Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 150 - Esna Wood, World History

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"Let's get the introductions out of the way now shall we?

Name's Arthur Vaughn. 


"Esna Wood.

Nice to meet you Arthur."

Esna replied to Arthur while looking around subtly.

'I can't find any of them, the man who was carrying the bags is also gone...could he have taken them out.'

"Ah, if you're worried about your guards, I just told Lute to have a nice chat with them, Literally of course.

No harm would come to them."

Esna began wondering if it was okay for Arthur to casually give out the names of his guards(?) so easily. However, seeing Tasha who was obviously able to hear their conversation but clearly didn't mind, she decided to drop it.

Realizing that her guards were safe, she then turned back to Arthur who seemed like he wanted to say something.

"So, you said you were the daughter of this world's strongest hunter?"

"Yes...Wait, you keep saying 'this' world, it makes it sound like you're from another."

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Obviously not!"

Esna sighed in exasperation before asking Arthur a question, he tone was as skeptical as could be.

"Are you perhaps from the world on the other end of the dungeons?"

"What if I am?"

"Let's just say that the denizens of this one don't exactly have any good feelings towards them."

As she replied, Esna thought about how the current state of their world came to be.

◇ ◇ ◇

Esna's world was once a relatively normal one, having thousands of years of advanced civilization and millions of years of history.

The supernatural, only existed in fiction.

Monsters, demons, dragons, dungeons and the like were only figments of their imaginations. 

Until one day, everything changed.

A group of more than ten dozen dimensional rifts appeared around the world simultaneously and monsters began pouring out of it.

The sudden appearance of these creatures that only existed in fiction was naturally not something that the humans of the world could cope with.

All conventional weaponry was deemed useless against these beasts and billions of people lost their lives that day.

It was an apocalypse.

The population of the world was on the verge of being wiped out, that was when something happened.

A few humans discovered that they possessed abilities and powers similar to that of the monsters that attacked them. 

The real method on how these powers were discovered was unknown but this meant that humans had gained a chance to fight back at the monsters that suddenly attacked.

They began amassing forces and helping other humans discover their powers and abilities. Some even managed to tame the monsters from the rifts and turned them into allies.

However, the ever increasing amount of monsters was just too much to handle.

That was when the first group of ability users, named Hunters, decided to attempt something dangerous.

They resolved themselves and despite the words of their companions, they entered into the largest of these rifts with the intention of killing the monsters within.

They also planned to find the sources of these monsters within the rifts.

And they succeeded-

-but at a great price.

Out of twenty-one hunters who entered, only seven returned alive.

These seven brought back the news of what was on the other side of the rift.

It was a different world, one with civilizations just like theirs; however, this different world was far larger than theirs by a large margin.

The monsters in this different world had become far too much and were ever increasing, as such, the members of this different world decided to send the monsters over to another world so that there would be less monsters in theirs.

Esna's world was the unfortunate one chosen.

Ever since then, the two worlds had been at odds with each other, they had even had all out wars and clashed multiple times.

As for Esna's world, the hunters set up organizations to manage the rifts and the monsters within.

These organizations were the guilds.

Ever since the return of the seven, the rifts reduced the intensity at which it poured out monsters, and the sizes of the rifts reduced considerably.

However, if left alone, they would increase and begin spitting out far more dangerous monsters.

It was the job of the guilds, to handle these monsters.

◇ ◇ ◇

"That's how things have been for the past few thousand years, or so I was told."

"By who?"

"The leader of the seven and the world's strongest hunter.

My Father."

Esna replied to Arthur's question before taking a bite out of the turkey on her plate.

Arthur had ordered some food for them to eat while talking and she had shared her world's history with Arthur.

"So it was like that huh? I only read the basic information and discarded the rest so I don't actually know much about your world."

"So why come here? And how?"

"I came because the artifacts your alchemists and blacksmiths make are cool.

As for how..."

Arthur pointed upwards before continuing.

"Through the space craft that's currently orbiting your planet."

Esna's eyes widened in surprise. The thought of a spacecraft that took people around in space was shocking to her.

'Even dad said he can't last long in space, the only way to go to that other world is through the rifts too.

But it seems he can move around freely if he has that craft.'

Arthur's next words however, added to her shock.

"Your dad is probably over on it talking with Lewis' cousins now."


"You guys have a space administration, and a giant space craft hovering above your planet would not go unnoticed.

Even more so when there are multiple auras comparable to that of the 'seven' coming from within it.

It's also the reason why the guard who escaped to tell your dad about the situation, has not returned yet.

Sure he may want to protect you and all, especially after hearing that someone with attendants on his level of strength is with you, however he can't do much when he has to deal with the unknown variable that is my space craft, filled with the rest of Lute's team members."

Arthur took a drink from his glass, downing the contents in one go, while ignoring the dumbfounded look Esna was giving him.

"Just...who are you?"

"Its 'who' this time?"

"Answer me, I told you what you asked, now it's your turn."

Esna shot back impatiently, however Arthur was still at ease. He looked at her with a light smile before replying.

"Son of the Olympian god Hades and the Devilian Princess Cattleya.

Prince of the Devildom of Hell, Arthur Vaughn at your service."

Esna's head had many thoughts going through at the same time, the things Arthur said were just too outrageous.

'Olympian god? What is that? 

He said god though? That means an actual deity??

And his mother, he said she was a devil?

That means he is the child of a god and a devil...how does that even work, aren't gods and devils supposed to be enemies?

And he said he's a prince, which means he's royalty from on whatever world he's from.'

If Esna knew that Arthur was not the prince of just one world, but the entire universe, she may not react like she was currently.

It took her a few minutes to sort through her thoughts, after which, she looked up to see Arthur playing a game on his phone.

'I don't recognize the brand either, he really is from another world.'

Arthur paused his game and looked up at her before speaking.

"You done?"

"Partially, I already knew that there may be other worlds besides just ours and those guys on the other end of the rifts.

However, the fact that you said you are the son of a god?

That means you are some sort of demigod?"

"Nope, I'm not. 

What I am is precisely the reason I wish to speak to you.

It may also be the reason for the strange feeling I believe you also got when we locked eyes with each other earlier."

Esna nodded as she remembered the strange feeling she got the moment she accidentally locked eyes with Arthur.

Even now, she still felt weird just sitting opposite him. 

Arthur put a hand on his chin and thought for a moment before turning and gesturing towards Tasha who was stuffing her face with a limited edition cake.

Hurriedly cleaning mouth, she rushed over the the duo, not forgetting to pay for another round of cakes.

"Your highness. Is there a problem?"

"Can you make memory gems?"

"Memory gems? Of course."

"Good, so make one with the basic knowledge if the hell universe and its main entities. Add stuff about me too."

Tasha nodded wordlessly and stretched out a hand, magic power began condensing in her palm until it formed a dark grey orb.

She then gave the orb to Esna who was staring at her in shock.

"You're a transcendent's daughter so you should be able to use magic power efficiently right?"


"Good, pour your magic into this, it saves me the stress of talking."

Esna nodded and wordlessly took the orb before doing as Arthur said, it began glowing as magic began entering.

"Ah, prepare to be mind blown."

The moment she heard that, Esna's vision went dark.

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