Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 18 - Child Of Destruction

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As various beings had different reactions to the birth of the prophesied child, the child in question was currently laughing joyfully in his mothers arms. The baby boy was a little bit bigger than average, besides that he looked no much dufferent than a normal baby.

"Of course he would, he's a normal baby after all."

"He looks so cute."

"So this is my grandson, huh?"

The delivery was safely carried out without any external help. As two women experienced in that area were present, Cattleya was safely able to give birth to her son with ease. As for the things that happend at his birth, she didn't know neither did she want to, after all even if she knew, she wouldn't have cared.

As his family members had various reactions, the little boy ignored all of them to simply keep playing with his mother's fingers.

Like his mother, the baby had silver hair, just a little bit dull in color. His eyes however, were black just like his father's. His pupils were not circular like normal but shaped like a vertical rectangle with curved edges. (▯)

"He's just ignoring everyone else and playing with Cattleya only."

"He seems to like his mommy best."

"That's only natural isn't it?"

Hearing the words of her family members surrounding her on the bed she asked slightly tilting her head. To this action, her mother simply put her head back in place and replied,

"When you were just born, you were so full of energy, you played with anyone who came to see you."

"I don't really think i was like that though?"

"Of course you would not." Inglis replied while rolling her eyes, turning to look at her husband who had curled him self at the corner of the room mumbling strange things with a depressed face she spoke.

"Cattleya, your father seems to be getting depressed because his grandson is not paying attention to him."

"I don't see how that's a problem i can solve."

Upon his sister's cold reply, Creusery sighed and went on to console his depressed father, he was also slightly depressed that his cute nephew ignored all his attempts at gaining attention so he understood how his father felt, slightly.

Laughing at the two grown men who were acting depressed, Cattleya looked at her son and smiled,

"He's too cute, i understand why he's the child of destruction, he'd destroy us with cuteness."

As she spoke, the baby seemed as if he understood his mothers words and flailed around happily. However, he was still a baby, one that had just been born a few hours earlier, his energy was very little and in no time he tired himself out and fell asleep again.

Looking at her child sleeping soundly, Cattleya's lack of energy soon caught up with her as she then dozed off while hugging the child in her arms. Seeing the both of them, Inglis had a soft smile on her face before turning to the rest of the people in the room and speaking.

"We're gonna be having lots of visitors soon, both welcome and unwelcome ones. How are we going to deal with them all?"

"The same way we dealt with Creusery and Cattleya's cases, only with twice the level of intensity."

The once depressed grandfather instantly recovered his dignity as the king of the devils, he put up an inhibition barrier around Cattleya and replied,

"We would have both allies and neutral parties visiting us, there will also be enemies in disguise, Cattleya is not to go out for a while, she would be targeted seeing as she is currently weakened."

When devil's gave birth, the children absorb a portion of their mother's strength for themsleves, this weakens the mother temporarly and is one of the reasons devil mothers face the problem of death at childbirth.

Although this ends up increasing the child's level of existence, bringing them up a few levels at their birth, as for the level the child had been brought up to, one would have to wait for a year before they can tell.

As Cattleya is now, she has only little bit above half her original strength, in this crucial time when many would be attempting to end the child's life, going out would be nothing short of dangerous.

"Will she stay put? You know how she likes to move around." Aurora asked skeptically.

"She would have no choice but to, if she doesn't want to see her child getting killed that is."

"She's not foolish, she would be able to handle herself properly." Inglis replied after Diablo.

"Did she name him?" Creusery asked coming to a sudden realisation,

"Nope, maybe she planned to decide his name with his father?"

At the mention of the child's father, Aurora slightly flinched. Noticing this, Creusery ignored Inglis who was currently ansewering his earlier question and started trying to find out if his mother was fine.

At this point it was worrying, what kind of events happned between this being and her for her to have such a reaction.

"Just what-" As Inglis was about to play the Insesnitive role and ask without considerarion for the perosn affected, she saw something surprising. Even Creuserey and Aurora were no less shocked than she was.

Diablo had a stern expression on his face however, that was not what blew their minds. It was the fact that he had revealed his wings, all six pairs of them! This was something he had not done in a very long while.

Inglis remembered that even the last time he fought multiple high tier celestial deities, he did not have all six pairs revealed, however he did so now. This meant whomever or whatever he sensed was not to be underestimated.

All of them instantly became alert, Inglis had even summoned her prized magic staff she only used for serious battles, even Belphegor who was outside the room, as well as the other high-ranking Arch devils had tense expressions on their faces. The aura Diablo was currently emitting was just that overwhelming.

Inglis sensed something pass through the barrier she set up and the crystal in device that Cattleya had her create flashed continuously. She realized who Diablo had sensed earlier, it was who the father of her daughter's child was. However, Diablo acted like this man was a threat, and so she would treat him as such.

There was silence in the room, no one made a sound, they all remained in their respective positions staring at the device on the floor that was continuously flashing light, until it stopped. The moment it did, they sensed someone warping into the room, without hesitation they attacked.

Although they couldn't feel any strength from this being, they believed it was not of importance at that moment. Creuserey dashed towards the person with a spear made of flames, Inglis had already conjured hundreds of magic missiles ready to fire and was already gesturing for them to do so, suddenly Diablo's loud voice resounded.


The both of them ceased their movements however, Diablo was not speaking to them, he was speaking to the person who warped in.

Upon hearing Diablo's voice, the intruder, Hades spoke slightly annoyed.

"Tell that to them."

In his hands were two pitch-black swords radiating deep darkness. Upon seeing him, Inglis and Creuserey recognized him immediately. He was one of the elder Olympians after all, an enemy of theirs. Strictly speaking, the devils of Hell had no disputes with the Olympians, however they were considered enemies because of the fact that the Olympians are allies to the Celestials the devils have animosity with.

Diablo's actions were not fully due to his suspicions of Hades being their enemy, the real reason for his reaction, the reason he commanded both Inglis and Creuserey to stop and created a barrier to prevent the Arch devils outside from coming in was because of something else.

His power, it is widely known that Hades was Superior even among the highest ranked Olympian gods, however his strength was not supposed to be as high as what Diablo was sensing currently. Seeing Diablo's reaction to him, Hades realized he had been seen through, shrugging his shoulders he said.

"It seems I failed to hide it properly once again. As I thought, though I can fool others, I cannot fool someone who's been there for years, huh.

After hearing him speak, Diablo finally asked,

"Are you truly that child's father?"

"Yep, in the flesh." Hades replied as he de-summoned his swords, he turned to look at Inglis and Creuserey before speaking,

"I understand the reason for your actions so I won't pursue it, however I have a word of advice, Next time think about the reason you cannot sense my strength before attacking."

Leaving those words, he turned back, facing Diablo once again before continuing,

"I'm sure you have a lot to ask but first, can i see my kid? That's why i came here after all."

After scanning him from head to toe, Diablo finally let him go beyond the barrier he placed around Cattleya, he also sent Creusery to pacify the unsettled devils outside the room.

Seeing Cattleya for the first time in months sleeping peacefully put a smile on Hades face, he lightly rearranged her hair that had spilled over her face before touching the baby in her arms.

Even in his sleep, the baby seemed to recognize his father's touch as he smiled while grabbing onto the hand touching his face. Seeing this, Hades' smile became wider as he spoke the exact same words that Cattleya had said earlier;

"He's too cute, i understand why he's the child of destruction, he'd destroy us with cuteness."

As soon as he said that, he felt the others in the room giving him weird looks, turning around he asked,

"What? Never seen a dad who's a fool for his kid before?"

"No it's not that, it's just Cattleya said those exact same words not long ago.."

Hearing this, Hades just laughed. Seeing as the tension had died down, Diablo finally spoke,

"We have a lot to talk about, lets go elsewhere."

"Yep, she seems to have lost quite the amount of energy though, are you sure there's no problem?"

"We're sure."

At this reply, Hades sighed softly, "Very well then." Turning to look at Inglis, he continued, "I'd like to have a moment to speak to you afterwards."

He then followed Diablo out of the room, however he stopped right at the door before saying,

"Nice to see you again Aurora."

Leaving the scared pheonix, he sauntered out of the room into the hall containing multiple Arch Devils who wished to see who the father of their princess' child is.

Upon seeing Hades, they had quite the variety of reactions, some were shocked, some smiled as if amused, while some were angry but had to hold themselves back for they knew that if they were to lash out at Hades, it would not end well.

They watched Hades and Diablo dissapear at the end of the corridor before begining to murmur among themselves. One thing was sure, and that is it would not take long before other pantheons knew the identity of the father of the 'child of destruction'.

After entering a closed room with Diablo and setting up a few soundproofing spells, Diablo finally spoke,


Hearing that question Hades laughed saying,

"You need to be more specific about what you're asking."

"Don't play dumb with me Hades."

"Tch.. can't even take a joke." Hades sighed before continuing, "do you know about the beings called 'Candidates'?"

At that question, Diablo's eyes opened wide, he asked impatiently,

"Did you encounter one of them, where was it?"

"I did not encounter them exactly, apparently i'd been living with one for millenia and i did not even realise."

Before Diablo could ask another question, Hades cut him off,

"Hold it right there, any more would be spilling secrets of Olympus, can't tell you anything extra."

Diablo was slightly upset but he decided to let it go afterall, he would not want to reveal the secrets of his pantheon so easily.

"Okay, now what do you plan to tell do about the fact that your brother and the other Olympians would be on your neck by the time you get back to Olympus."

"Nothing, they can't do anything to me either way, they're just gonna have to suck on their thumbs."

"They can't do anything to you?"

"Yes, what do you think they could do?"

Thinking about it Diablo realised there was very little that could be done to Hades, he was a high-rank god with an equally high status, he was also the king of the Underworld, one of Olympus major Clusters. The system of Olympus also relied heavily on his existence, any sanctions they might try to give him would be equivalent to them shooting themselves in the leg.

"They might try to scheme in the background though, espescially Zeus, he likes doing that a lot."

"So then, what are you gonna do about that?"

"There'd be nothing much for me to do if the boy doesn't leave Hell for now, if he ever comes to Olympus, it'd be when i'm sure no harm would come to him. If he stays here, you all would be able to watch him closely and protect him if the need arises."

"Do you perhaps plan to abandon him here?"

"Obviously not, i'd visit more often than not, however you should know that i cannot leave the Underworld for long periods of time due to the nature of my position there."

Hearing this Diablo was slightly satisfied, he had no problems with Hades, however there was still something he needed to ask,

"What's your relationship with Aurora?"

"Oh her, nothing serious, just that a few milenia ago, her family members were preventing me from acomplishing one of my tasks for stupid reasons, i was quite pissed at the time so i killed most of them in front of her. That was their fault for harboring a soul that escaped from the underworld, i wanted to retrieve it and they stopped me for some silly reasons i can't even remember."

Diablo immediately became angry however Hades next words mad him calm down,

"I know you're angry and all but you should remember that they were the ones in my universe, haboring a soul that escaped from MY underworld for foolish reasons, if you were in my position, would you let them go? They were obstructing my duties as a god."

"What kind of soul was it that the King of the underworld himself had to go and retrieve?"

"A pheonix deity who gave up their ability to reincarnate for some reason and died afterwards."

Hearing that it was the soul of a deity, Diablo understood why Hades' had personally moved, he also understood why Aurora's family habored that soul. Although he felt there was something Hades wasn't telling him, he decided to put it behing him as it had already been thousands of years since the incident occoured.

Seeing that he was done thinking to himself, Hades finally asked Diablo what he wanted to originally,

"Um, can you teach me how to hide this, can't have anyone finding out now."

Looking at Hades struggling to contain his unique aura, Diablo laughed before agreeing.

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