Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 581 Breaking in

Looking at the projection screen, Perrin's expression kept changing rapidly.

In just a few breaths, he went from despair to ecstasy, and then to frozen in stunned shock.

Many crew members who reacted a little late, before they had time to cheer for escaping death, were also silenced by the strange scene in front of them.

Like a group of ducks with their necks strangled, they looked at the huge screen, opened their mouths but couldn't make a sound.

The dazzling white light did not explode completely as expected, but formed a sphere, which continued to expand rapidly and never dispersed.

The radar did not even detect any energy dissipation, but the halo on the surface of the sphere became more and more dazzling as it expanded.

Against the dark and empty starry sky background, it was like a black hole horizon where even light could not escape.

However, unlike the black hole, the many celestial bodies covered by the light ball were not torn apart and swallowed by the huge gravity, but were delayed by an inexplicable amount of force as if they were trapped in a quagmire.

According to common sense, such a rapid external deceleration is a force that most celestial bodies cannot withstand, but these celestial bodies did not show any signs of collapse.

Such a strange scene, let alone many orc crew members, even the self-proclaimed visionary Deacon Perrin was completely beyond her cognition.

It was not until the inevitable transport flagship was also covered by the light ball and the shrill alarm sounded again in the bridge that she completely came to her senses.

"Sir, the shield's energy consumption is...continuously increasing..."

"The shield has not been attacked, and no damage reduction nodes have been detected, but the energy is still being reduced."

"It's impossible. From the damage control detection, the energy supply system is intact and has been running well without any leakage failure."

"Sir, the speed suddenly dropped sharply and has dropped to sub-light speed, but it is still slowing down..."

"The main engine is already in an over-limit excitation state and can no longer increase the power."

The reports from each control group were full of confusion and confusion.

Perrin didn't need them to report at all. Looking at the real-time data displayed on the command panel, his face was full of confusion.

It's okay for a conventional energy shield to have an unknown failure.

But the divine shield is also continuously reducing, which is a big problem.

Seeing the rapidly rising energy supply data, Perrin can fully imagine the scene of a large amount of divine energy crystals burning crazily in the energy pool of the divine energy array.

This is the divine energy extracted from the world of gods, which belongs to high-dimensional energy!

The energy of the real universe is lower dimensional than that of divine energy. Only by seeking qualitative change through quantitative change can the divine energy be barely hedged and reduced.

In the absence of external energy offset, divine energy will only slowly disappear due to the change of time.

If it is solidified into divine energy crystals, its existence will not change for billions of years, which can be regarded as "eternal state".

In the current situation, the divine energy that condenses the shield is leaked for no reason... It's really hell!

"The energy essence of this white light, can't it also be... divine energy?"

After excluding all possibilities, the only impossibility left is the greatest possibility.

In a short period of time, Perrin's emotions fluctuated several times, and he was completely numb.

"The other side spent so much divine energy to intercept... Can't escape!"

Perrin, who was as if dead, said with self-mockery, and gave the order helplessly.

"Don't struggle in vain. Try to send a wide-area communication signal and surrender to the Ansai Star Pirates."

"Turn off the engine and protect the conventional shield. Maintain the divine shield at the lowest output energy consumption."

"Before the reserves of divine energy crystals are exhausted, if we are caught by the other party, we may get some preferential treatment."

Perrin, with a resigned mentality, has already planned to completely give up.

At this moment, the real-time image sent back by the projection screen made her dull eyes condense again.


A light and shadow suddenly appeared at the center of the white light ball, that is, at the space crack that had stopped expanding.

In the distortion, it quickly turned from virtual to real.

In the depths of Perrin's heart, an incredible idea suddenly emerged.

"Isn't this some madman doing a space jump?"

When the light and shadow completely materialized into a super-large star shuttle, which completely confirmed her guess, Perrin instantly felt like she had reached the end of her rope, and then a new light appeared.

Before a normal interstellar ship starts a space jump, it will at most send a defense shield to the target node first, reminding other ships that may appear in the channel to pay attention and avoid it.

And this super-large star shuttle actually directly blasted the target node, playing a super-large-scale violent control!

There is too much money, so it must be burning it!

Perrin looked at the screen with a distorted face, not entirely because of anger, but more of an inexplicable envy and jealousy.

The other party is definitely not a star pirate!

With such a grand scene, and looking at the gorgeous appearance of the star shuttle, as the image gradually became clear, Perrin, who had a distorted face, returned to a dull expression, and in an instant turned into ecstasy.

The bow of the star shuttle was pointed and curled like a bird's beak, and the oversized wings on both sides stretched slightly to the side and back.

If the background was not the dark void, but the blue sky, it really looked like a horned eagle gliding with its wings spread.

The complex patterns engraved on the hull and the front and back of the wings were all engraved with huge star arrays, and the blue light was lingering everywhere, which was clearly a rich and almost tangible magic.

The gorgeous and exquisite ship hull decoration has a strong and unique elven style.

The deliberately flamboyant style shows the arrogant style of the giant magic circle, and the eye-catching spider web-like strange emblem relief under the jumping ghost flames at the bow.

"Dark elves! Or the direct descendants of a dark elf family!"

Perrin's half-dark elf blood was boiling in an instant.


In the midst of ecstasy and excitement, she immediately came back to her senses, kicked the half-orc adjutant beside her off the command seat, looked around the bridge with cold eyes and scolded:

"Everyone stay here honestly, don't do anything unnecessary without my order!"

Before she finished speaking, she had already abandoned the bridge personnel who were confused about the situation and quickly rushed back to her own exclusive cabin.

She quickly tidied up her thin robe and messy hair, and deliberately pulled down her wide collar to reveal her shoulders and a large area of ​​white.

After tidying up her embarrassed appearance, Perrin continued to put on a delicate makeup, changing into a tearful expression, which made her look even weaker, helpless and pitiful.

It took less than two minutes for Perrin to finish tidying up. She looked at her current look in the full-length mirror and confirmed that it was okay again, then nodded with satisfaction.

Perrin bent slightly and half-knelt to make her collar looser. With an extremely humble attitude, she used the permission of the highest commander of the ship and personally sent a private communication request to the elven star shuttle through the communication equipment in her room.

"Your Excellency, I, the half-elf Perrin of the dark elf race, pay you my highest respects."

"I am an expatriate of the Moore Consortium. If I encounter any trouble, I would like to ask for your mercy and help."

Although the dark elves are also proud elves, they are regarded as rebellious elves, which is different from ordinary elves.

Their unique and wanton style makes them never shy away from breeding with other races, and they do not regard half-elves as shameful evil offspring, but rather as excellent sources of slaves.

Compared with ugly races such as orcs, at least the appearance and wisdom of half-elves are more in line with the aesthetic needs of dark elves.

Most of the time, dark elves traveling abroad are not reluctant to communicate with other races, or even have more in-depth "contact".

To be able to climb to this position, Perrin certainly knows how to make the most of his appearance and figure.

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