Gods: The Swarm

Chapter 94 Development Route

"When your strength matches that of the divine domain, and you have enough strength, I will take you directly to the central area of ​​this barren resource well to compete for the ownerless resources in the void."

"With your current situation, you can't catch the weak ones, and you can't beat the strong ones."

"If you continue to stay here, what else can you do except increase the risk and delay my uncle Wang's time to take care of you?"

After listening to Lu Zhong's analysis, Han Fei could only put on an expression of an obedient student learning here.

He followed Wang Jitong and Lu Zhong on the way back.

The journey back was calm.

While chatting with Lu Zhong and Wang Jitong, Han Fei asked Lu Zhong about a doubt he had before.

"Teacher Lu, the previous Longwa demigod, the divine domain has developed so much, how come he only has 3.7 million divine power reserves?"

When Lu Zhong heard Han Fei's question, he seemed to suddenly remember something and said, "It's a lot. Oh, I almost forgot that you have only opened up the divine domain for more than seven months in reality."

"During the time when you just entered school, you were wandering around outside and missed a lot of basic knowledge courses. It's just right to take this time to make up for it for you."

Han Fei was also full of emotion when he heard seven months.

In reality, after he opened up the divine domain, he survived the novice protection period of more than 10 months.

It has only been four months since he entered the advanced level.

But in the world of gods, more than 70 years have passed, and the experience in the divine domain far exceeds the memory in reality.

Seeing Han Fei's mind wandering again, Lu Zhong coughed twice.

Pulling his attention back, he continued: "In fact, before igniting the divine fire, there are two main directions for accumulating divine power."

"One is the direction of logistics development, which is safe and stable."

"This type of demigod, while cultivating the number of core followers, will also develop an economic industrial chain to earn divine power."

"Let me give you the simplest example."

"For example, a demigod, whose awakened core follower is a dwarf, is very talented in forging, but his combat effectiveness drags down the race."

"Then his basic method of obtaining resources is to vigorously develop the smelting industry, forge various armor and weapons, and use them in the exchange of gods. Sell ​​it in the flow of the continent."

"Earn divine power and invest it in the purchase of raw materials and the expansion of the area of ​​the divine domain, forming a virtuous circle."

"Then, store the divine power generated by your core followers, extract divinity, and finally ignite the divine fire."

"The disadvantages are also obvious. In the market of the Gods Exchange Continent, as long as it can earn divine power, the industry."

"The competitive pressure is very high. Unless you have unique and high-value products, the speed of earning divine power will be very slow."

"The other is to develop in the direction of external plunder."

Speaking of this, Lu Zhong paused, looking at him with a hint of deep meaning. Looking at Han Fei, he continued: "You should have a deep understanding of the advantages of this development direction."

"The divine domain develops rapidly and grows fast. It does not need to accumulate bit by bit like the logistics route. It grows in leaps and bounds. This is the biggest advantage of external plunder."

"As for the disadvantages, once you are defeated during the invasion or being invaded."

"At the least, you will lose a large number of followers in the divine domain territory. At the worst, the core of the divine domain will be shattered, or the core followers will be extinct."

"So the demigods who tend to plunder this development direction will basically not store a large amount of divine power after they have it."

"Most of them are Directly invest in the development of the God's Domain, or improve the strength of the followers. "

"When the followers of the God's Domain develop to a certain extent, they will begin to accumulate a large amount of divine power to prepare for igniting the divine fire."

"Of course, these two development directions are not in conflict. Most people are not only improving the combat effectiveness of their followers, but also looking for suitable industries to develop, but they have different focuses."

"That Longwa demigod mainly takes the route of plundering from outside. He has more than 3 million divine power reserves, which is not a small amount."

After Lu Zhong explained the advantages and disadvantages of the two development directions, he still did not stop to talk about the trend.

He started to talk about some other knowledge points, and Han Fei's next journey became fulfilling.

Lu Zhong was giving Han Fei extra lessons along the way, and he explained all the courses he missed because he did not return to the Ming garrison after entering school.

At the same time, he also taught him a lot of his own experience.

With Lu Zhong's careful teaching, Han Fei felt that time passed quickly.

It was not until everyone returned to the front-line camp that Lu Zhong's teaching came to an end.

"Okay, after the extra lessons, I will send you a set of advanced learning materials after returning to the school and residence. You can read more when you are free."

"Next, you should develop well for a period of time and absorb the gains this time." After saying that, Lu Zhong returned to his own divine domain, activated the teleportation, and disappeared with the divine domain.

Han Fei did not waste words, and with Wang Jitong, he also teleported away instantly.

When the people appeared again, they had returned to the safe zone of human civilization.

Looking at the scattered divine domains in the station, the school station had not changed at all when he left.

Looking back at the size of his own divine domain, Han Fei smiled with satisfaction.

"The current area of ​​the divine domain will no longer restrict the development of the insect swarm in a short time. The top priority now should be to improve the quality of the insect swarm." Thinking of this, Han Fei said goodbye to Lu Zhong and Wang Jitong.

He returned to his own divine domain in a flash and began to figure out how to use the divine power in his hand.

On the way back, he had already dealt with all the four-armed werewolves and minotaurs he had captured.

In addition, he looted all the savings of the four demigods.

Han Fei gained nearly 25 million divine power this time, and instantly transformed from a penniless poor man into a multi-millionaire.

After seeing the strength of the hero-level units this time, Han Fei really felt the pressure.

He really didn't want to experience the scene of a single powerful unit, as if entering an unmanned area and opening an unparalleled scene in the sea of ​​​​worms again.

After the quality improvement reaches a certain level, the quantity seems so powerless in front of it.

This time, I ran into Vinetto, who was just a hero-level follower promoted from an ordinary four-armed werewolf, but he was already so strong.

He might be able to compete with an adult dragon in terms of combat power.

But the innate defects of race cannot be completely compensated by combat power.

If it was an adult red dragon that entered his divine domain this time.

This kind of hero-level unit has full fire resistance, strong body, and super magic talent.

The attack of the self-destructing hopper may not achieve the effect of killing the opponent at all.

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