Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 612 Meeting

What no one knows is that in the core area of ​​the Cradle Resource Well, there is the Han Fei Divine Domain guarded by the Zerg.

At this time, the seemingly powerful Zerg had actually encountered the super crisis of this group since its birth, and there were even some signs of unsustainability.

After thousands of years, the underground fortress in the Divine Domain has expanded into a magnificent holy city.

With the temple as the center, the towering magic array towers surrounding it are arranged outward in layers.

Only the Holy Spirit Hero Brainworm is qualified to stay in the Holy City, purchase magic array towers, and enjoy special treatment and paid allocation of high-end resources.

Even so, the total number of magic array towers here exceeds more than 100,000, which is the result of the Zerg further tightening the conditions for staying in the Holy City.

If we count the new Holy Spirit heroes who are still working hard to make money and save for down payments, the total number of magic array towers here may not be able to stop 200,000.

According to the group structure and development model of the swarm, each brainworm represents a super army with complete logistics, production, and independent action capabilities.

With such a large number, even if they are all cowardly and cunning, they only need to burst out a part of their real combat power to dominate the entire cradle and clear all other foreign races out of the resource well.

Especially the hero-level brainworms, all of them are strong individuals who have been unable to be promoted to holy spirits for a long time, so they choose to undergo soul transfer surgery and take over the bodies of foreign races.

Although they have obtained strong strength, they are not like holy spirits, who only need enough divine power to nourish their souls.

For hero-level brainworms, earning more merit points in exchange for more high-end resources to prolong their lives so that they can enjoy a better insect life for a longer time is the driving force that drives them to fight madly.

The shorter the life span, the more radical and fanatical the group's demands for external expansion and plundering resources will be.

The core area of ​​the cradle, and even the entire inner area, are no longer enough to satisfy the appetite of the Zerg.

The efficiency of absorbing void energy through multiple iterations of fungal blankets has increased, but it can only meet the needs of low-level Zerg for cultivation and growth, and is not much help to high-level Zerg that are extremely thirsty for high-end resources.

If it weren't for the strong suppression of the Zerg Supreme Council, the brain worms with tight resources would have led hundreds of millions of Zergs under their command to attack the outer blockade line arranged by the two races and expand to the boundless void outside the cradle resource well.

However, the suppression power of the Zerg Supreme Council is still limited.

After all, in the internal ruling structure of the Zerg, the essence of the family is actually at the same level.

The huge demand for exponential growth of the Zerg and the difficulty in continuously increasing the total amount of resources have long made the hero-level brain worms more and more dissatisfied.

As a result, some holy mind worms who were not qualified to enter the decision-making core also repeatedly complained to the Zerg Supreme Council because of their declining living standards.

The long-term strong suppression has caused public resentment, which has undoubtedly caused a continuous blow to the prestige of the Supreme Council.

Even so, the members of the Supreme Council can only bear it silently and dare not make the specific reasons public.

This is not that the core decision-making layer is questioning the loyalty of the Zerg compatriots and worrying that they will leak secrets to the outside world.

But the enemies that the Cradle Zerg has to face now are not only the demigods of the Longwa civilization, but also a few people with ulterior motives within the human civilization.

Once the high-level Zerg are captured, the two overlord civilizations have ways to dig out the internal secrets of the Zerg from their memories.

The serious crisis that concerns the life and death of the group must naturally be strictly sealed and not spread widely.

In the magnificent conference hall, another decision-making meeting was held, and a fierce argument broke out over an emergency proposal.

"Sir Fisius, I think there is no need to discuss this proposal!"

"That's right, the situation is not so serious that it cannot be solved. There is no need to specifically ask Archon Dimi for instructions. He is now the only alternative node, carrying the mental network of the entire insect swarm. Once there is any accident in the awakening process, it will be a disaster that the group cannot bear!"

"That's right! The shock of the mental network will not mention the impact on our brain worms' souls."

"If there is any slight mistake or any adverse effect, Her Majesty Shirley's consciousness information will leak out, making it impossible for her to reproduce the complete soul imprint in the future..."

"All of us! Including you! We will definitely be put on the experimental table by Archon Dimi!"

"This 'probability' puts us at risk of living a life worse than death. We must be cautious again and again!"

Before the proposal was read out, many senior directors had a stress reaction and jumped out directly to strongly oppose it with a firm stand.

Let alone putting it to a vote, many brainworms on the scene had their hair standing up on their backs, and it was obvious that they didn't even want to discuss this proposal.

Of course, it's not that there are no bugs willing to support this proposal, but they are all new directors who are not experienced and support Feixius without thinking.

"Dear seniors, you really have no pain in your back when you are standing!"

"You have been stationed in the temple for a long time and have not been responsible for specific management affairs for too long. You don't understand the real situation of the tribe at all."

"That's right! There are already undercurrents in the Holy City now."

"If you continue to suppress violently, it will sooner or later cause riots!"

"If there is really a riot, won't that Demi guy be held accountable after he wakes up?"

Most of these new directors hold management positions and are the direct recipients of public pressure. If a riot really occurs, they will inevitably bear the main responsibility.

No one wants to take the blame, so naturally they want to drag all the board members to share the risk.

No matter how famous the legendary Dimi is, he can't have slaughtered the entire core decision-making layer, right?

Obviously, in their relatively short insect lives, they have never experienced the beating of a certain insect, and have not deeply experienced the horror of "being unable to control oneself, helpless, and helpless".

"Oh! Little bug! Ignorance is a blessing!"

"Your understanding of Archon Dimi comes from rumors and gossips. You have personally experienced his horror, so you dare to speak nonsense here!"

"Except for the great ruler, Her Majesty Shirley, Dimi never cares about anyone's life or death."

"Before he fell into a deep sleep of consciousness, he warned us not to disturb him until the survival of the tribe was at stake!"

"Fisius is seeking death, we don't want to be affected!"

The brain worm who spoke deliberately emphasized the word affected.

"Is it more tragic to know how to die than to die stupidly?"

"That is..., to die unjustly!"

The senior directors were almost crying because of the naive remarks of these ignorant juniors.

Do you really think that the long "dark age" when Demiguise took over the Zerg was just an exaggerated rumor?

Do you know why, as those who experienced it personally, the psychological trauma has not been completely healed to this day!

To put it bluntly, it's all lessons learned through blood and tears!

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