Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 599: Invasion and Advance

"Activate the central control array and switch to simplified mental control mode!"

Han Fei's tone was unusually indifferent, without any warmth.

"The order has been received. For safety reasons, please confirm again whether to adopt the simplified mode!"

The cold mechanical sound echoed in the bridge.


The shipboard optical brain verified the order from the highest authority almost without delay.

At this time, relying on the powerful mental power and immersed in a state of almost absolute rationality, Han Fei had already abandoned other useless emotions.

As his voice fell, the central console carrying the command seat slowly floated into the air, and the divine power halo began to flow softly on the miniature array engraved on the deck.

Distributed at multiple source points inside the array, high-purity divine energy crystals continued to provide surging divine power to maintain the operation of the array.

This purity of divine energy crystals are all stocks that Han Fei personally condensed one by one at the cost of a lot of time and energy.

For the gods, the use value of the high-purity divine energy crystals that they personally condensed will definitely be higher than the ordinary divine energy crystals purchased on the surface.

The divine power from the same source can make it easier for the gods to carry out detailed control.

After the central control array was activated, Han Fei completed the mental power bridge without any obstacles and took over the overall control of the star shuttle.

All the bionic crew members under the jurisdiction of the star shuttle can enter the active control state at any time according to his will, and become puppets without active consciousness.

However, Han Fei does not need to do this immediately for the time being.

The control and remote rotation of the entire star shuttle requires comprehensive coordination of multiple positions. Even if his mental power is strong, it is difficult to guarantee that he can carry out detailed control of all aspects in an emergency moment.

Therefore, he has to take over the central control temporarily, just to allow the auxiliary crew members in charge of other positions to receive his instructions in time during the next breakthrough.

Bionics cannot explore the divine domain, nor can they sense divine power. Inside the super starry sky array, they cannot make the best route choice independently.

There will inevitably be a time delay for Han Fei to issue instructions and then implement the corresponding operations.

Compared with the previous one, Han Fei's personal control of the star shuttle through the central control array is undoubtedly much faster.

But this also means that he has to spend more energy for this.

After all, the difficulty of controlling a ship is not at the same level as that of controlling a mecha. The conventional consciousness transmission system cannot do this at all. It must be realized through the divine power array that is almost engraved on the star shuttle.

It is also thanks to Han Fei's long-term peak god, and his body and soul have been nourished by divine power for many years.

If it were an ordinary god, he would not dare to adopt a simplified mode without any safety guarantee.

With the activation of the central control array and the completion of the mental bridge, Han Fei's emotions became more indifferent and his attention became more focused.

As his thoughts flowed, the main engine at the tail of the star shuttle suddenly ejected a hot blue flame.

In an instant, the entire star shuttle turned into a dark light and shot out.

Almost in the next second, in the clear area outside the starry sky array, the defense war stars deployed in various places all sounded the invasion alarm!

In the many star ports surrounding the war stars, sharp alarms sounded one after another.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The response speed of the active defense system is much faster than those garrisons who are still in shock.

A series of high-energy rays, like spears of light, cut through the void and shot rapidly in the direction of abnormal fluctuations.

Even if the detection system has not yet found the source of the abnormal fluctuations, let alone completed the fire control lock, it does not prevent the defense program from covering the general direction with firepower.

It can be seen that the rigor of its defense logic is that any unknown invasion will be killed without mistake and not let go!

This is exactly the meaning of the existence of the clear zone.

As for whether it is possible to accidentally injure their own patrol fleet, that is not within the scope of consideration.

Compared with the safety of the source fire and the great rise of the Molson family.

Accidental injury? What does that count?

Even the members of the family sent here, except for the true gods, are consumables.

From the moment they came here, they never thought that there would be a chance to return to the outside world.

Without the posture of becoming a god, they were imprisoned in the life barrier for two hundred years. Long before entering the Tewen galaxy, they were "dead people" in the outside world's information and even in the cognition of relatives and friends.

This is what they deserve for the family after enjoying the protection and resources of the family.

"Asshole, why haven't you completed the fire control lock yet?"

In the main control room of the defense system, violent scoldings continued to explode.

The ultra-long-range optical detection equipment sent back images displayed on the projection screen, which made the chief officer on duty furious.

I saw a dark phantom, dragging a blue tail flame, constantly leaping forward.

Its leaping trajectory was irregularly distributed in points, but the direction of advance was extremely clear, heading for the core area of ​​the galaxy.

Their radar array could not provide accurate locking, nor could it predict its movement trajectory.

No matter how dense the defensive firepower network was, in such a vast airspace, the probability of relying on luck to hit a tiny star shuttle moving at high speed was no different from shooting at random.

The fire control operator, facing the spit of his superior, anxiously and powerlessly reported to the chief officer on duty: "This is a premeditated invasion. The other party must have specially equipped targeted locking methods!"

"Even if some detection equipment can capture weak energy fluctuations, it is impossible to distinguish true and false energy sources in time!"

Looking at the densely packed light spots on the radar screens, they really wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Why is that guy still standing there? Use high-explosive kinetic weapons to carry out large-scale coverage and sweeping!"

The chief officer on duty roared and issued orders.

"Notify all war stars to let their fleets all leave the port for interception!"

"They actually let people slip through the warning area. This group of useless trash, what on earth are the patrol fleets sent out for..."

Before he finished scolding, the garrison fleet headquarters had already taken the initiative to connect to the communication equipment.

"Quint, you idiot!"

"Hurry up and use space shock bombs to carry out a large-scale airspace coverage strike!"

A more violent scolding than his came from the communicator.


Quint was stunned for a moment, then turned his head suddenly and looked at the irregularly jumping phantom on the optical observation screen. He said in doubt: "Mr. Pedel, are you saying... the other party is making a space jump?"

"This is impossible. The space barrier we set up covers the entire galaxy..."

On the other side of the communication, Pedel was in no mood to listen to his explanation at this moment. He interrupted him with a roar:

"You are an unlearned waste. Didn't you see that before each leap, the target node of the other party will burst into space fluctuations?"

"This shows that the other party has already spread micro gravity bombs on the preset path. You didn't find anything, waste!"

"Use space shock bombs immediately. Even if you can't blow up the other party, you must clear the gravity bombs on the preset path!"

"Otherwise, the fleet can't predict and intercept at all!"

Quint heard this and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

What Pedder said was undoubtedly beyond his past cognition. Micro gravity bombs can certainly break the space barrier and tear out micro space cracks.

But using this to jump through space, isn't it risking one's life?

This kind of "exploded" space node is not only extremely fragile, but also difficult to guarantee in width and duration.

In fact, Quint's cognitive limitations are also reasonable.

As an ordinary member of the Molson family, his qualifications for becoming a god are not high, and before he reached the level of the peak gods, the divine domain has collapsed.

This means that he does not have enough knowledge of the various divine power use skills at the peak god level.

The gravity bomb used by Han Fei is the pinnacle creation of human civilization in the field of divine energy technology. The performance is indeed very different from the conventional gravity bombs that Quint is familiar with.

Not only can it tear out space cracks, but because its built-in divine energy crystal is of the same origin as Han Fei's divine power, it will also provide Han Fei with a short and clear spatial direction after detonation.

This allows Han Fei to accurately capture the target node in that fleeting moment and perform high-frequency space jumps with relatively low risk.

This places stringent requirements on the operator's mental power and the various performances of the star shuttle.

These things are beyond Quint's cognition, and only Pedder, a family elite who has gone further in the world of gods and has been through many battles, has the corresponding knowledge.

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