Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 161 - The Brothers Meet


Its three heads began to let out breaths of fire, ice, and poison respectively as it did not care for the flowers around it anymore.

The woman, noticing this, turned her head in the same direction as the dog and a frown crept up on her face.

The next moment, there was a flash of lightning as a being landed on the ground with his hands at his back.

He was a man with long white hair and beards that had blue highlights, draped around him was a tunic of royal satin that flowed down to just below his knees.

Looking at the woman, he called out her name in a deep voice.


The woman, the goddess of spring, Persephone, had her frown deepen as she heard him call out her name. The dog on her laps growled even louder and jumped down before taking a stance, ready to pounce on the man at any point in time.

Ignoring this, the man continued speaking.

"Where is he?"

The 'he', the man referred to, was none other than Persephone's husband, Hades, the king of the underworld. Before Persephone could answer, she felt a presence from her shadow and turned to it immediately.

Her shadow extended and a man rose up from within it. His facial features were highly handsome and they were complemented by his dark obsidian eyes and hair.

He turned his gaze to the white-haired man and spoke.

"You are trespassing, Zeus."

"I have important things to talk about, Hades."

The white-haired man, King of Olympus, Zeus, replied to his brother, Hades, while thinking about why he came out from Persephone's shadow.

A moment later, a portal opened behind hades and an ash-skinned man with dark unkempt hair rushed out of it with multiple documents in his hands and spoke to Hades.

"Lord Hades, you did not give confirmation. Should we really use ten billion platinum drachma on... the...Lady's garden..."

His loud voice trailed off as he noticed the other people who were in Hades' presence. His face paled noticeably as he noticed the woman who was seated beside Hades, the same person who he was trying to convince Hades not to spend ten billion platinum drachma on.

Hades ignored this and grabbed the documents from the man's hands, he looked through them and nodded before pressing his thumb on the last one. His official seal appeared and he gave the documents to the man who hurriedly rushed back into the portal, closing it behind them.

"You spend ten billion on a garden?"

"I'm the richest person in all of Olympus, I can do whatever I want with my money."

Hades replied to Zeus' question before stepping out of Persephone's shadow and patting his three-headed dog, Cerberus on the middle head.

"Now then Zeus, to be frank, I don't want you in my territory so let's go somewhere neutral shall we?"

Zeus frowned at Hades' words but he still nodded in affirmation before warping out of the area. Hades on the other hand, turned to Persephone and spoke.

"I'd be right back after I deal with his bullshit."

The next moment, darkness wrapped around his body and he disappeared from the garden, leaving Persephone behind.

She picked Cerberus up from the ground and placed him on her laps before patting his back while sighing.

◇ ◇ ◇

Majority of Northern Olympus was Zeus' territory, Western Olympus belonged to Poseidon and Southern Olympus was Hades'.

If any of the three wanted to talk somewhere 'neutral' then eastern Olympus that was shared among other gods of Olympus was the best bet.

The two gods appeared in a small garden teahouse that had a small table with three chairs around it. There was a small bonfire beside it and a large pond on the other side. Zeus walked over and sat down while Hades stared at him in shock.

"Do you really have the habit of just waltzing into other people's territories?"

He sighed and turned towards the small bonfire that did not seem out of place in the garden and spoke.

"We'd be borrowing your garden for a bit Hestia."

As he spoke, the bonfire burned brighter for a moment and a tea jug alongside three teacups appeared on the table.

The jug levitated and poured tea for the cups in front of Hades and Zeus before landing back on the table. Seeing this, Hades smiled slightly before taking a seat.


He then turned to Zeus and asked.

"So, what is the important thing that made you intrude into my cluster without permission?"

His voice was cold and devoid of any emotion, as was the look on his face despite the fact he was talking to his younger brother.

"Karman lost two of its main entities recently, although there is not much evidence, everyone knows that it was the work of the devils and demons.

More importantly, one of Hell's main entities, the holder of wrath, was spotted near the area where the two entities perished."

Hades took a sip from the cup of tea in front of him and looked at Zeus with confusion on his face.

"So? What does that have to do with me?"

Zeus frowned deeply before replying with slight anger.

"A few months after we become allies with Karman, you go over to Hell. The next thing I hear is that two of its main entities were murdered, and a Duke of hell was spotted in the area.

Anyone with a brain can tell you are the reason for this."

Hades poured another cup of tea for himself and even picked up a few cubes of sugar from the small container beside the tea jug before replying to Zeus.

"Instead of worrying about whether I told the devils of hell about 'your alliance' with Karman, you should be more worried about the fact that two of our primordials showed reactions recently."

The moment Zeus heard Hades' words, he lost control of his aura and lightning dropped from the skies, destroying more than half of the garden.


Hades, however, frowned deeply before reprimanding him.

|Calm yourself, Zeus, this is Hestia's territory. King or not, you do not have the right to wreak havoc here.|

It was then Zeus realized that he had lost control of himself, and calmed down before apologizing.

"My apologies, Hestia."

The bonfire beside them burned brighter and divinity poured out of it into the garden. The shattered earth was repaired and the destroyed flowers grew back, in a few seconds, it was like nothing ever happened.

"You don't seem too well today, Zeus."

Hades spoke up after sipping his tea, however, Zeus ignored his statement and asked impatiently.

"Enough of that, what primordials showed reactions and when?"

"Who else do you think?

Our dear primordial mother and her husband, our grandfather, Uranus.

It was only momentary but when you take into account the fact that they are meant to be sealed, it's really a big deal."

Zeus frowned angrily but calmed himself and asked more questions.

"When was this?"

"A few months ago, right after I went down to make sure our dear father was still tied up properly."

He dropped the cup in his hands and spoke with a hint of mockery in his voice.

"What are the lot of you all doing? How did not one of the twelve notice that a primordial showed a reaction?"

He was indirectly saying that the twelve Olympians were not doing their jobs properly as they all failed to notice the fact that the primordial goddess, Gaia, who was sealed with their combined power, reacted despite her sealed state.

Zeus realized this but was unable to refute it because his words were the truth. He could only grit his teeth in indignation and ask Hades.

"Why do you think they reacted after all these years?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Hades replied as nonchalantly as he could.

"Who knows? Perhaps they sensed the core of the universe healing and showed a reaction to that?"

Hearing this, Zeus' eyes widened as he stood up abruptly and shouted.

"How do you know of that?!"

However, before Hades could reply, there was a small water eruption from the pond beside them. From within, a man with sea green colored hair and beard walked out of it.

"We are not fools, Zeus."

The man, the Olympian sea god, Poseidon, spoke to Zeus, his voice laced with annoyance as he walked up to the third chair and took a seat. The tea jug levitated once more and poured a cup of tea for him, which he took and drank before speaking.

"Thank you, Hestia."

Turning to Zeus, he continued.

"Since we're all here and discussing important matters, how about we talk about the group of angels who came and wreaked a bit of havoc in my territory last week.

They all possessed this token, look familiar?"

He tossed a small coin on to the table. Hades looked over at it and chuckled lightly while Zeus frowned even more.

The coin was white in color and possessed a light blue thunderbolt insignia on it. All three of them knew who possessed that insignia, thus the reason for their varying reactions.

Looking at the increasing tension between his two brothers, Hades silently sipped his tea while having thoughts that would annoy the duo in front of him if he voiced them out.

'I wish I brought some popcorn, could I ask Hestia to get me some?'

He shook his head, deciding against it, and looked up at the sun.

'I wonder how Arthur is doing now?'

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