Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 112 - The Search Continues…

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Alexia sensed a gaze and turned around quickly, however, she saw nothing.

She left the sobbing Kelly and descended down the hill they were on, spreading out her aura, she scanned the area for any presences but felt none.

'Weird, I definitely noticed someone here.'

Kelly who noticed Alexia's strange actions, descended down the hill alongside Ethan. Cleaning her eyes that were wet with tears, she spoke with a slightly cracked voice.

"W-whats wrong?"

"I feel like I noticed someone looking at us for a moment."

Alexia dropped down on one knee and touched the ground, her blue eyes flashed before a look of shock appeared on her face.

She looked at Kelly but the latter was blowing her nose with some tissues Ethan was carrying around.

Realizing the latter did not notice, Alexia sighed in relief before speaking out loud.

"Seems I was mistaken, it was probably some stray creature."

"Stray creat-"

"Let's finish our work and leave here quickly okay?"

Alexia cut off Ethan who was about to point out that there was no living thing within a five hundred kilometre radius of them.

The gaze she gave him told him that she did not want Kelly discovering who or what was there.

"Hmm...Stray creature? It was probably a strong one to be able to activate teleportation magic so easily and leave my range almost immediately.

Oh well, it's gone now."

Kelly replied to Alexia, without noticing the eye communication between the Latter and Ethan.

'She noticed the teleportation but didn't notice who came huh? That's good then.'

"Your human form is slipping Kelly, fix it up."

Kelly blinked in shock, before pulling out a mirror from heaven knows where and looking at it, realizing her eyes had turned to slits and her pupils' colour had changed, she hurriedly adjusted it and put the mirror back.

Seeing this Alexia chuckled outwardly while panicking internally.

'It's a good thing he didn't come over, otherwise it'd have been a bloodbath.

She always makes fun of my bad relationship with my father but hers isn't any better.

At least he did not place a curse on her from birth like mine did.'

She walked over to Kelly and tapped her on the shoulder, much to the latter's visible confusion.



Alexia smiled at Kelly while thinking about the father and daughter who kept misunderstanding each other and ended up always fighting as a result.

◇ ◇ ◇

"So we came to Tivia, to look for more members of that god slayer race right?"


"Then we're in luck."

Ethan raised a brow at Kelly's words, he didn't understand how they were suddenly in luck when 7 years of searching resulted in less than 300 members found.

"That's because of the system here!"

Kelly exclaimed loudly with a smile on her face, noticing the confused stares the other two were giving her, she coughed awkwardly before continuing.

"The devour class systems here have a skill in their database, the appraisal skill.

Due to this, we do not need to kidnap random demigods and use them as sensors to find the members of the new race, all we have to do is appraise as many as we can, as secretly as we can."

"We can do that with normal magic so the skill is quite unnecessary?"

Appraisal was a skill that let one view the status board of another being, there were restrictions but it wasn't much different from the appraisal spell.

"The appraisal spell doesn't exactly tell you what race they are, it only does that when you have a certain degree of knowledge about the race of the being you are appraising.

What do we know about this race? 

It's a god slayer race, the progenitor is Lucifer's descendant, and they have a divinity negation ability.

Finding them with so little information among thousands of trillions of beings is harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

But with the appraisal skill, it doesn't matter even if we don't know a thing about the race, we'd be able to tell who they are instantly."

Kelly sat down and finished her glass of wine after her speech.

"You sound like a sales manager advertising a skill."


Alexia's unnecessary remark, made her choke on her wine, she glared at Alexia with teary eyes while patting her chest.

"You look cute when you're choking..."

"Um...lady Alexia, I don't recall you having such strange tendencies."

"Worry not Ethan, its limited to this jobless supreme."

Ethan nodded and silently took distance away from Alexia who seemed to be awakening to a trait she definitely shouldn't have.

As for Kelly,

"I'm not jobless!"

Like so, the trio continued their search for the members of the new god slayer race, unbeknownst to their progenitor who was plucking out the heart of a half-god Valkyrie at the time.

◇ ◇ ◇

A golden haired man who was dressed as casually as anyone you could find randomly on the street, was currently at the Golden glass casino cum bar, having a drink.

The female bartender had to pinch herself in the thigh multiple times to prevent herself from dumbfoundedly staring at his wonderful appearance.

The air of intimidation and power he gave off only seemed to make him more appealing in her eyes, of course, more than half the women who saw him all thought the same.

About thirty minutes after he began drinking, a person came over and occupied the spot beside him.

The being was dressed in all black, with a hood above their head obscuring their face from sight.

Two dots, glowing in an iridescent light could be seen from inside the hood. 

"Hello, not nice to see you."

"Didn't you have questions for me?"

The black hooded being replied to the man, their gender being indiscernible from their voice.

"I had questions because you suddenly popped up and told me a lot of weird shit."

"I only told you the truth."

The man rolled his eyes hearing the hooded being's reply. The next words spoken by the hooded being however, made his gaze turn cold.

"Celestial Darkness is awake."

"Celestial Darkness huh?

A rule breaker I supposedly created tens of trillions of years ago, yet I can't seem to remember creating anything of the sort."

The hooded figure ordered a drink and downed it before replying.

"That's because your memories were erased."

"By who? Just who is this existence that is powerful enough to erase my memories?"

"The very being you fight for the sake of."


He slammed his glass on the counter and turned to the hooded being.


The hooded being ignored his words filled with anger and continued speaking.

"Whether you believe or not is up to you."

The man clicked his tongue and ordered another drink before asking.

"Have you recovered?"

"Not yet."

"It's been more than a decade, almost 14 years since you pulled that stunt on the prophecies already Huh?"

The hooded figure nodded before turning to look at the man, he gazed back at the two dots of iridescent light coming from inside the being's hood.

The two stated at each other before he finally broke the silence and asked.

"Where is celestial darkness now?"

"With its owner."

"So you say I made something as powerful as that, then gave it to someone else?"

The man asked with a look of obvious surprise on his face. He collected his second drink from the blushing bartender before continuing.

"I don't think I'm the kind of person to be that generous."

"Of course you aren't, celestial darkness was not created with your power alone, although you did 60% of the work.

Fortunately or unfortunately, it chose someone else."

The man sighed before taking his drink and setting the glass back on the table.

"What's your goal?"

To his completely serious voice, devoid of any hint of playfulness, the hooded being replied.

"Everything I do, is ||For. Balance.|| 

Their voice changed midway as the being began speaking in a true voice, startling the nearby drinkers on the counter.

The being paid this no mind and dropped a few gold coins on the counter before disappearing silently.

Looking at the empty spot beside him, the man voiced his thoughts out loud.

"You say that like I know who or what that is."

Sighing to himself once again, he ordered another drink while thinking about his life so far.

◇ ◇ ◇

"I'm back!"

Arthur's return to the academy was supposed to be as quiet as possible, however that was simply impossible to achieve.

"Your fans really pestered me a lot these past few days."

Layla spoke with a sigh and she remembered the crowd of girls who were waiting outside her class on Monday morning.

They all came to ask about Arthur's whereabouts as it had somehow gotten out that Arthur was not in school.

"You were in a different realm, even if they knew, it's not like they could follow you there."

Arthur chuckled lightly at Layla's words, the poor girl had it hard with Arthur's fans recently, even more so when her own fans began berating Arthur's for stressing out their idol.

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