Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 187 - The Full Dark Possible Future.

[Let me tell you a story.]

As he spoke, the scenery around them changed, to a green field with a clear blue sky.

"What a sight…"

Arthur marveled at this sight of nature while staring at the sun.

|The ten strongest, came together to form the rankers.|

The older him stopped walking and looked downwards. Catching up, Arthur saw that it was the edge of a small cliff with more green as far as the eye can see below.

At the bottom was a large round table with ten seats around it.

Ten beings were seated and they were all from different races.

He could see a demon, an angel, an elf, a human, a dragon, a devil even a Celestial.

However, their faces were all blurred out.

"Why can't I see their faces?"

[Because they do not exist.]

At one point of the table, three beings sat and each of them seemed to be respected by the other seven.

The table was divided into ten equal parts and in each section, there was a blurred-out Crest.

|The rankers discovered the truth of all existence.|

|They gained knowledge of the impending doom and tried to prevent it.|

The scenery changed to one of a barren field with dark clouds hanging over.

Arthur found himself floating in the air looking down on everything from above. His older self was beside him and was also staring at the ground below.

He could see armies, thousands, millions, billions, trillions…

So many soldiers that he could not see the end of them all.

The entire field was filled with different soldiers of various races, all marching towards somewhere.

At the forefront, he could see the figures of some of the beings from the round table from earlier.

'Are they the rankers?'


The ground shook and he turned to see a giant man of over a thousand meters in height.


He had never seen one before but he was sure, that being was definitely a titan.

He stood shoulder to shoulder with the other members of the rankers as they watched the soldiers march.


Suddenly, everything glitched.

It was a bizarre sight.

Arthur could not understand what just happened.

One moment he was seeing billions, probably trillions if soldiers from different races marching together.

The next, a glitch occurred and everything disappeared.


|Cannot be Prevented|

|Cannot be Stopped|

|Cannot be Averted|

He heard those four lines and understood one thing.

Wherever those soldiers were marching too, whatever they wished to achieve, whatever impending doom the rankers wished to stop…


[Yes, they all failed.

Failed, died, and then erased from existence.]

The older-looking him spoke up after he did with a cold emotionless voice.


There was a glitch and Arthur heard a voice that made his blood run cold.

The first lucid dream he had, the one of a dark possible future, where he found himself on a bloodstained battlefield.

The dark silhouette with the red outline holding the white fragment.

He never forgot that appearance, or its voice, neither did he forget the words it said.

He heard that same voice, say those same words once again.

--Why. Do. You. Fight. Knowing. It. Is. Futile.—

And then everything became black for a moment.

The next, he saw that bloodstained battlefield once more.

Mountains of corpses were everywhere and rivers of blood flowed on the ground.

|The Zodiacs Crumble|

He found himself in the midst of multiple corpses.

Twelve, to be exact.

Each of them had a blurred out Crest on the backs of their palms however, the Roman numerals on them were very pronounced.

From 'II' to 'XII'

He saw two beings with 'X' on theirs.

Their body structures and hairstyles were exactly the same so they might have been twins but he could never tell.

As for number 'I', it was not among the corpses.

However, he had of inkling of who 'I' was.

|Death is Left Alive.|

The scenery changed to another area of the bloodstained battlefield and he saw what he once experienced from another perspective.

He saw a different version of himself on one knee, supporting his body with a cracked sword and having one hand stretched out.

A black haired woman who was sprawled on the floor with her legs on one side tried to stand up but seemed to be unable to.

"Lord Arthur!

Please don't, don't do this, I'm begging you.

Please, NO!"

She shouted this towards the kneeling Arthur but he only made a gesture with his hand and the space behind the woman opened up and she was sucked in.

With the sound of something zipping shut, it closed up.

|The fragment Awakens|

The wounded kneeling Arthur stood up and watched his sword fade into dust, he then looked up at the dark silhouette in front of him.

The glowing shard in his right hand glowed even brighter until it was hard to look at, making Arthur reflexively close his eyes.

When he opened them after feeling the light dim, he saw the figure of a woman that can only be described as white.

White hair, white skin, white gown.

Her eyes were the only thing not white as they were silver.

She gazed at Arthur listlessly before turning to the dark silhouette and tilting her head in confusion.

|The last one falls|

The thin line on the face of the dark silhouette slightly opened up and more words were spoken.

--Accept. Your. End. For. It. Is.... Inevitable.—

It then pointed at the wounded Arthur who clicked his tongue and slammed his palms together, causing a multicolored magic circle to appear around his joined hands.

A wormhole opened up behind him and he tried to jump backwards into it, however, a small beam of black light that was fired from the dark silhouette's finger hit him in the chest.

Although he succeeded in entering the wormhole, whether he survived or not…is not known.

Looking at the events that just played out in front of him, Arthur could not help but frown.

If this was a possible future, it meant that even if he managed to escape that dark silhouette, his vital status was unknown.

The dark silhouette standing there looked at the white woman beside it and laughed wildly.


|Chaos Delights|

He then heard another voice, one of a woman shouting in rage.

--You. DARE.!.!.!.!.!--

|Order Rages|

And then, there was silence.

|Balance Slumbers|

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