Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 123 - Adventures Of Aurora And Inglis, Taking Out Trash

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"Hello everyone and welcome to the first episode of the 'Adventures of Rory and Glis'.

I'm your host, Inglis!

Now then I'm sure some of you are probably wondering about us so the next few chapters would be just about us two.

Isn't that cool Rory?"

Inglis asked after her speech. Microphone in hand, she was standing on the bridge of a space craft. 

Beside her was Aurora, who was looking at her like one would a psychiatric hospital patient.

The entire space craft was empty, with only Aurora and Inglis on board.

They were in the process of passing through the boundary of a certain light blue spiral galaxy, when Inglis suddenly brought out a microphone from who knows where and began making commentary.

Aurora just wordlessly steered the craft away from space debris while conjuring a giant hammer of flames go bonk Inglis' head.

"Rory?! You're gonna burn the craft!!"

Only after Inglis' warning did Aurora look around and realise her flames were beginning to melt parts of the space craft.

"Geez, you seriously can't take a joke."

Inglis sighed and summoned a magic staff before using metal magic to reinforce the parts that Aurora's flames almost melted.

Setting the craft on autopilot, Aurora walked over to one of the windows and stared at the passing stars and planets.

"Glis, how much of what Diablo said do you think is true?"

"Huh? You're doubting him? Now that's new."

Inglis walked over to Aurora's side and said. After a few moments of silence, she continued.

"About 50%, 60% tops. He likes to hide a lot of stuff after all."

Aurora nodded at Inglis words before sighing in exasperation. Noticing this, Inglis asked.

"What's wro- Oh!"

Inglis, upon realizing the reason for Aurora's sigh, wordlessly held out a clenched fist.

Aurora did the same and the two stared at each other in silence before Inglis finally spoke.

"Rock, paper, Scissors!"


Their game ended with Aurora's fist still clenched while Inglis' palm was wide open.

"I should have picked Scissors."

Inglis laughed and opened up the space craft's hangar, before curtsying towards Aurora.

"After you my dear..."

Aurora just flicked Inglis on the forehead before flying out of the craft.

A few seconds later, the entire craft shut down and Inglis came out of it.

"Spatial Isolation."

With those words, a giant purple 8 ringed magic circle appeared under the craft and the entire spacecraft sank into it.

"So, I win so you start."

Inglis spoke to Aurora who was still annoyed on her earlier loss of rock paper Scissors.

She looked at the stars around them before speaking out loud, the magic power in her voice, causing it to travel far and into the ears of all the beings on any and every celestial bodies within a few light years of them.

|You fools should come out already, I don't have all day to deal with you.|

Even after she spoke, the silence remained. Seeing this, she clicked her tongue and rose up a hand.

A red cluster of energy grew approximately thirty centimetres away from her hand, it condensed until it was a pillar of light shooting into the void of space.

Its target; the large planet that was right In front of Aurora and Inglis.


Right after Inglis' words-


-came the actual 'boom'.

The destroyed planet's gravitational influence over the other planets in the star system was affected.

Its dozens of moons that managed to survive the nova-level explosion flew in different directions.

The motion of the asteroid belts in the star system was greatly affected, causing the asteroids to spiral towards other planets and crash on them, destroying a few in the process.

While all these destruction was taking place, the culprit, Aurora floated silently in space while staring at the spot where the large planet was.

A huge aura spread out and covered the surrounding areas with multiple other smaller but powerful auras spreading out seconds later.

From what was left of the destroyed planet's debris, multiple figures emitting stupendous amounts of energy dashed towards Inglis and Aurora.

Seeing and sensing the energy they were emitting, Aurora clicked her tongue for the nth time today and spoke, her tone, laced with annoyance.

"Celestials, just what are you fools doing in Hell."

The celestials dashed towards Inglis and Aurora, activating multiple celestial magic mid-flight.

Inglis frowned and summoned her prized magic staff before speaking.

"A few low tier deities, most of them are mid tiers.

There are three high tiers but they seem to be biding time for something.

It's exactly as he said.

We'd take out the low and mid first, and then we'll see what they're planning."

The moment she spoke, she waved her staff lightly.

Multiple 8 ringed runic magic circles appeared behind her and giant spears of darkness fired towards the incoming celestials from the circles.

Aurora just looked around wordlessly while rolling up the sleeves of her shirt with the same stoic look on her face as usual.

Three celestials activated various stealth magic and snuck up on her, however before they could attack, Aurora's body erupted into a pillar of flames.


Hearing the scream of one of the companions, the two other celestials turned to see the third cough out blood.

There was a hand sticking out of his chest, with his still beating heart being held by it.


With that one word, the heart was burnt to cinders and he screamed out his death throes.


While they were still shocked at the sudden death of their companion, Inglis care free voice rang out from behind them.

"Oh, soul burn. Haven't seen that in a while."

They tried to turn around quickly but the chains of flames that suddenly appeared and gripped their arms and legs prevented them from doing so.

They were force fed a ball of flames each but the pain their bodies felt was nothing compared to the pain their souls were feeling.



The shells of Celestial energy around their souls shattered and their souls were burnt to nothing, killing them instantly.

Within less than a minute, three low tier deity celestials met their ends at Aurora's hands.

Five more were impaled with spears of darkness behind Inglis. She gave Aurora a look that was basically screaming; 'I killed more than you did.'

Seeing this, Aurora's lips twitched slightly then she spoke out with a challenging tone.

"You're on."

With another eruption of flames, Aurora disappeared from in front of Inglis and reappeared right in front of a group of mid-tier deity celestials who were about to fire a complex combination spell.

The moment she appeared, they launched the spell at her, one filled with celestial energy and various kinds of magic.



The result of the spell; was an explosion with the force of a quasar behind it.

All the nearby celestials had been warned by their allies beforehand as such they all teleported from the area almost instantly, unless they risked being caught up in the spells area of effect.

Energy roughly equivalent to that of multiple exploding suns was released, and then converted into gravitational waves that rippled the fabric of space time.

Everything within a twenty billion mile radius was annihilated completely and there was nothing left.

Nothing left, except two women.

One had a dumbfounded look on her face as she stared at the other.

Besides the soot on her clothes, she was completely unscathed.

The other was the one who was hit by the full brunt of the explosion, however the injuries she had on her were far from fatal.

She looked at her mangled arms for a moment, the next; they were covered in flames, alongside the rest of her body.

However these flames did not damage her, instead they healed her and energized her slightly.

"Rory, are you really okay? That looked like it hurt a lot."

Inglis asked as she floated behind Aurora and hand combed her scattered hair before tying it up in a side ponytail.

Discarding the half melted comb, she checked Aurora all over and heaved a sigh of relief when she was sure that Aurora suffered no major injuries.

"You worry too much, something as weak as that can't kill me.

I only let it hit me to test something out."

Indeed, Aurora was very capable of interfering with the spell, causing it to backfire on its casters, however she did not, and she purposely let it hit her.

"Conclusion is; they're all small fry."

She spoke words that would make the celestials spit out blood in shock, fortunately for them, they had all moved tens of billions of miles away so as not to be caught in the spell's area of effect.

"You tagged them didn't you? Let's go over then."

Aurora spoke to Inglis who sighed and waved her magic staff.

"Greater teleportation."

A great distance away, one of the celestials who was 'lucky' enough to escape from Inglis, felt his back getting hotter.

|Hmm?! Damn, she marked us!!|

One of the tree high tier deity celestials shouted out to the others, the next moment, the head of the celestial who was 'lucky' to escape, fell of his neck before bursting into flames.



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