Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 11 - An Uneventful Spring Morning

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It was an uneventful spring morning when Cattleya came to a sudden realization that she was very, very bored.

She had completely and absolutely nothing to do, at first she felt like she could come up with something like always, however, after a few hours of sitting on her bed thinking, she couldn't get any ideas of any activities to cure her boredom.

Standing up from her bed, she walked out of her room and decided to take a stroll around the unnecessarily large castle hoping to find something that could catch her interest.

After moving from her Eastern tower to the south and then the rest of the castle, she still could not find anything to cure her boredom.

As she made her way back to her room she encountered the Deadly Sin Devil Butler, Belphegor waiting for her at the entrance of the eastern tower.

Proceeding to jump on to him like always, he sidestepped, then caught her midair before placing her on the ground, however she noticed a difference in the way he acted, for some reason he had his eyes shut. Finding it weird, she asked,

"Uncle Bel, why are your eyes closed?" He sighed in exasperation before replying

"I received word of the princess walking around in an ....unbecoming appearance, also my name is Belphegor not Bel."

After hearing his reply, she looked down on herself finally realizing she was still wearing her semi-transparent negligee with a loosely draped housecoat over it.

Although she did not possess any charm related abilities, her natural appearance and charm she excluded was better than any beauty trap you could find, at least in the Hell Universe, it's only natural that the servants she encountered during her walk around the castle would have a hard time knowing where to look, especially the male servants.

Laughing sheepishly, she walked back to her room before summoning her maids to help her with her bath and dressing. After getting dressed, she decided to have a meal despite not needing one. The devil race is one that can survive without food for years and a devil on her level of strength could go hundreds of years without and still have no problems whatsoever.

During her unsurprisingly lavish meal, she thought about what to do regarding her current boredom. Sighing she said to herself, 'Mom, you might have been wrong about this.'

She remembered the conversation she had with her mother centuries ago when she first encountered a situation of absolute boredom.

"I have absolutely nothing to do, everything I try my hand at is boring, unbelievably boring." She whined as she walked into her mother's office in the leviathan devil tribe's royal palace. The current leader of the leviathan devils and Cattleya's mother, Inglis, sighed as she put down the documents she was working on and started devising a way to appease her whining teenage daughter.

"Don't worry dear it won't always be like that."


Seeing the skeptical look on her daughter's face as she asked that, Inglis smiled and continued speaking.

"You see, the world today is an unfair place, it's where the strong prevail and the weak are trampled on. For someone like you who has one of the highest statuses in this universe, we have many enemies both internal and external, so you'd have to be strong enough to resist any of the schemes that they might have against you."

Taking a moment to drink a glass of water she sighed once again before continuing.

"However, my dear child, strength is not something that can be gotten immediately, a certain arrogant fool from Romersk once told me 'Rome wasn't built in a day', though i don't know where that is neither do i care, i understand what he meant. It's the same with strength, your father and I didn't get to where we are In just a day, it's a gradual process that takes time."

She paused slightly before continuing,

"However it won't be boring, during your quest for strength you'd go through many things, encounter many people and learn new things that will most definitely won't bore you, although that time may be shorter because you're a genius but it will still take quite a while."

However, the leviathan queen made one miscalculation, it was the level of her daughter's genius, Cattleya was not just any genius, she was the rare one in a million years kind of genius.

For the devil race, the stronger they were, the more pairs of wings they had.

In less than ten thousand years, she had reached the level of a highest rank Devil with five pairs of wings and had achieved more than 50% mastery in the bloodline ability of the Devilian Royal family. It should be noted that the current king had barely 80% mastery, what he managed to get after hundreds of thousands of years and she got more than half of that in such a short time compared to him.

The method of ranking strength levels used by the gods is one of those that is widely accepted, when some individuals reach certain levels of strength, they usually rate themselves according to that system.

There is a different system for rating strength, however most like to compare themselves to the gods, either in an effort to prove superiority or some other personal reason.

According to that system, Cattleya was at least on the level of a High ranked god, the level of strength the chief gods of pantheons who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years possessed, and she gained that in just less than ten thousand. If she wasn't a genius then what was?

Laughing to herself as she remembered her mother's look of shock when she achieved that stage she used the short distance space magic; blink and moved to Belphegor's location outside the room in an attempt to scare him.

"Tch...not even a slight reaction."

Belphegor, realizing she moved behind him to scare him replied,

"I already sensed your mana, so I could predict where you were going to appear."

"What's with you pure-blood devils and weird sixth senses, I was sure I concealed my mana perfectly, maybe I should have worked on a spell to fool all you guys senses not just dad's."

Belphegor instantly realized that her train of thoughts was leaning towards using him as a test subject for her new spell decided to cut it off before it arrived there.

"Princess, did you need me for anything?"

Luckily, his attempt worked as she remembered the original reason for coming over to him.

"I was bored and don't have anything to do, suggest a place for me to cure my boredom, one that doesn't require me to fight, that's boring too." Belphegor shook his head slightly at his princess' request before replying.

"You can go over to the neutral zone, you'd definitely find something there, I have a bar I'd suggest too, and their drinks are the best." He pulled out a card with the location and coordinates from the subspace ring on his finger and gave it to her.

"Thanks Uncle Bel!" She replied smiling widely before hopping away.

"You're welcome princess, please walk properly and my name is Belphegor not Bel."

The Neutral Zone was another name for a certain cluster. Just like galaxies cluster together, the same applies for universes. Six universes clustered together, all ruled by members of the dwarven race, came together to form an alliance, declaring their cluster as a neutral zone and stated that there shall be no hostilities between any powers, major or minor, on their territory.

At first, not many agreed to such a thing, however the dwarves were best known for their transcendent forging skills that allowed them to create the best of weapons. A lot of pantheons and their armies utilized weapons created by the dwarves so they used that to their advantage.

By vowing to never create and sell weapons to anyone who violates their territorial laws, they were able to make most acknowledge their Alliance territory as a neutral zone.

This was also due to the fact that although some pantheons possessed blacksmith gods or their equivalents, their skills don't hold a candle to the best of the dwarven deities.

Threatening to cease all weapon transactions was not going to be enough to realize their goal of a neutral zone, so the dwarves decided to train their already great physical strength alongside their mastery of fire and earth elements, giving them the strength to repel that attacks of those who wished to conquer them and punish those who broke their laws.

Recalling the information she had about the neutral zone, Cattleya decided to take the Drifter's transport services instead of going herself.

Although she was capable of using inter-versal teleportation magic, it usually consumes a great deal of energy and temporarily leaves her in a vulnerable state afterwards, a situation she would like to avoid. With that in mind, she decided that using the Drifter's services was far safer.

The Drifters were a race that possessed incomparable mastery of all forms of space attribute magic and skills. Some rumors say that every drifter is born with an innately high comprehension of space attribute laws that allows them to perform even the most complex teleportation spells at very young ages.

It was later revealed that the true reason for their frighteningly high mastery of space attribute magic and skills was simply due to their racial trait.

The same way it is natural for humans to have arms and legs is the same way it was natural for them to possess mastery of space.

The same way humans instinctively learn how to use their limbs as they grow older is the same way they instinctively learn how to manipulate space.

They took advantage of this and began an inter-versal business of teleporting people and items to their destinations in exchange for money and other valuables. They're what one would call an inter-versal transport and delivery service.

As their influence expanded, multiple masters began forcing the drifters to swear oaths that in the event of a war, they wouldn't take any sides as the drifters taking sides would be strategically disastrous for their opponents.

In return the drifters asked for protection from any attacks in such a situation as some might attack drifters to prevent the possibility of them siding their opponents.

Naturally, it is impossible to force the trillions of drifters that exist to all swear such an oath so there are many who work behind the scenes in various wars and conflicts.

After arriving at the nearest planet under the drifters' control, Cattleya was given VVIP treatment due to her status as the Devil princess.

It didn't take long for a drifter to be arranged to take her to the neutral zone, giving him the coordinates of her destination, the high-rank drifter swiftly activated his space movement skill allowing them to arrive in one of the universes in the neutral zone, Bracken in a matter of minutes.

Bracken was was ruled by a tribe of dwarves known as Morass. Like other dwarves they possessed mastery over fire and earth elements and even among the dwarves known for their wonderful liquors, they are the best of the best, at least in the neutral zone.

The bar Belphegor referred her to was one of the fairly popular ones in the Morass tribe's capital world, Verchester. It was a casino cum bar called Golden Glass.

As it was still day time the amount of people in the bar section could be counted with two hands, with just a few customers at the tables an one at the counter out in the balcony of the building.

The place had excellent soundproofing so the noise generated by the thousands of people from various races in the casino section could not be heard in the bar section.

Taking a seat close to the hooded customer on the balcony counter she ordered a drink before striking up a conversation in a way most would consider rude.

"Yo, didn't expect to meet someone who stinks of death here."

The person beside her, realizing he was being spoken to replied.

"Never expected to see a royal devil here either."

Clapping quietly at his accurate guess if her identity, she attempted guessing his,

"Oh, we're guessing identities, lemme try. So you're a god, at least high rank, probably one of the main gods of your universe, you most likely possess authority over souls, death, darkness and.." pausing slightly she looked at him weirdly while saying "for some reason you have the scent of a hell dog on you."

The hooded man chuckled lightly then replied,

"You were correct for the most part but you had a few wrong."

"Which ones?" She asked back instantly, as she was sure of her answers.

"The authorities, while I do hold some degree of control over death it's not exactly my domain but that of my second in command, he's currently taking over my duties for me, maybe I should get him a souvenir."

She laughed alongside him while taking a sip of her drink that just arrived before asking. "what else?"

"I am not exactly one of the main gods of my pantheon despite having more strength and authority that most of them."

His reply made her shake her head in disappointment.

"So they put weaker gods as the main ones and left the strong one out? Fools!"

Seeing her reaction, he chuckled saying,

"It was partly my fault, I'm not exactly the best at drawing lots, even more so when it's rigged for me to loose."

"Who rigged it?"

"A jealous sibling, he was scared I'd take away his authority even though I didn't want it."

He answered before continuing,

"I still have a lot more things than he does, one of them's money, I am a god of wealth after all."

"Whoa, So you're like the richest in your pantheon?"

"As far as I know of, yes."

"Now I wanna come over, I also want to see your hell dog too." Cattleya was already getting excited at the prospect of going to another unknown verse however, his next words took her excitement down a notch.

"As much as I'd like to welcome you, I don't really want my wife to suspect me of being a cheater, she gets quite suspicious in these kind of situations.

She once turned a nymph I took a fancy to into a plant."

"Must be tough being a married man, what are you doing here anyway?"

She asked while ordering for two more drinks as she was satisfied with the first.

Although it was quite weird he was willing to speak so much about himself despite the fact they just met, she simply asumed he was an overly friendly person.

"I was bored, I had a lot of things to do so I decided to come out for a drink."

"You were bored cus you had a lot of things to do? How does that work?"

"Being a god isn't as easy as it seems, sure the power that comes with it is cool but we've got responsibilities too, lots of them, doing the same thing over and over for tens of thousands of years can get quite boring."

He shook his head looking distraught as he thought of how he was going to return to his mundane life very soon.

"I understand your pain, I'm supposed to have responsibilities too but I've been skimping out on most of them, dumped it all on my brother, no wonder he's always so grumpy."

After downing the last of her drinks, she continued.

"Wanna check out the casino? I've got lots to spend."

Finishing his own drink the hooded man stood up saying.

"No problem, I have a lot to spend too." He the proceeded to walk to the casino alongside her.

"Oh yeah, you haven't exactly told me your name, I'm Cattleya by the way, though you may already know that."

As she said that she began wondering if he didn't want to talk of his identity due to the fact that his hood had inhibition magic inscribed on it, although she could see through it if she wanted, she felt it'd be a little too rude.

"That's true, well since you like guessing I'd give you a few hints, they might not exactly make sense but coupled with what if told you earlier, you should be able to figure it out."

"They don't make sense? How am i supposed to work with hints that don't make any sense?"

She asked clearly not understanding.

Chuckling at the look on her face, he replied,

"It will somehow, so I have two brothers, one likes high places and though I hope he gets struck by lightning, unfortunately he's immune to it, the second seems to like swimming a lot more than I thought, sometimes I wish he'd drown but a fish can't exactly drown in water."

"Okay, so you're a god of darkness and wealth, who got his position through drawing lots, you have a second in command that governs over death and also happens to have two brothers who can control both lightning and water, after all that it'd be weirder if I couldn't figure out who you are.

The story of your wife turning someone into a plant kinda sealed the deal, it's quite popular. The rumors really don't do you justice."

"They truly don't, I really don't understand why people see me as some sort of evil god or personification of death, and a few even said I torture souls for fun, why on earth would I do something as tasteless and disturbing as that."

Laughing at his grumbling she said to him,

"If you really don't want to be seen that way, start by changing your appearance, you look too dark."

"Huh? I already did that though?" He replied with a questioning look.

"I can see it wasn't much, do it again."

She then leaned towards him and whispered his name into his ear. Seeing her do that he asked.


"Saw someone do it before so I just felt like, anyway we're at the casino, let's go play some poker."

She then grabbed him by his hand and dragged him into the noisy casino.

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