Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 114 - Arthur

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Arthur was seated on the ground cross legged in his room, after a day of classes, he was really tired, mentally that is.

However he did not neglect to do his usual training, after which, he began trying his luck at comprehending laws.

Currently, he was comprehending both the laws of time and destruction, and so far, his progress had been quite… normal.

'It feels like solving a giant puzzle that has almost 10000 pieces at hyper speed, only when I solve the puzzle can I read the information hidden in it.

Understanding it, is a different case altogether.'

The knowledge of a law that can be gotten from a law crystal did not make any sense whatsoever, as such, one had to use their energy to parse through it in order to make sense of it and understand it.

This was the process called, law comprehension.

'It may sound easy but it's actually not.'

One can spend decades trying to comprehend a law and would not even be able to comprehend 1% of it.

There was also the energy consumption as the process of comprehension required an enormous amount of energy.

If it wasn't for Arthur's natural large energy pool, he would not have been able to dream of comprehending two laws at once, progenitor or not.


Arthur suddenly felt as if a piece of the giant puzzle that seemed unsolvable, was put in place. 

The knowledge of the law that only looked like gibberish to him before finally started making sense.

Of course, this was only a small piece in the grand scheme of things.

If one were to rate his current comprehension in percentages, then he probably just reached the 5 percent mark of the basic law of time.

This was the result of his two years of efforts.

While some otherworldly geniuses would consider it slow, when thinking about Arthur's situation, it was actually quite fast.

Some people may spend 10 years or even longer and not be able to comprehend that much after all.

The moment he realized he had achieved a small success, he cut off his energy flow and closed his wings.

His hands reached for the healing and magic potions beside him, opening up the bottles and downing them instantly.

"I'm drained!"

He suddenly started feeling dizzy and his consciousness began to dim, he realized it was because he had pushed himself to the limit and exhausted all the energy he could currently use. 

"Energy deficiency… huh?

Well, I could use a nap."

And like so, he collapsed on the floor in his room.

A few seconds after, Lute walked in and saw him on the floor, sighing to himself, he picked Arthur up and dropped him on his bed before leaving the room silently.

◇ ◇ ◇

It was, an infinite darkness.

No matter how far one went, there was no end

No matter how long one waited, there was no dawn.

There was one spot, where there was light.

A throne that floated within the darkness--Only there.

A figure that had the shape of a person sat on that throne.

His left blue eye shone brightly as he looked around him, however all he saw was darkness.

"Where the f*ck is this? Another weird lucid dream?"

The person seated atop the throne, Arthur, tried to move his body and realized he was able to.

Unlike the last time he was in a lucid dream where he could not take any actions at all and only just go with the flow.

"That means this is reality?"

He looked at his body for any abnormalities and noticed one.

"My body is slightly transparent."

After a few minutes of pondering, he came to a conclusion.

"This isn't my body, my body is probably still in my room, I guess this is probably my spiritual body? Or my soul? Astral body…I think?

First time having an out of body experience."

He tried to stand and realized he could, walking around on the darkness below also felt like walking on normal ground.

"There's no end to this…"

He looked around and realized there was no end to the darkness, as far as he could see.

"Also, I can't see a thing with my right eye, only my left."

His right eye was completely blinded, or to be more accurate, he just could not see in this darkness with his right eye.

It was the same way a one would normally not be able to see in darkness, provided they did not possess some sort of night vision.

"I do possess night vision, but I can't see, I'm guessing it is because my right eye hasn't been influenced by the law of time Huh?"

He began walking forward while trying to balance his body as he could only see with one eye, he tried infusing law essence into his right eye to see the results.

"Failed huh? 

I guess I just can't manipulate a law like that for now."

Resolving himself to using one eye alone for now, he looked around again as he was walking and noticed something.

"No matter how far I go I can still see the throne… or could it be I'm under the illusion that I'm moving forward but I actually am not?"

He looked at his right hand a called out.


There was no reply.

"Guess I'm down to my fists if something pops up and attacks me then, can't say I like fighting with only half my vision."

He continued moving forward, occasionally looking backwards to check of he could still see the throne.

"I can still see it, am I actually moving forward?"

He kept having doubts like that, especially as he could still keep his balance despite losing half his vision, until he began noticing something else besides the endless darkness.

"Something gray?"

He increased his speed and kept on moving towards the gray silhouette he saw. After what felt like a half an hour, he finally arrived at it.

"A gray orb..."

It was a gray orb, one with a height that was easily twice his, its width was also the same as its height.

"It's f*cking huge… what is this thing?"

He looked around once again to see of there was anything else but besides the throne he could still see for some reason, there was nothing else in this dark space.

He hesitantly reached out to touch the orb, it felt cold.

"I don't think I've touched anything colder than this, even Owen's rune of extreme cold wasn't this cold.

And that had negative yin in it."

He walked round the orb and checked it all over.

"It's gray on all sides…"

Shrugging his shoulders, he revealed his wings that seemed to have grown longer than the last time he saw them.

"Considering that was less than an hour ago, this is definitely weird, but first…"

He flew up to the top of the orb and looked it over, there was nothing strange on it. It looked like a regular gray orb one cold find anywhere on the road, besides it size, that is.

Landing on the ground, he retracted his wings and touched the orb again.

"No weird reactions…"

He knocked on it lightly but it didn't seem to he hollow.

"How about I do this…."

He then attempted to pour in energy into the orb.

The result;

"What the shit?! It's sucking my energy!"

In just a few seconds, half his energy was drained from him.

"So it's some sort of energy storage, how big is this thing."

Once again pouring energy into it, he limited the amount while scanning it to get a feel on how much energy the orb could contain.

The result of his scan, left him dumbfounded.

"This thing is bottomless…"

The orb seemingly had an infinite capacity for energy, there was no way he was ever gonna fill it up with his amount of energy.

"It seems to have some other function besides storing energy but that function would mostly likely work only when a certain amount of energy has been absorbed.

I definitely cannot fulfill that requirement."

He took his hand off the orb and looked around once again, there was no change in the surroundings, still the same infinite darkness.

"Still haven't questioned how I got here though…"

Sighing in exasperation, he turned around and walked back to the throne.

After a few minutes, he arrived at it, he tried walking past it but after a few meters he realized he could not go any further.

"About 10 meters, seems I'm not allowed to go beyond this point."

He walked back to the throne and sat on it.

"This is quite comfortable… And Quiet too."

Arthur began wishing he could remain here for a while longer, unfortunately, he could not.

"My body is becoming more and more transparent, I'm guessing my time here is up Huh?"

He laid back on the throne and basked in the silence as his body became less opaque until it finally faded away from the darkness.

◇ ◇ ◇

Arthur slowly opened his eyes and looked around, he saw he was on his bed.

"Guess I'm back…"

He thought about the place he was in few moments ago and wondered how he could return.

"I spent more than an hour there, so it should be past 1am now huh."

He stood up from his bed and walked to the desk to pick his phone, turning it on he noticed something weird.

The time, was 12:01.

"Huh? I was done comprehending the law at around 12, spent an hour in that place, and it's just 12:01? How is that possible?"

It didn't take him long to arrive at the conclusion.

"So time is stopped there Huh? Just what was that space?"

While asking questions he didn't expect answers to, he dropped his phone and went back to bed, completely oblivious to the fact that his left eye was still blue.

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