Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 110 - Titan Of Time

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"Lord, are you sure 'it' is there?"

"Not really, about 50%, if I was completely sure I would be already there you know?"

"I see."

The purple haired man laughed while walking down the hallway of the building they were in, he looked outside the windows and stared at the stars in silence before saying.

"We should take our time to see the sights on our way. A quick journey would not be fun now, would it?"

"It would most certainly not."

The purple haired man nodded in affirmation to the other man's answer. He stopped walking and stared at the myriad of stars that filled the space outside the window.

"Should I give the order?"

Hearing the question he was asked, the purple haired man remained silent for a moment before replying.

"Yes, give the order, set course, for Hell."

◇ ◇ ◇

There was darkness.

Darkness everywhere.

The skies were dark, the grounds were dark, as for the seas, they were also dark.

Footsteps resounded as a man walked down a flight of stairs that seemed uncountable.

As he descended the stairs, giant bonfires of green fire lit up on both sides of the stairway, lighting up the dark place.

After what seemed like a long time, he finally arrived at the bottom of the stairs.

Taking a few more steps forward, the man stopped walking. He pulled off his hoodie and ruffled his hair.

The man, was Hades. The Olympian god of Darkness who was often mistaken as the god of death.

He was also the King of the Underworld.

"It has been a while since I came down here myself."

He noticed a familiar orb on the ground and walked forward to pick it up.

It was the orb he used when he fought Gollriman and the other gods of Borgeth. The teleportation artifact belonging to Kronos.

"Cosmic artifacts are quite handy, this thing somehow made its way over from where Hecate threw it, to this place."

He put the artifact in his subspace before continuing.

"Perhaps it sensed its original owner and tried to return, isn't that right, Father?"

Two gigantic bonfires, far larger than all those on the stairs combined, lit up the space in front of him. The green fire burned as bright as the sun, yet gave off no heat.

He looked up to see the figure of a nearly hundred meter tall man, kneeling on the floor, with chains binding him all over.

Numerous rods were pierced through his body all over, pinning him to the ground, making him unable to move.

His closed eyes opened to reveal a set of light blue pupils that glittered with the light of stars clustered together.

With a hoarse voice, he spoke.


The ambient energies around him thrummed violently as he spoke, yet he paid it no mind and continued speaking.

"It has been, twenty? Thirty thousand years. What brings you there after all this time?"

Hades walked up to a nearby rock and sat on it before replying.

"Nothing much, just thought I'd visit you for a bit."

"Oh my, how filial of you."

Hades laughed dryly at the beings reply before saying.

"You should be lucky, I planned to kill you the next time I came down here, fortunately, you get to live a little bit longer as my son needs your blood."

"Son? You?"

"What's so surprising about it?"

"Nothing at all. So, who's the mother?"

Hades grinned mischievously, he was waiting for that question. With a slightly proud expression on his face, he spoke.

"Lucifer's grand daughter."


A burst of an enormous amount of energy was released from the hundred meter tall being as his facial expression twisted in rage.


He realised that Hades' words were meant to anger him, he knew he should not fall for it, but he could not help it, his hatred of Lucifer, ran deep.

"Why would you mix my bloodline with that?!"

"Why should I not, and quiet down would you?"

Hades replied as he waved his hand in the air.

An ambient Multi-coloured energy moved over from around him and went over to the cracked chains on the hundred meter tall being, strengthening the chains as the cracks disappeared.

"Ah, you have touched upon the domain I once was, no wonder you could dare to talk about killing me."

The being saw this and spoke up, their anger from before dissipating completely.

Hades ignored this and asked a single question, one that would make the twelve Olympians cry out in shock if they ever heard.

"How long will it take to heal the damage you dealt to the universe's core?"

The core of the Olympus Universe, was damaged!!

This was something only two beings should be aware of.

The current master of Olympus, Zeus, was one of them.

The other, was the being who damaged it in the first place! 

The hundred meter tall titan who was chained and impaled in front of Hades.

The previous King of the then Universe of Orthys.

The Titan of Time, Kronos.

Kronos showed surprise at Hades' words, that was natural as Hades was not supposed to be aware of this.

"How do you know of this?"

"Did your two hundred thousand year imprisonment make you dumber?

If you realised what I am, then you should know how I found out.

As the former master of a universe, you should know better than anyone what the core of the universe is made up of."

"Ahh! I see. I do know what it is made of."

Kronos forcefully nodded in affirmation, ignoring the blood that poured out from the wound caused by the spear impaled in his neck.

[Authority of Time]



Hades sighed in exasperation as he stared at Kronos who attempted something foolish and futile.

The chains around him had become tighter and a new spear had manifested from the ground and impaled his heart, yet, he still did not die.

He only laughed lightly, spitting out huge amounts of blood in the process, before saying

"I have no idea, and as you can see, I can't find out either."

"'Course you can't."

Hades rolled his eyes and waved his hand again, the chains that cracked when Kronos tried to activate his authority were strengthened once more, even more than before.

'Now, that should hold him for another fifty millennia.'

Kronos stared at the chains that bound him and said, 

"Such fine control, if you had my power of time, you would have been a candidate too."

"The great King of Orthys, the Titan of Time Kronos, The Crooked one."

Hades who had begun calling Kronos' titles paused to take a look at Kronos' face before continuing.

"The titan of Harvest and lastly;

The Candidate of Time.

You made quite the name for yourself in other parts of the cosmos, some universes still sing praises for you till today.

If only they knew your current pitiful state."

Kronos' face scrunched up at Hades' last words, Hades noticed this and laughed before walking away.

"Beware of the beings known as 'candidates'."

"Of course, your very existence is a reason for me to beware of them."

Hades replied to Kronos words that were supposed to be a warning while walking away, however the next words stopped him in his tracks.

"I mean Lucifer."

Hades turned around at Kronos' words, his surprise evident on his face. Noticing this, Kronos chuckled before saying.

"It seems you did not know that Lucifer is a candidate too huh?

Before my hatred of Lucifer, came fear, fear of an existence far more powerful than the monarchs.

I heard he was up to some rather, 'long term' plans."

"First up, change that 'is', to a 'was', Lucifer's been dead for close to twelve millennia now."

Now, it was Kronos' turn to be surprised.

"Impossible! That Lucifer? Dead?!

Simply impossible!"

"I don't think it's so impossible anymore, you've been sealed for two hundred thousand years, times change."

Kronos shook his head at Hades' words.

"You do not understand, I know Lucifer's power far more than anyone in this part of the universal sea.

The devils of hell hailed him as the strongest king but even they do not understand the power he possesses."

Taking a deep breath, he continued.

"Lucifer Morningstar, was the most powerful 'candidate of destruction' ever."

Hades shook his head at Kronos' reply, shaking his head he spoke.

"First off, stop saying 'universal sea', I know what it's actually called.

Secondly, like it or not, Lucifer's dead, all that power, means nothing if he's not alive to use it."

Hades then walked out, leaving Kronos who began muttering to himself behind.

"I see, so that how it is, 'they' got you too huh? Lucifer."

He cranked his neck up and shouted loudly,

"Is that what you wish for, oh ye who governs all wisdom and knowledge!"

Hades heard his words and sighed for the nth time today while thinking about how he was going to appease Persephone who was annoyed at him spending so much time in Hell.

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