Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 107 - Caught!

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Not a single one of the buildings or structures hit directly by the attack remained. There were not even ashes.

They had been completely obliterated, erased without a trace. 

Moreover, the same had happened to the ground they were constructed upon. There was a huge hole in the ground, one at least hundreds of meters deep.

Nothing was left. Be it the broken normal houses, or the wrecked mansions. Everything had been completely evaporated.

Of course, there was no way Arthur would release such an attack so casually.

His magic power was completely exhausted, his arm was bleeding due to the overload of magic power.

'I think I might just be able to kill a legendary with this. An inferior stage who just advanced for like a few minutes though.'

He laughed as he descended to the ground, he had no strength left to put into his wings.

Lute, who had healed Arthur more times in the past few days than he had on the last few years, sighed as he poured in the energy of life into his body, healing his physical injuries.

"Your highness, I suggest you do not perform any strenuous activities for a while, your body has weakened due to continuous destruction and healing.

This should have happened after you fought the half-god but your body was strangely fine after just two days, however, it seems your Annihilation is far more powerful than I expected, otherwise I would not have let you do this."

"Get to the point already."

"Do not engage in any battles with your energy for the next six months at least."


Arthur's body had undergone continuous destruction and regeneration, multiple times within the past few days.

The only reason it had not reached its breaking point was due to the strengthening it received from when he absorbed the dead Valkyrie's pseudo divine spark.

"I understand, my energy flow is beginning to slow again, seems my body is already shutting down to heal itself."

"Healing you completely would be fine but that would increase your body's resistance to being healed like this, in this kind of situation, it's best to let your body heal naturally."

Arthur nodded in affirmation before casually uttering words that made the trio with him reel back in shock.

"Seems my Annihilation chant was wrong huh?"

Lute stared at the scene of destruction Arthur caused and looked back at him.

'Wrong?! This is the result of a wrong chant?!

Then all other intermediate stage grandmasters should go commit suicide then.'

Arthur, oblivious to Lute's thoughts, stood up before ordering Lewis to destroy the rest of Phirex. 

After returning to the spacecraft with Lute and Tasha, he watched Phirex go up in flames while imagining himself being strong enough to destroy planets with ease.

'Compared to the people after my life, planets are nothing though.'

With such thoughts, he began his journey back to Kreiz.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Lewis, since you know what exactly it is that I'm looking for, increase the intensity of the search.

I want a law crystal with the power of time. That's my target."

Lewis nodded in affirmation to Arthur's words, he was about to go out and tell the other members of Arthur's force the new orders, when suddenly, the spacecraft came to an abrupt halt.

"What the?!"

Arthur and Lewis exited the room they were in immediately and moved to the bridge (command centre) of the craft using and indoor teleportation gate.

Arriving at the bridge, Arthur's voice rang out, gathering the attention of all the personnel within.

"What in tarnation is going on?! Why did we stop?!"

"Y-your highness, I-it's..."

"It's what?"

Arthur walked up to the captain who was pointing at a screen while stammering. Upon seeing what was on the screen, he stopped in his tracks.

The spacecraft was shuttle shaped and had a pointed tip. There were thousands of mini-cameras all around it that enabled them to see almost everything around them.

The front of the spacecraft was no exception, there were even more cameras there, all the way down to its nose.

That was exactly why they could see it clearly.

The reason the spacecraft stopped abruptly, at this point, Arthur wished it were an engine failure, rather than 'that'.

'That', was the figure of a single woman, one with dull silver hair flowing down her shoulders, wearing a bright smile on her face, with an arm stretched out.

In other words, the reason the spacecraft stopped moving abruptly, was that she had stopped it with nothing more than pure physical strength.

Although her lips were curled into a genuine bright smile, her eyes however, told a different story.

"I expected this to happen, but aren't you a little bit too fast? We're billions of light years away from the burning realms."

The moment Arthur said that, the woman's figure disappeared from the front of the spacecraft and reappeared right in front of Arthur.

"So you expected me to take a longer time huh?"

When she replied to Arthur words, he was not confused by how she found him or how she got into the spacecraft, he was more confused by something else.

'How did she hear me?!'

Of course, he did not dare voice the question aloud. Forcing a bright smile of his own, he greeted.

"Hello mother, been a while?"

"Hello Arthuri-, Arthur, what did I say about leaving the burning realms without telling me?"

She held back from unconsciously calling him by his true name due to the presence of others but that did not mean she was not angry.

"You said I should not leave the star system, not the burning realms itself."

Arthur reflexively corrected her, however the next moment, he realized that might have been a bad move.

"Oh, so you knew, yet you not only left the star system, but you left the galaxy cluster in its entirety, then went to another galaxy cluster, and entered a different realm there."

Arthur, who sensed incoming danger, was about to back away, however the hand that was suddenly holding his shoulder prevented him from jumping backwards.

"We have a lot of talking to do boy."

Turning to Lewis, she continued.

"You stink of destruction, come with me. You too Lute."

And Like so, under the shocked gazes of all the personnel there, she pulled Arthur to a room, with Lewis, who didn't dare refute her words, and Lute who felt like a subordinate who forgot to write a report to their boss, trailing after.

◇ ◇ ◇

"So that's how you got here so fast!"

Arthur, who was dragged by Cattleya into one of the many rooms of the spacecraft, suddenly exclaimed.

Lewis and Lute gave him looks of confusion while Cattleya had a surprised look on her face.

"You can tell?"

"Of course I can, how can I not tell my own mother apart from her avatar?"

That was the reason Cattleya was able to find Arthur so quickly despite the distance.

What the trio were looking at was an avatar controlled by the real Cattleya who was still on Aeturn.

It was an avatar she had left in a dormant state in the crystal realm.

"Just because you could tell them apart doesn't mean that you'd escape punishment okay?"


Arthur clicked his tongue audibly after hearing Cattleya's words. He then sighed and rose his hands up in mock surrender.

"So how did you and up fighting against a half-god this time, one who was an actual legendary."

"Why do you know that already?!"

"Because I know everything about my so-Ah! That sounds like the kind of thing a stalker would say.

I am not stalking my son, I am watching him, yes. I'm watching and protecting him, that's right."

Cattleya, who realised how her words could sound misleading depending on the situation, began mumbling to herself in a barely audible voice.

Unfortunately, Arthur who was barely 2 meters away from her heard her loud and clear.

"Mum, I didn't know you had such strange tendencies."

"Strange what?"

"Strange ten-."

"Strange what?"

Seeing Cattleya ask that with a smile on her face for the second time, Arthur decided it was best he dropped the joke.


"That still doesn't explain how you know I fought a legendary realm demigod."

"Lute over there happens to be my subordinate, one bound to me by a soul contract of fealty, as such, it is entirely possible for me to watch you through his eyes, there are distance limits but thankfully, I happened to have an avatar here."


Arthur who finally heard the reason she knew of his endeavours, turned to Lute to glare at him.

"I totally forgot about that part of the contract."

"Yeah right you did."

Arthur sarcastically replied to Lute while rolling his eyes.

"Your punishment, would come after you get back to Aeturn."

Cattleya grabbed Arthur's head and turned him around to face her before continuing.

"Now then would you mind enlightening me on why I can sense the Law of destruction from you?"

Cattleya could not use her avatar as a conduit to watch Arthur through Lute's eyes while the avatar was in motion.

As such, she had to disable the sight sharing before moving the avatar, this is why she was unaware of what transpired after the fight against the Valkyrie.

Arthur, who had realised that playing dumb was as good as useless, sighed before telling the truth to Cattleya.

'There's no point in hiding it, I won't be surprised if she could read Lute's memories or something.'

♧ ♧ ♧

Hey y'all, it's your friendly neighborhood author, _michael here.

So i decided to send my thanks to all those who have been supporting me, especially my top 5 'fans' at the moment.

Shout out to;

Owen_Rush ✨

King_Ej ✨

DaoistPZp2I0 ✨

Daoist224679 ✨

Kane_Lowe ✨

Thanks for your support and I look forward to you continuing on our Godslayer's Legend.

This has been _michael.

Over and Out!

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