Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 72 Purchase

After that, Han Fei began to wander around the mall, and at the same time used his spiritual thoughts to contact the projections he saw in the mall, looking for the super bloodline card he needed.

It took Han Fei half an hour to walk around the entire exhibition hall inside the mall.

In this shopping mall alone, he discovered more than 50 species of snake super beasts, 70 species of super beasts of the family, various strange insect super species, and even as many as 90 species.

Han Fei was immediately dazzled. Looking at the abilities of these super beasts, Han Fei could even imagine the terrifying improvement in strength that these super abilities would bring if they were compatible with the Zerg.

His mood at this time was like that of two people. One person waved the banknotes in his hand and shouted crazily: "I want them all."

The other stared at the money, shed tears of poverty, and said whimpering: "We poor people can't afford it, so let's return to reality."

After regaining his composure, Han Fei did not immediately buy any super bloodline cards. Instead, after leaving this mall, he turned around and went to another one.

Han Fei just visited one store after another, and visited 10 nearby bloodline card shopping malls in a row. It really opened his eyes.

For super beasts like lava snakes alone, Han Fei discovered more than 10 varieties, and there were certain differences in their appearances.

After Han Fei observed the common genes of these lava snakes, he was able to determine that the coincidence rate of their common genes reached 90%.

However, the manifestations of superpowers are different, and the price difference is also very large.

Not only can these lava snakes spray fireballs, but they can also continuously spray flames, add burning armor to themselves, and release flame barriers...

This made Han Fei fall into a brief tangle again. He stayed there for a while and just thought about it for a moment.

Han Fei gave up the idea of ​​buying all varieties of lava snakes and then creating a super flame hydralisks.

The reason for giving up is also very objective, just poverty.

The success rate of high-level super bloodline cards is only 1/10, which is like the weapon enhancement in a game in the previous life. Without a rich family background, Han Fei would never dare to try it.

Now he only has this little net worth, and every failure to use the super bloodline card means the reimbursement of an incubation nest.

Han Fei could barely accept the reimbursement of several ordinary hatching nests, but if he wanted to reimburse several super hatching nests, he would have to vomit three liters of blood.

Therefore, at this stage, we still have to be stable, and we must resolutely resist betting on dogs or anything like that.

After making up his mind, Han Fei returned to the shopping mall he had visited before to buy the super bloodline card he had planned.

With a clear plan, Han Fei moved quickly, and it only took less than 20 minutes to spend most of the magical power that had just been in his hands and had not yet been warmed.

Han Fei bought a total of 8 Lava Snake Super Bloodline Cards, all of which can release fireballs, in Han Fei's mind.

Although other types of lava snakes also have excellent super abilities, in terms of a single super ability, the type that also releases fireballs is the most cost-effective.

The current positioning of Hydralisks in the insect swarm is based on long-range attack. If you get some flame spray, flame armor, flame barrier and other abilities, the positioning of these Hydralisks will overlap with that of springtails.

The Zerg do not lack melee units, but have a greater need for ranged units.

Han Fei now has 40 hatching nests, but there is only one hatching nest that can produce flame hydralisks.

In addition, Han Fei also purchased a Super 꼎 Bloodline Card of the Gale Wolf and a Super 꼎 Bloodline Card of the Tough Skin Jackal.

Because under Han Fei's observation, the common genes of these two super beasts are relatively similar to the genes of the existing alienated springtails.

One of their super abilities is wind protection, which effectively enhances the agility and speed of the alienated springtails, and adds cutting damage to their attacks.

Another tough-skinned jackal's super ability is tough skin, which improves the defense and survivability of the alienated springtails.

All of them can bring very good combat power to the alienated springtails as melee combat power.

He planned to take it back and test it to see how the bloodline cards of these two super beasts adapted to the alienated springtail gene template after use.

With the super-bloodline card he had acquired in exchange for most of his wealth, Han Fei happily returned to his divine domain and began to give the hatching nest his super-bloodline.

Although he had already experienced the entire process twice, Han Fei still seemed very nervous.

"Bless the sky, bless Amitabha, bless Jesus, the heavenly spirits and the earthly spirits, the great master comes to show his spirit..., all the gods, please bless me to succeed in all my super bloodline cards this time," I prayed silently in my heart. , seeking a wave of psychological comfort, Han Fei decisively used all the 10 super bloodline cards he bought.

Time passed by, and while Han Fei waited for what felt like years, only 7 hatching nests endowed with super bloodline successfully survived.

Three hatching nests that used the Lava Snake Super Bloodline Card died instantly under Han Fei's spiritual observation. He was so angry that he almost shut himself down on the spot.

He could clearly see the reason for the failure. The super gene suddenly collapsed during the process of combining with the hatching nest.

Han Fei relied on the characteristics of the gods to directly observe the combination process of genes, but he did not see the problem of collapse at all.

Han Fei found information about the bloodline card in his memory, and there was a relevant explanation.

This probability of failure is actually affected by many factors, which Han Fei can understand.

For example, Han Fei can understand the status of the host body that has been transformed by the bloodline, the health of the species from which the bloodline was extracted, etc.

But there is one factor that affects the failure rate, which cannot be solved by Han Fei's divine characteristics.

The explanation in the message is: The bloodline card is extracted by sacrificing a large number of lives. The soul and physical essence of these lives will eventually become part of the bloodline card.

Their unwillingness and resistance before death will directly affect their souls and eventually become part of the bloodline card, which will also affect the success rate of using the bloodline card.

Han Fei had no choice but to silently accept the 30/30 failure concept when dealing with something involving soul and will.

After accepting his fate, Han Fei immediately focused on the successful hatching nest.

He no longer thinks about the three hatching nests he has lost and the more than 900,000 divine power points that have been wasted.

Han Fei first checked the five hatching nests that had successfully received the lava snake super bloodline, and made sure they were operating well.

He immediately produced a batch of Flame Hydralisks for testing based on the existing Hydralisk genetic template.

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