Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 619 The Reason for Destruction

Just by observing, Erica quickly produced a preliminary planet analysis report.

As the fleet gradually approached the planet Zephiel, the Intelligent Rats immediately sent out an exploration ship to conduct an orbital survey of the discovered planet.

Exploration ships, like 땢spirited falcons, circled back and forth in the orbit of the planet, constantly collecting various data.

Countless detectors of various types, such as the tentacles of the wise mouse, spread to every corner of the planet.

The results of the investigation were both unexpected and reasonable.

The decentralized detectors, the surface of this planet, searched for a large number of ruins and cities destroyed by war, but they did not see any intelligent biological population that could be called civilization.

Those dilapidated building complexes spread across the surface of the planet, like the remains of dead giant beasts, proving the former glory of this place.

Flagship Commander Ethel immediately reported their findings to the brainworms in the matrix.

There was a hint of uncontrollable excitement in 놛's voice.

"After preliminary investigation, the structural design of these ruins shows a high degree of complexity and symmetry, which is significantly similar to the style of the remaining observation points in our galaxy, with a similarity of more than 10%."

"But in terms of scale, technology and cultural connotation, although the two come from the same source, they show a lot of differences."

"The ruins here are larger in scale and have a higher level of technology. They are more like the products of a different civilization and different historical stages..."

Listening to the detailed description of the exploration information by the Intelligent Mouse, Brainworm, who was on duty in the matrix today, carefully examined the images sent back.

After shaking his idle mind, he cheered up and commented in a calm and sophisticated manner:

"Ahem, it seems that the Altaris civilization's technology has not stagnated since leaving Gaianos, and has developed to a pretty good level."

"Keep exploring! Let's see what we find on this planet where civilization has disappeared?"

There was also a hint of expectation in Brainworm's voice at this moment.

Soon Zhishu's exploration ship landed on the ruins plain where traces of civilization were relatively well preserved.

The landing device of the spacecraft slowly stretched out, stably supporting the hull.

The hatch opened, and a smart mouse expedition team finally successfully landed on the planet's surface.

The bodies of these silicon-based smart mice are equipped with a large number of special weapons to deal with sudden dangers, and they also carry various detectors of different sizes in their hands.

As soon as we set foot on this unknown place, a desolate and spectacular scene came into view.

In the abandoned city, shadows of the former prosperity can be vaguely seen among the ruins.

There are traces of the tragic war left everywhere on these ruins.

Although after a long time, many war debris have been buried by wind and sand, but the large 꿧crystallized due to ultra-high temperature, still no grass can grow.

The scars and craters left by high-tech weapons showed us the intensity of this war.

The Intelligent Mouse expedition team also unearthed many biological remains from the battlefield ruins.

These warriors, who had been eroded by the wind and sand, withered and shrunk, but still maintained their fighting postures, could not help but shock the wise rats deeply, and gave birth to a trace of awe for life.

As the exploration progressed, the expedition team soon discovered an extremely strange situation.

The corpses they found were all from the native race of the Altaris civilization, but not a single corpse of any other alien race was found.

This situation is obviously abnormal. Even if a civilization is xenophobic and prohibits other alien races from setting foot on its home planet, the invading enemies will still leave corpses behind!

If this happens, it will either be crushed by a foreign race, or it may be a racial civil war.

As the exploration team spread out, it didn't take long before they discovered a half-destroyed measuring tower next to a huge explosion crater.

The material of the tower body is composed of some kind of crystal clear quantum crystal.

Although part of the measuring tower has been shattered and covered with sand and dust, it still emits a faint blue light.

This discovery made the expedition team overjoyed.

After preliminary observation, judging from the complex energy circuits surrounding the tower, the wise rats believed that this was probably some kind of energy center of the Altaris civilization.

When the smart rats of the expedition approached the tower cautiously, they quickly determined that the information aspect of this giant tower was very similar to the monitoring equipment around the home planet, and it was not complicated to crack.

The scientific research mouse Silas, who was connected to the quantum node through the silicon substrate and read a large amount of data, became excited instantly.

"Although the data has been damaged a lot, various signs can prove that the former Altaris civilization mastered highly developed quantum energy technology."

The exhaustion caused by intensely analyzing information for several consecutive days could not suppress Silas' excitement at this time.

Another expedition team member also added at this moment: "In the ruins of our expedition team, we also discovered a very special palace-like building, which has a very complex spiritual array etching pattern inside."

"This shows that the Altaris civilization, in terms of the development direction of civilization, should also have great achievements in spiritual technology."

As soon as Silas finished speaking, the other wise rats in the expedition team nodded and exchanged excited looks with each other. This is one of the main research directions of the wise rats now.

From this moment on, time seems to become irrelevant in these ruins.

The wise mice forgot about fatigue and hunger, and devoted themselves to the archaeology of alien civilizations.

Although the wind and sand buried many traces, the imprint of history still remained tenaciously on this desolate land.

God did not disappoint, and finally, in a broken underground palace complex, the wise mice finally dug up a well-preserved central database.

It stored a lot of information about the Eltaris civilization, and even included their technological development process, social structure, and cultural heritage.

What surprised the wise mice was that there was a piece of information left in the database, which contained detailed records of the destruction of that civilization.

When the wise mice brought these data back to the flagship, after a lot of analysis and processing.

The reason for the disappearance of the Eltaris civilization gradually surfaced.

The result was completely unexpected. They actually encountered an attack from another dimension of time and space.

The Eltaris civilization once paid a heavy price and successfully captured an enemy spirit warship and captured all the crew members alive.

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