Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 608 Sprouting

Under Han Fei's deliberate guidance, the seeds of faith have quietly taken root in the hearts of the wise rats.

The wise rats are no longer machines that execute instructions. They have begun to think and feel for themselves, and have developed a deep-rooted blind worship of Han Fei's existence.

Every time a task is completed or a new mineral is discovered, the wise rats will celebrate in a ritual way.

Although this primitive ritual is simple, it reveals a kind of awe of knowledge and nature.

Han Fei decisively used this innate sense of awe to guide them to establish a more systematic belief system.

He began to convey some "myths" about himself in his spiritual fluctuations, describing how he came to this planet from a distant star, how to spread wisdom, how to possess the power to control nature, and so on.

These stories spread among the wise rat population and even some highly advanced silicon-based biological groups, and gradually formed a belief in him.

As time went on, Han Fei's image became more and more sacred in the hearts of silicon-based creatures.

The wise rats began to build a religious system centered on Han Fei. They regarded Han Fei as a protector, guide and even creator.

So far, Han Fei gradually became the "true god" in their hearts!

The wise rats built buildings for worship and sacrifice for this "god" in their residence.

In the center of these places, there is always a large ore, symbolizing Han Fei's power and existence. They held ceremonies around the ore, expressing their admiration for Han Fei with songs and dances.

Han Fei also conveyed a series of doctrines to the wise rats through spiritual fluctuations.

These doctrines emphasize the value of cooperation, harmony and knowledge.

He taught them that only by unity can difficulties be overcome, and only by continuous learning can progress.

As the faith deepened, Han Fei discovered that the silicon-based biological community The spiritual outlook of the people has undergone a drastic change.

They have become more united, braver, and more resilient in the face of disasters.

The power of faith has allowed them to walk out of primitive ignorance and find the meaning of survival in a difficult environment.

Under Han Fei's careful planning, a huge disaster swept the entire planet.

The volcano erupted, and hot magma gushed from the top of the mountain, forming a huge sea of ​​fire.

Earthquakes occurred frequently, the earth trembled, and the primitive buildings collapsed one after another.

The storm roared and swept the protrusions on the surface.

The silicon-based life forms panicked and fled everywhere, trying to find a safe place to avoid the disaster. .

The whole world fell into chaos and fear, as if the end of the world was coming.

However, all this was actually under Han Fei's control.

He used his power to secretly guide the disaster, not only to test the faith of the wise mice, but also to push their civilization to a higher level.

Faced with the disaster, the wise mice once fell into panic and helplessness.

However, under Han Fei's guidance, they began to slowly learn how to deal with the disaster.

Through mental fluctuations, Han Fei conveyed various information to the wise mice, teaching them how to build shelters, how to obtain food, and how to support each other to overcome difficulties.

Under his guidance, the wise mice showed An unprecedented organizational system.

Silicon-based creatures are no longer individuals, but a whole, a group with common beliefs and goals.

They believe that as long as they unite as one, they can survive under the protection of Han Fei's divine power.

After a long and difficult period of disaster, the wise rats successfully survived the crisis under the guidance of Han Fei.

They found hope for survival and strengthened their faith in Han Fei.

Han Fei felt the bond formed in the dark, the lines of faith that were still illusory, but gradually solidified, and extremely thick.

Immersed in the ocean of faith power, feeling their number and purity, Han Fei was excited.

"Damn! I made a lot of money! "

The level of faith of these silicon-based fools, once they are formed, is close to the level of fanatics.

Even if they are not as fanatical as the Zerg, they are still vassal families, and they are new believers who have developed in the real universe.

With the connection of the line of faith, Han Fei's long-awaited power of faith flows continuously from the hearts of the wise rats, through the illusory time and space, and directly into the depths of Han Fei's soul.

The power of faith is like liquid brilliance, flowing in his soul and washing his mind.

Even if the faith of the core family is pure and flawless, it is difficult to transfer the original divine power to nourish and further sublimate Han Fei's soul.

The thoughts of the silicon-based fools are pure, and there are too many messy desires in their faith, so the quality and purity are quite high.

The power of faith is mixed. The lower the quality, the higher the efficiency and quality of converting it into divine power.

With the continuous influx of the power of faith, Han Fei's condensed divine power became more and more majestic, and the shadow of divine power became more and more solid. He was no longer as stingy in using divine power as at the beginning.

The spiritual fluctuations he exuded became more and more profound, and his perception became stronger.

Han Fei could more easily feel the emotions and needs of the wise rats, and could also guide their behavior more accurately, further promoting their development and progress.

Through the thread of faith, he passed on more advanced knowledge and skills to the wise rats, guiding them to explore new areas and create more advanced tools and technologies.

Under the guidance of oracles and divine power, the wise rats continued to break through their limits and showed amazing creativity and wisdom.

Their social structure became more perfect, and their civilization began to move towards a new height.

With the development of the civilization of the wise rats, the social system was steadily built.

The social hierarchy dominated by the church and based on the level of faith completely replaced the original division of strength, forming a corresponding social division of labor, and even a hierarchy of superiority and inferiority.

The wise rats at the bottom were not oppressed.

Because there was a vast wilderness and enough mentally retarded low-level populations for these low-level rats to conquer, plunder, and drive.

Oh, no!

According to the words of the Holy Edict preached by His Holiness the Pope, this is a great act of opening up wisdom for the low-level populations, leading them from ignorance to civilization, with faith in their hearts, crawling under the throne of the true God, and enjoying the protection of God.

We rats are God's shepherds, the light of civilization to save these lost lambs.

Under the crazy mental brainwashing, the faith of the entire intelligent rat tribe became more and more fanatical. The whole tribe devoted themselves to the missionary cause, driving away the group of mentally retarded slaves, and madly swept across this wild planet.

Especially the high-ranking church members who were promoted to the level of faith and baptized by Han Fei, after sensing the obvious improvement of the life level, the rats were really crazy!

The desire for progress is the primitive instinct of intelligent creatures!

Specifically for these silicon-based creatures, it also means a significant increase in wisdom and a significant leap in strength.

The most obvious thing is that the silicon-based neurons in their bodies, the original prototype of the natural magic array, have become more and more perfect and mysterious with progress.

This makes their absorption and conversion efficiency of various cosmic energies have a qualitative leap.

Their body tissues are getting stronger and tougher, their shells are getting harder, and they have many characteristics.

After Han Fei consciously let them absorb various metal minerals, the shells of those intelligent rats that had been baptized by divine power many times even reached the level of interstellar battleship alloy armor.

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