Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 89 Misery

A cold voice came from Han Fei's mouth: "Do you want to break the rules in this area?"

Bomant laughed and mocked again: "Break the rules? Haha, this is the resource well of the world of gods, where are the rules? Are unspoken rules also considered rules?"

"Killing you will at most make the Longwa Ministry of Foreign Affairs waste two more cups of tea and go to argue with your human Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"You have ruined your way to becoming a god, what value do you have? Will you go to war with Longwa for you for human civilization? Will you let me pay for your life for civilization?"

"Naive, by then, I will only pay a sum of money in reality, and you will spend your whole life in regret and pain."

When he said this, Bomant seemed to have seen Han Fei's future, and the smile on his face was even bigger than before.

After listening to Bomant's words, Han Fei knew that what the other party said was true.

So he didn't say another word, but the madness in his eyes became more intense.

As his demigod projection slowly dissipated in the sky.

The line of faith was hooked by him again, and the flying springtails rose into the sky again, breaking away from the close contact with the werewolf.

In the sky, the self-destructing springtails that had been prepared in the early stage began to descend rapidly.

A large number of self-destructing springtails, before hitting the Douqi barrier, opened their wings wide, suddenly slowed down, and steadily attached to the surface of the Douqi barrier, layer by layer.

At this time, more than 2 million self-destructing springtails, including the heroic werewolf Venito, were in the middle.

A huge encirclement like an inverted bowl was formed, mixed in the Zerg swarm and shrinking inward rapidly.

Veneto was unaware and was still madly slaughtering the surrounding Zerg.

Han Fei watched the encirclement gradually close, as the density of the self-destructing hoppers increased.

No matter how he moved, there were always a large number of self-destructing hoppers near him.

Without any signs, under Han Fei's control, the self-destructing hoppers completed their mission in time.


With a shocking sound, more than 5 million self-destructing hoppers were instantly destroyed.

30 mushroom clouds, plus a large flat smoke ball, rose slowly in Han Fei's divine domain.

The power far exceeds that of the fireball spell, and the dense number makes the self-explosion effect significant.

Within the explosion range against the elite-level werewolf army.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, thirty shallow pits were left on the ground.

On the loose charred mud ground, there were scattered charred limbs and broken arms, and no living creatures.

And against the Veneto area, a molten ground was left.

After being melted to crystallization by high temperature, not even a limb or broken arm could be seen on the ground.

There was a complete body of a werewolf with charcoal-like body, half-kneeling quietly on the ground.

Han Fei, who was scanning with his mind throughout the process, clearly witnessed the whole process of Veneto's death.

At the moment of the explosion, Veneto wanted to rely on his strong fighting spirit to protect himself.

He forcibly rushed into the explosion range, and this action made him bear more explosion power invisibly.

Because the explosion against him was not a single-point explosion, but more than 2 million self-explosive springtails exploded simultaneously within this range.

So no matter which direction he rushed to, he was in the dense explosion range.

The explosion brought chaotic shock waves, which failed to kill him instantly under the mutual superposition.

But it destroyed his fighting spirit armor, and Veneto, who was seriously injured at this time, was still alive.

The high temperature that followed was the main factor that took his life.

Even so, Veneto also preserved a complete body in this explosion.

It fully demonstrated to Han Fei that hero-level units can compete with the powerful strength of adult dragons.

Han Fei calmly looked at the charred land in his domain, without any ripples in his heart.

This was the result he had expected before making this decision.

This explosion not only wiped out half of his reserve of self-destructing hopper units.

None of the Zergs in the range of the explosion survived.

The number of losses was even far more than the Werewolves who entered his domain.

This was also Han Fei's helpless choice. He had one chance to kill this heroic unit.

Otherwise, Veneto would have to be prepared, relying on his super mobility and survivability.

The existing Zerg units could not catch up with the opponent's speed at all.

There was no hope of encircling the opponent.

Once he rushed into Han Fei's domain, the losses would be even greater.

At that time, Han Fei could rely on the huge number of insect swarms and the lives of his followers to consume his physical strength.

The problem is that when that time comes, Veneto, as an intelligent life.

He will not really exhaust his physical strength on the battlefield. He wants to retreat, and Han Fei can't stop him at all.

Now, since this biggest problem has been solved, all the costs paid are worth it in Han Fei's view.

For a while.

"This is impossible!" Bomant once again lost all his followers who entered Han Fei's divine domain, and there was no coordinate to be possessed.

He returned to his own divine domain, his face full of panic.

He couldn't believe it at all. Just now, the followers who entered Han Fei's divine domain, the faith line was all disconnected.

He lost his ace army, and he spent countless energy and time to cultivate the only hero-level follower, and disappeared in the other side's divine domain.

Without stopping, Bomant did not hesitate and sent his followers into the transmission channel again.

As the followers passed through the invasion channel and came to Han Fei's divine domain, Bomant's great demigod projection appeared again.

He saw with his own eyes the scene of the battlefield area in front of him after being baptized by the explosion.

A chill instantly swept through his body. No matter how he denied it, the reality was like this, and his strongest combat power was gone.

At this time, Han Fei's demigod projection also appeared not far from Bomant.

The madness in his eyes did not diminish at all, but the calmness on his face was gradually disappearing.

The corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and the amplitude became larger and larger.

Until an exaggerated smile appeared on his handsome face, and the whole person's temperament became crazy and dangerous.

It was this type of smile, not a crooked smile!

Without words, Han Fei, the demigod projection, raised his right hand and raised his palm upward, and moved back from the outside to the inside, making a "come again" gesture to Bomant.

The flying insect swarm at the same time also let Bomant know what he wanted to do.

In the sky, mixed in the insect cloud, there were 5 million self-destructing springtails left.

Divided into a full 3 million, it formed a python composed of self-destructing springtails and headed straight for the invasion channel.

"Stop!" Bomant's scream did not have any effect on the insect swarm.

The fastest vanguard of 1,000 self-destructing springtails had already entered his divine domain.

The moment they rushed from the invasion channel, they saw the extraordinary wolf people crowded at the entrance of the invasion channel on the ground below.

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