Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 603: Absorption

Deep in the universe, a forgotten wild planet is quietly rotating.

The surface of the planet is a series of hard rock mountains and endless silicon crystal veins, which cover the entire planet like ancient blood vessels.

As the first rays of dawn penetrate the thick dust clouds, the ground continues to rise one after another, and this dead land seems to be quickly awakened.

Just as the planet begins to breathe, the pulse of life beats here.

Tens of thousands of unique creatures have broken out, shaking off the sand and dust on their bodies.

Their exposed bodies present different geometric shapes, some like sharp prisms, and some like smooth spheres.

The silicon carapace reflects a cold metallic luster under the barren light of the planet.

On this cold and lonely planet with a harsh environment, life exists and develops in a unique way, completely different from carbon-based organisms.

These silicon-based organisms do not rely on organic matter as a source of food, but feed on silicon crystals on the surface of the planet.

After a long evolution, their siliconized tentacles have formed a specialized organ.

Each tentacle is covered with sensitive synapses, which can accurately sense the presence of nearby minerals.

Gently brushing the surface of the rock, it can detect whether there are rich crystals inside.

When foraging, the tentacles of these creatures are like slender detectors, flexibly exploring the rugged surface.

In the heart of this wild planet, between the gullies where lava flows.

A silicon-based creature is swinging its tentacles and moving flexibly among them.

The slowly moving tentacle-like extension organs carefully explore every gap between the rocks.

Gently touching every rock on the way forward, looking for crystal mines hidden in the dark.

Whenever the tentacles touch the right ore, the tentacles will become extremely active and begin to dig quickly and efficiently like the claws of an excavator.

Stone chips fly between the tentacles, and the silicon crystals in the ore are gradually exposed to the light, shining with an alluring light.

돗 uses its tentacles to peel the silicon crystals off the rock mass, grinding the more easily decomposed chips. Its polygonal mouthparts open slightly, and every corner on them reveals the wisdom accumulated from natural evolution.

The internal structure of the mouthparts operates precisely, slowly swallowing the hard chips handed over by the tentacles.

The food is decomposed in the body, and the weak radiation released makes 돗's body emit a brighter light, as if tiny stars are shining on 돗's shell.

The process of eating is slow and elegant. 돗's body gradually becomes transparent, and the light flowing inside flickers like stars, emitting cold blue or hot red light, which is the manifestation of energy conversion.

In this silent world, there is only the faint rustling sound of 돗 eating.

Mineral fragments were broken and ground in the mouthparts to maintain life and provide energy for growth.

Suddenly, in a nearby crack, a tentacles that were exploring suddenly stopped.

A slight friction sound echoed in the surrounding air. It seemed that there was something that I longed for, like food but slightly different.

Carefully, I used the serrated structure on the tentacles to peel the crystals off the rock. Every movement was accompanied by a crisp cracking sound.

Finally, I touched a crystal with a dull luster.

This crystal was different from my previous discoveries. It was harder and had an unusually cold surface.

The silicon-based creature tried to continue peeling with its serrated tentacles, but found that the crystal was so hard that even its delicate structure could not break it.

After a while of anxiety, 돗 had no choice but to decide to swallow the crystal whole.

As the crystal was sent into the mouth, a subtle change began.

The crystal was not easily broken and decomposed in the body of the silicon-based creature like other foods.

On the contrary, after entering the silicon-based creature, 돗 began to devour the energy in the body of the creature.

This crystal was like a bottomless black hole, greedily absorbing everything around it.

The body of the silicon-based creature gradually became dim, and 돗's originally weak light was eaten away bit by bit.

What's more terrifying is that even 돗's weak and stupid soul was not spared by this crystal.

The surrounding world, as the silicon-based creature weakened, began to become more desolate.

The gullies where the lava flowed no longer flickered, and there was no exploration of life in the cracks of the rocks, and everything became dead silent.

The silicon-based creature that once shone with the light of life on this land has now become a hollow shell.

The life and soul of the creature were devoured by the strange crystal stone along with the light, and disappeared in the dark night of this wild planet.

The wind and sand blew, bringing the dryness and coldness of the planet, ruthlessly corroding the body of the silicon-based creature.

The once hard silicon carapace gradually lost its integrity under the baptism of the wind and sand, and turned into fine grains of sand.

The crystal stone that devoured the soul of the creature, with the disappearance of the shell, lost its host and fell again on the desolate surface.

The wind and sand continued to blow, burying the crystal stone and the traces of the silicon-based creature.

In this desolate land, everything returned to peace, as if nothing had happened.

Only the crystal buried by the wind and sand lies quietly deep in the planet, like a sleeping seed, waiting for the awakening of the next life, or the next fate of being explored.

Time slowly passed on this wild planet, the wind and sand still blew, and the crystal stone.

It was like a silent witness, recording the stories that had happened on this land.

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