Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 142 - [Bonus ]School Festival Begins

[Hello everybody, Wonderful day isn't it?

Welcome to the Sports section of this year's school festival. I'm gonna be your host today, Name's Arthur by the way, if you didn't already know that.]

Arthur's lively voice rang out from the speakers in the arena. Many heads turned as they heard the voice of one who was most definitely a prince, doing commentary work but the owner of the voice paid it no mind and kept talking.

[So as I was saying, welcome to the sports section of this year's school festival, I'm the one who's gonna be the host for this arena.]

[Um...Pr- Lord Arthur, you were supposed to give your last name too...]

[Huh? I'm supposed to give my last name? Fine. Name's Arthur Vaughn and I am your host for today.

Happy now?]

The various screens and projected monitors in the arena showed the video of Arthur conversing with his co-commentator, Tom, one of the descendants of Grand Duke Belphegor while the speakers provided the audio.

[I guess. Oh, I am Tom Reed by the way, I am your co-host for this arena.]

After giving his greetings, Tom turned to Arthur and asked the question that was on the minds of many spectators present.

[So Lord Arthur, what makes you made you decide to join me in hosting this arena's events today and not participate in the events themselves?]

[Well, partly because I was heavily involved in planning some of the events of today's festival. Secondly, because I am still feeling the side effects from straining myself in the last fight, I did use a bit too many artifacts that have some rather nasty drawbacks after all.]

Arthur replied to Tom's question after pondering on it for a few seconds, his reply planted many ideas in the minds of the spectators.

When he spoke of the 'last fight', many immediately thought of the incident with Zach and Arthur's confrontation of Owen that happened a few months ago. However, in reality he was referring to his battle against the twin emperors on Phirex.

As for the side effects he spoke of, they assumed he was talking about the various drawbacks or repercussions of the multitude of artifacts he used against Owen, however that was also not the truth.

He was actually referring to the side effects of using more energy than his body could hold and how his body had, still not fully recovered.

Without knowing the ideas and conspiracy theories that he had planted into the minds of many, Arthur continued speaking without a care in the world.

[Lastly, it was simply because I felt like it.

You see in life, when feel like doing something, you just gotta do it, regardless of the consequences. You just gott- Oh No! Wait! Think about the consequences, did not think about the consequences of my actions and my right arm still hurts even though it's been weeks.]

His words elicited a small laugh from the multitude of spectators present, Arthur just smiled and continued speaking.

[Moving on to more important things, it seems to be time for us to hear a few words from the leader of the planning committee of today's events, the student council president; Raylan Brock.]

As he spoke, the screens and projected monitors showed the appearance of the student council president's office with Raylan talking to the vice president.

[Are we rolling already?]

[Yes, President Brock]

He handed a bunch of files to the vice president before turning to face the camera.

[Ahh, ahh. Gooday everyone, today we are blessed with a fair sky, perfect to display the results of all the preparations that not only the student council, but the majority of the student body have all painstakingly made over the course of the past few weeks.

The school festival events would be taking place over the course of two days with both the class exhibits and the sports activities being open for everyone to come and see.

To the students, both those participating in the festival activities and those who are not, and to all our guests today, I ask for your co-operation, so we can end this event safely with all smiles!

This has been the Royal Academy Student Council President Raylan Brock, and i wish you all a happy festival.]


Cheers from all arenas rang out the moment he was done with his speech, as the student council president, Raylan's popularity among the students was on a different level entirely. 

He was also capable enough to handle his duties effectively, while also not being over bearing to the students like some of his predecessors. 

And the icing on the cake was the fact that he was from the royal family of one of the largest Beastkin Empires in the Hell Universe.

It took a few minutes for the cheers to die down and the commentators of the respective arenas carried on with the events for said arenas. 

Taking advantage of the tension that was already in full overdrive, Arthur proceeded to announce the events for the day.

[Now then, allow me to announce today's program!

The first event kick starts the day with a 'Quick dash through the bridge filled with despair!' Event Number 1; The 'Death Bridge Run!'

Next up is Event Number 2! This is one of the few events i personally suggested, didn't expect it to get accepted though.

'The ultimate defense against an unrelenting assault!' Tentacle Guard!]

A certain group of people with strange hobbies rose up from their seats while cheering despite the strange looks the other spectators gave them.

Tom only chuckled and took on the mantle of announcing the day's events.

[After the participants have guarded against the unrelenting assault, 'if' they are able to, We would then move on the Event Number 3! 'The pair's trust in each other is the key to victory!' Fall Towers!

And Lastly we shall end today with Event Number 4! 'A fierce assault of a sky fallen emissary!?' Garuda Shoot!

With that, this will be all four events that would be happening in this arena today. Well then, preparations will be necessary, so for every participant excluding those of the first event, please head to the waiting rooms provided.]

The events of this arena were being held in teams of four students each. The teams were picked at random so it was almost impossible to end up in the same team as someone you wanted to be with.

There were a total of 4 teams of five students each in this arena. For each event, there would be a member of each of the four teams participating in them. However for convenience sake, they would be referred to as Teams A-D for each event.

The team with the highest points after all the events would be considered the winner for this arena.

On Tom's instructions, each team headed to their respective waiting room that was prepared for them.

Each waiting room was equipped with a large window, so the participants can also watch from there, but there are multiple camera-like magical tools set up all over the place, so they can also watch real-time on a monitor installed in the room.

Incidentally, this magical tool was also one of the few recently developed by the genius Alchemist Weinbert Boffin. There were already similar tools existing but he created an even better and more efficient version, and as expected of the Royal Academy, all arenas were already equipped with these magic tools.

By the way, there were also several projected monitors in the air, so no matter where one sat among the audience, they will be able to see the impressive footage. 

[All right then, Let us begin!]

With Arthur's shout, a large amount of magic power could be felt from underneath the ground. This was followed by the sound of rumbling as the earth swelled and pillars began rising from the ground.

After reaching a specific height, the tops of the pillars began to reach out and connect with each other. 

This display of swift and efficient magic power manipulation made the spectators wonder if this was the work of just one person or an entire team of magicians.

Of course this was done by a team of 5th year students but they were not privy to that information.

The tops of each pillar that began reaching out and connecting to each other eventually ended up making a bridge that was large enough to extend from one end of the arena to another.

That, was the stage for the first event; The 'Death Bridge' itself.

"That should do it, then Sir Tom, if you may?... Sir Tom?"

One of the 5th year students who was in the commentary box with Arthur and Tom, the one who was communicating with his classmates who were responsible for the bridge's creation, called out to the slightly stunned Tom.

[Ah, yes. Pardon me. Now then, all participants of the first event, please head to your starting positions!]

Urging the astonished Tom, he moved on with the program. The once-bustling audience was now completely silent. 

Seeing this Arthur chuckled to himself while thinking that if this little display was enough to shock them to the point of silence, then they probably would not last beyond this.

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