Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 105 - The True Nature Of The Core

Lewis was the son of a devil and a half-giant, half devil.

His devil blood was more dominant but it didn't change the fact that he was the descendant of a giant.

He was also stunned when he discovered he wasn't just the descendant of any giant, but an ancient breed giant.

Investigating the origin of these ancient breed giants, he discovered that they were a breed of giants that reported directly to the origin of all giants;

The progenitor giant.

This ancestor of his, noticed his exceptional talent that let him become a demigod in barely 500 years, and gave him a drop of their blood.

Using this, he performed the ancestral regression spell, and it was a resounding success.

One of the abilities he gained was the giant race's gigantification.

Giants were of varying heights and sizes. Some were as short as 2 meters tall, while some were all tall as 500 meters or even a kilometer.

There was once a giant in hell, who was so large that each of his steps shook the planet he lived on.

Even so, the giants could still increase their heights and sizes to stellar scales. In other words, they did make themselves become as large as stars or even more.

"What. The. Actual. F*ck?!"

Those were Lute's first words, the moment he saw a ridiculously large Lewis, who suddenly appeared beside the planet Girex, when he wasn't looking.

"I don't even know where to start from…."

That was expected, as the current Lewis, was large enough to hold Girex in his hands. At this size, he could destroy the entire star system around them with ease even though he could not hold this form for long.

"Destroy the star system? Wait a sec? That means-"

"Yes Lute, it's exactly what you're thinking."

It wasn't impossible for low tier deities to destroy a star system single handedly, however, doing so 'easily' wasn't exactly common either.

In that case, it was safe to assume that Lewis, who could do this easily, was not a low tier deity.

"Inferior stage mid tier…."

With surprisingly agile movements despite his large size, Lewis picked the planet Girex in his hands and like how one would crack an egg, he cracked the planet.

The other watching had their jaws drop at this nonsensical scene, while Arthur just laughed while saying dangerous words.

"I wanna do this in the future, I think I kind of understand why mum said she wanted to play monopoly with real galaxies."

Those who heard his words, had their jaws drop even lower as they could not fathom the thought of playing monopoly with something as large as a galaxy that was tens of thousands of light years in diameter.

Arthur ignored their shock and looked at Lewis who had been staring at the planetary core in his hands in surprise for the past minute.

'It seems he noticed it.'

Lewis, who cracked open the planet Girex like an egg, took out the yoke, in this case, the core and held it in his hands.

The moment he touched it, he felt something that made him surprised.

'I see, so that's why my Lord wanted this…'

He had realized the true nature of the core of Girex and the reason Arthur wanted it.

To understand the True nature of the planet's core, one has to first understand the uniqueness of the crystal realm.

Many believed the Crystal realm gained its name due to the phenomenon unique to it, the crystal rain.

However, that was false.

The devil king who named the crystal realm, gave it that name for an entirely different reason than what was widely known.

Since then, only the Royal family was privy to the secrets of the crystal realm. Arthur however, was only meant to find out after he became transcendent.

In other words, even he would have not known, if not for the memory gem Alexia gave him. 

That was how closely guarded the secret of the crystal realm was.

The planets of the crystal realm had crystals for cores.

These crystals were hidden very deeply within these cores and it was almost impossible to notice them without cracking open the planet like Lewis did.

For beings who could do that, they would have other things to do than to be cracking open random planets to find the Crystals within.

After all, not every one of those Crystals was valuable.

Some were merely normal Crystals that could survive high temperatures with no magical properties whatsoever.

However, there were those select few that had Crystals of unimaginable worth within them. Those select few are the reason the Crystal realm has its name.

Long story short, the core of the planet Girex, was a gigantic Law crystal.

A crystal that contained the information about a universal law and how it worked.

Comprehending the knowledge held within, granted one an authority over the power of that law.

"Lute, snap out of your surprise and get me a space suit."

"Y-yes, your highness."

Lute, who was still stunned about how Lewis cracked open the planet Girex so easily, recovered from his shock and prepared a space suit for Arthur.

'I really wish the days when I can sleep on planet cores and float around in space without having to use any protective gear would come faster.'

Arthur put on the suit with those thoughts in mind, unfortunately, he'd have to wait till he was at least a transcendent to do so.

Exiting the hangar of the spacecraft, Lute carried Arthur over to where Lewis, who had reduced his size considerably, was.

'He's still big though.'

Arthur flew over to Lewis and made a gesture of drawing a circle over his head.

Lewis was confused at first, but upon remembering Arthur could not speak in Space, he created a barrier around them that temporarily allowed him to do so.

"What rank is it?"

Arthur asked Lewis, who did not bother to understand how Arthur knew that the core contained a law crystal.

"Basic rank to mid rank."

"Oh my, higher than I thought."

"Do you know which one it is, my Lord?"

"Destruction right? That's why it glowed red."

It was then Lute finally connected the dots and came to a conclusion after hearing their conversation.

'It couldn't be?!'

He flew over to the core in Lewis' hands and placed a hand on it, the moment he touched it, he also realized what it was.

"Y-your highness, is-this?"

He was lost for words, it was natural, after all, no one would expect a planet's core to be one large law crystal. And this wasn't just any law but the law of destruction!

One of the most dangerous universal laws in all of existence.

Arthur ignored Lute and touched the core too as it had cooled from being exposed to the coldness of space.

'This thing's protective shell prevents one from knowing it's a law crystal till they actually touch it.

With this, I can begin comprehending the law of destruction.

This would help me understand my Annihilation better, and Extreme Nothingness would be stronger.'

Extreme Nothingness, was a technique Arthur had created in secret, some time after he discovered his Annihilation.

'Speaking of which' planned to check out how strong extreme nothingness became after I advanced to Grandmaster but I forgot.'

While thinking that, he began passing the little energy he had recovered through potions into the crystal.

'Oh, it was actually en-WOAH!!'

Strange information suddenly began pouring in his head, he continued passing the energy sp the information transfer would be complete.

After a few minutes, the transfer was finally complete, he took his hand off the crystal and said.

"The knowledge of the law of destruction huh? Hahahahha"

He began laughing heartily, while Lute and Lewis stared at him in confusion.

"This knowledge..."

""This knowledge.…??""

"It doesn't make sense!!!"

""Of course it doesn't!!""

Lewis and Lute couldn't help but retort at Arthur's statement, the others in the spacecraft all flinched when they heard the gigantic Lewis suddenly shouting but he paid it no mind.

"Your highness, if the knowledge made sense in the first place, we wouldn't need to spend years trying to comprehend it."

Lute spoke as he rubbed his forehead, the look of exasperation on his face was enough to tell one how he was currently feeling.

"I know, but it's just too bizarre. I've only ever come in contact with a basic law crystal so although I felt it didn't make sense, it wasn't that much.

But compared to this, honestly all I can say is what the actual f*ck?"

"There's a reason the laws have ranks separating them, a basic rank law is quite small compared to its low rank counterpart."

Arthur nodded at Lewis's words as he tried to make sense of the information in his head but to no avail.

The information in the law crystal that was passed on to him was not meant to be understood immediately.

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