Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 155 - The Wheel Of Fate Spins As Another Glimpses A Potential Future

Arthur found himself seated in a weird place, it seemed like some sort of space craft as he could see a myriad of stars out the windows.

From the large window in front of him, he could see two stars that he definitely recognized.

'They're the same from that lucid dream!'

The two stars had a little gap between them, it looked like they were close enough to collide, but he knew fully well they actually were not; they were a great distance apart from each other.

Another thing he noticed was the fact that he could not control his body this time either.

However, this was not a lucid dream, after all he was not asleep at all. It was probably some sort of vision of the future, or a possible future like last time.

Hearing footsteps coming from behind him, In-vision Arthur, turned slightly and looked towards the source of the footsteps.

It came from a black haired woman who was fairly tall, about 6 ft. tall, she wore a black long sleeved turtleneck with a short black skirt and long black stockings under black heeled boots.

He could not tell if there was any sort of design on her shirt as she stood with her back facing Arthur while staring at the red and blue stars.

"You're here again."

Her voice felt familiar but he could not seem to remember where he had heard it. In-vision him replied with an exhausted tone.

"Looking at them calms me, and I really need some calm after all the bullshit I've been through recently."

"True, those paranoid old fogeys are getting annoying."

She replied with a nod while facing the two stars out the window while Arthur wished for her to turn around so he could see her face.

The next words from his in-vision self, shocked him to the core.

"I think it was around this time, when I saw this scene happen, left me confused for a while."

The black haired woman turned around however in-vision Arthur also turned to the side as if avoiding her gaze.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing much."

Perhaps having noticed that she had returned her gaze to the two stars out the window, in-vision Arthur turned back to face her causing Arthur to notice something familiar.

She was running a hand through her hair and on the back of her palm, Arthur saw a symbol.

It was a blurred out crest, however there was a notable Roman figure 'VI' on it.

'That means six. 

The black-haired woman in the last lucid dream had 'I', signifying one on her hand.

This means they are not the same person.'

As his thoughts reached that point, In-vision Arthur stood up and spoke.

"Call the others."

The moment he spoke, Arthur felt his vision go black.

◇ ◇ ◇

He opened his eyes to see himself still holding Esna's hand, looking around he realized he was still in the space craft.


Esna's voice snapped him out of his stupor and he hurriedly released her hand. 

"Are you all right, your highness?"

Hearing Lute's question, Arthur nodded before asking Lute to oversee the process of moving whatever Esna would be taking with her.

He then pulled out his phone and told Lewis' cousins who had been on standby to handle the plan to reduce the monster population.

Giving the phone to Lute, he told him to give them the specifics.

After this, Arthur exited the break room and walked over to his room before collapsing on his bed and falling asleep the second after.

Lute followed Arthur's orders and prepared all that was necessary for his plan to be carried out. Although he was worried about how strangely Arthur acted, he did not have time to question it.

All he did was report it to Cattleya and carry on with his duties.

It took a grand total of 5 days for the sizes of the rifts to be adjusted by Lewis who came over personally and after that, the group began moving back to Aeturn.

◇ ◇ ◇

It was a white space, white as far as the eye could see. 

The entire space was filled with the essence of the law of Fate, it was so dense that one could mistake this point for the origin of the law of fate.

At a certain point in this space, there was a giant golden wheel made up entirely of fate essence spinning round.

Suddenly, the speed at which it was spinning increased exponentially.

Sensing this, the three beings in that space all turned to look at it simultaneously. 

One was a man who was dressed as casually as anyone you could find randomly on the street, with a normal t-shirt and jeans, yet he gave off a domineering aura, as if he was a King ruling over quintillions.

He had golden eyes and hair and also a little beard on his chin.

To his extreme left was a woman dressed in a pure black gown, contrasting with her white hair and skin. The gown was decorated with various jewels and precious stones of unknown worth.

In between the two, was a being dressed in all black, with a hood above their head obscuring their face from sight. 

|Things have changed.|

Two dots shining with an iridescent light could be seen from inside the hood as the being spoke while looking towards the spinning wheel, their gender being indiscernible from their voice.

The white haired woman briefly glanced at this being before turning back to the spinning wheel of fate in front of them and speaking.

|From here on, we are playing on a larger scale.|

The golden haired man sighed while thinking about the implications of the changes happening to the wheel of fate in front of them.

|It seems that it is now that shit is finally getting real huh?|

The black clothed being walked up to the wheel while speaking.

|Those who have 'Returned',

Those who have 'Wandered',

Those who have 'Awakened',

Those who have waited for the 'right moment',

And lastly,

Those who have yet to make their mark on history.

The hidden powers and countless others would all come to the stage.

And the individuals who would be in the center of that stage, have finally been decided.|

Reaching the giant spinning wheel of fate, the being stretched out their hand and touched it, they then spoke to the other two behind them with a normal voice.

"You two, would have to finally settle your differences then.

Take it as a piece of advice from an old friend who's known you two for a long time."

The moment they spoke, the being disappeared from the area, leaving behind the duo and the spinning wheel of fate.

The two who were left behind turned and stared at each other in silence. 

Various complicated emotions flashed through their eyes.








|We are going to have to move in earnest from now on, our off the grid meetings would reduce too.|

The woman looked away before speaking up after a long silence. The man nodded in affirmation upon hearing her words.

|Countless lives would be lost, but we have no choice. We cannot let the events from before the 'Fracture' continue. The previous era has casted it's shadow upon this one for far too long.|

The woman twirled her hair around her finger as she nodded to his words, however it was obvious that her mind was elsewhere.

The man was also scratching his hair while speaking absent mindedly. After a few seconds, he seemed to have come to terms with himself and resolved himself for something.

|Ah shit! If I do not do this, we will not move forward at all.|

He then walked up to the woman who was staring at him in confusion due to the fact that he suddenly rose his voice and started making his way over to her.

|What are you-!|

She was unable to complete her words because he suddenly placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her closer, planting a kiss on her lips.

Her eyes widened in surprise and she tried to resist but his grip was stronger than she expected. More importantly, she subconsciously wanted it too.

She stopped resisting and closed her eyes slowly, returning his kiss with even more vigor.

When their lips finally parted, hot breaths flowed out between the small gap in their lips, they gently opened their eyes and gazed at each other.

It was then that the woman came to her senses, she pushed the man off her and glared at him with a red face, however he only chuckled before licking his lips.

Seeing his action caused her to blush even harder.


After dropping that one word, she teleported away from that space, leaving the man behind. He ran a hand through his hair and turned towards the wheel of fate that seemed to be spinning even faster as his gaze turned cold.

|We won't accept our end, for it is not inevitable.|

He then waved his hand as space attribute magic wrapped around him and carried him out of that white space.

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