Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 166 - Two Progenitors

"To think that the great progenitor dragon Aleksas would have so many problems on his plate."

Progenitor Dragon!

The red-haired man, who was seated on the black throne, was none other than the progenitor dragon.

Aleksas Castor Weiss!

The first of a race of apex predators that have dominated many worlds across many universes.

Hearing the woman's words, the man, Progenitor dragon Aleksas looked at her with narrowed eyes and replied.

"Says the progenitor god who sleeps for billions of years at a time."

Another shocking piece of information being dropped casually!

The blonde-haired woman who was playing Tetris on a Gameboy, was the progenitor of the god race!

Another being who possessed great power and influence across a myriad of universes like the progenitor dragon Aleksas in front of her.

"So Luka, I'm gonna need you to help me deal with my daughter while I search for those six old fools."

Aleksas addressed the progenitor god by her first name, or at least the part of it he knew, Luka, however, she seemed to be staring elsewhere with a listless gaze.


"Huh? Oh, sorry. I just saw something fun was about to happen via fate."

She turned back to him with glowing golden eyes as she spoke, she then blinked and her eyes returned to their original gray color.

"Something fun?"

Aleksas asked with an eyebrow raised however, Luka only gave a short reply.

"It probably relates to me or my 'slayer'."

Hearing her words, he recalled the time nearly 15 years ago when he sensed the birth of a new progenitor. At the same time, Luka told him that her 'slayer' was born.

'It seems something is about to happen to the progenitor Godslayer huh?'

With that thought in mind, Aleksas repeated his earlier request and Luka agreed to it, after about a dozen minutes of negotiation, that is.

Sighing in exasperation at Luka's attitude that hadn't changed even after billions of years, he warped out of the area leaving Luka behind.

"Maybe I should go over to where the boy is and see how he's doing."

She thought out loud to herself as she picked up her Gameboy and continued her game of Tetris.

◇ ◇ ◇

While the progenitor god was gleaning information on some possible events that were to occur soon, Arthur was awaiting the last item of the auction, one of the few things that caught his eye as he browsed through the catalog earlier.

[Next, we have is a fragment of a galactic core. It may only be a small piece but the energy held within is enough to help some breakthrough at least three realms.

If they have the appropriate law comprehensions, they can even ascend to the level of a deity directly from the inferior stage of the demigod realm.

Using it can also give someone at the realm of transcendent, the strength of an inferior stage low tier deity.]

The second to last item being auctioned was a piece of a dead galaxy's core about 40 inches long and 12 inches wide. As it was dead, the energy contained within was a lot less than there originally was but it was enough to make someone go from inferior stage demigod to superior stage low tier deity.

[The bid begins from 1,000,000,000 platinum coins, with at least a 100,000,000 increase.]

For such an item, the price was naturally going to be outrageous, however, the VVIP customers decided to display how much money they had.





Over 1.8 billion platinum coins, an amount that some realm lords would not dream of possessing even after millennia. Some low-level galactic rulers would barely have such an amount too.

Only the rulers of high-level galaxies, galaxy clusters, intergalactic kingdoms, and empires would be able to comfortably spend such an amount.

A good number of the Devildom's nobles would also have such an amount but it didn't mean they would spend it so easily.

Besides, buying such a thing would only make one a target during the after-auction tug of war where the attendees tried to rob each other of what they bought.


In the end, the galactic core shard was sold for 2,000,000,000 platinum coins.

[Finally! Our last item and highlight for the night!]

The auctioneer shouted out with the loudest voice he could muster as he pointed to the item that was being lowered onto the stage.

It was a box, an average-looking metal box.

However, if it was the highlight of this auction, then it definitely was not a normal wooden box.

[Now then, the discovery of this box was something not even the auction's organizers expected to find.

A random expedition of a random realm led to the discovery of this box…and its contents.]

While he was talking, many of the auction's attendees tried to analyze the box with various magic or skill but other than the fact that it was very durable, there was nothing else that could be gleaned from it.

The auctioneer noticed this and smiled under his elephant mask before walking up to the box and placing a hand on the lid.

[Let's see the contents now shall we?]

He opened the box and the entire hall went silent.

That was expected.

The content was a single crystal.

However, the true reason for the silence was the type of crystal.

"Law crystal…"

"What law is that, I've never sensed it before."

"That's not the issue. The rank of the crystal is a bigger problem."

With one person's murmur, the stunned attendees regained themselves and began discussing the content of the box.

And then, finally, someone gave an answer.

It was one of the VIP customers in the private box on the second level.

"The law…of extinction."

His words caused a buzz around the entire hall.

There were a myriad of laws that existed for different purposes and of different categories.

However, when it came to the destructive category, there were a few laws that could be said to stand at the top.

The law of Destruction.

The law of Annihilation.

Those were two of the most popular ones.

However, there was another law that could be considered on par with these two.

That was the law of Extinction.

A family, group of animals, plants, or race having no living members or no longer being in existence.

That was what it meant to be extinct and that was what was embodied by the law of extinction.

Of course, this also applied to other existences like planets, galaxies, and even universes.

A law crystal containing such a powerful law was being auctioned.

Then there was the rank of the crystal, after all, powerful law or not, it would not be considered the highlight if it was a basic rank or low-rank crystal.

"That thing is monarch rank!"

"It feels higher!"

"Higher? Are you crazy? What could possibly be higher?!"

The auctioneer watched as the attendees began arguing among themselves before finally calling out the starting bid.

[the starting bid begins at 30,000,000,000 platinum coins.]

His words caused the hall to become silent once again. Thirty billion platinum coins was not a small amount of money.

Even some of the VIP customers gave up on the law crystal when they heard that price.

However, the VVIPs did not disappoint and showed the reason they were VVIPs.





The amounts being called made some of the attendees break out in cold sweat when they thought about what was going to happen afterward.

If it was originally going to be a fight afterward, then there would now be a blood bath.

Seeing the bids that other VVIPs were placing, Arthur thought about what would happen if he bought it.

'Besides the two women who led me here and Larry, no one knows I'm in this booth.

The progenitor drifter seems to have gone already.

If so I can buy it and also avoid being detected by those deity realm existences afterward. They also won't dare probe the inhibition magic while the drifters are still watching from behind the scenes.'

With those thoughts, he decided to place a bid.


The allowance Arthur received monthly from Cattleya, coupled with the money he was given just for simply being a royal family member left Arthur with a large pool of funds.

Of course, his expeditions in the crystal realm drained him a lot but he recovered a good percentage of these funds through various businesses that Lewis oversaw.

Multiple corporations dabbling in various trades. As Arthur had little knowledge on how to conduct business on such a large scale, he had Lewis hire people who had such knowledge and experience.

Bottom line was that Arthur could jump into this nonsensical bidding and emerge the winner.

And that was what he intended to do.

The reason was simple, while some law crystals only contained a certain rank of their respective law, there were those that granted the knowledge of multiple ranks at once.

Like the law crystal with the law of destruction, he gained from the now-deceased planet Girex.

The law crystal in being auctioned contained the law of extinction from the basic rank to the monarch rank.

There was also the possibility of something higher.

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