stable overall order.

Countless black industrial chains exist secretly and flourish with the tacit understanding of various official forces.

The freedom and carnival of capital, the abnormal prosperity and prosperity, have always been based on blood, tears and piles of bones.

Perrine Molson is one of the business representatives who has been immersed in this bloody carnival for a long time.

Unlike most of the deacons of foreign business groups, Perrin was originally from an indigenous race in this remote star region.

The half-animal bloodline originating from her maternal line has made her feel inferior since she was a child.

But she is so smart that she does not regard those dirty, stupid half-beasts as the same kind.

On the contrary, I have no resentment towards the irresponsible dark elf whom I have never seen before, abandoning my wife and daughter, and I am even full of longing and expectation.

As she grew older, the leopard-type half-animal features inherited from her mother, as well as the tall and plump figure, as well as the delicate face inherited from her parents, made her see a deep look in the eyes of countless foreign males. desire, but also see their own opportunities.

In the humanoid population, which occupies an absolutely dominant position in this star region, Perrin's appearance is undoubtedly in line with the mainstream aesthetics.

The leopard woman's boldness and sexiness, coupled with the wisdom and cunning of the dark elves, make her like a fish in water when interacting with males.

It is not difficult for her to achieve class crossing by clinging to the powerful.

After painstaking planning, she finally hooked up with a deacon stationed in the local area by a foreign consortium.

Then, through several years of "unremitting efforts", she hooked up step by step with the more powerful senior executives of the consortium and became the mistress of the other party.

Thus, she obtained the citizenship of the hegemonic civilization of the consortium, and was later promoted to the deacon of the consortium in the star region.

Facing the jealousy, disgust, contempt and other eyes of her former compatriots, Perrin sneered at it.

If she hadn't been willing to risk her life, how could she be given the noble surname of "Morson" and look down upon those filthy half-beasts digging for food in the land as a citizen of a higher civilization?

Even the nobles who were high and mighty in the past would want to kneel down and lick her boots when they saw her, just to get some money when purchasing from their territory.

A bunch of ignorant turtles!

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