Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 34 - Alexia Vladi

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Alexia Vladi was blessed from birth, looks, talent, power, she had it all. She was a child born with a platinum spoon.

Throughout her early life, she had encountered little setbacks or major problems. Such things were mostly taken care of before they could pose a threat to her, but this did not mean she grew up like a spoiled brat.

She utilized her wonderful talent and the power of her family to gain the best resources for her growth, she willingly put herself in precarious situations that would draw out more of her hidden potential and make here stronger. She did not slack off in studying to make herself wiser either.

She solved all problems she encountered on her own, without the anyone's help, she amassed her own powerful forces alone, without support from anyone or anything.

Most of the wealth and power she owned, she worked for it herself, enough to comfortably pay back what she received from her family as a child tenfold.

Currently, she was facing the greatest setback in her life. A problem she could not solve on her own. She needed the help of a certain child of prophecy who was born in a place far from where she called home.

Ignoring the words of her subordinates, she set out to find this child and ended up discovering him. At that point, it finally occurred to her that it was simply impossible for him to help her.

He was far too weak to do so, however she decided that while she could, she would protect him and help his growth, so that in the future, he could help her in turn.

After a few years of watching him secretly, she decided to finally show herself before him and give him the tools she had prepared to help him increase his strength, if he was the being she was looking for.

'That was the plan, show why am I currently touring the capital of Hell with him in tow?'

She face palmed as she thought of how her original plan went out the window the moment she met him.

'I didn't expect him to realize I'd been watching him before, still, looking at him closely, he really does have the necessary qualities to solve my current predicament, he even has both affinities, is it because of his grandparents perhaps? Unfortunately it may take a very, very long time for him to be strong enough to do so.'

She scanned Arthur's body multiple times and figured out the affinities he possessed, she also figured out the reason for him being unable to use his energy , and a way for him to fix that defect.

All of this was done within few minutes of meeting Arthur and being dragged around by him.

'I think I finally understand how that girl he always drags around feels. Still, it has been a while since I last played around like this, might as well enjoy it.'

She then finally decided to let herself be dragged around by Arthur. They spent a few hours touring around the various cities, they even went to a few places Arthur had never been to before. Overall, it was quite the fun experience for the two of them.

While they were leaving a creamery after almost ordering everything on the menu, Arthur suddenly spoke up with a serious voice.

"By the way, you're quite strong Alexia, despite looking so young, how did you get that strong?"

Arthur's words caused Alexia to suddenly stop walking, she looked at him with a surprised face and asked.

"You can tell?"

Her surprise was natural, after all, she was hiding her strength at the moment, although beings in the deity realm would be able to tell her actual strength, anyone who was below the level of a transcendent, should definitely not be able to see through her cloaking, yet Arthur could tell. It is only natural for her to be surprised, yet Arthur did not seem to catch onto this and replied nonchalantly.

"Of course I can, despite lot being able to use any energies, I'm quite sensitive to them, ironic isn't it?"

With a feigned surprise she asked again,

"You can't use your energy?"

"Drop it, I'm sure you knew who I was before you approached me, it'd be weirder if you didn't, I just went along with you because it seemed fun."

Upon realizing that he never stopped being suspicious of her in the first place, she sighed and replied to him.

"Oh well, it's better that way, I'm not exactly used to this either, still I had fun you know? I wasn't feigning that."

Arthur just laughed while nodding in affirmation, he then suggested they go to a nearby restaurant to have lunch, reminding her of her promise to treat him to a meal.


Entering the restaurant, the both of them were given VVIP treatment due to Arthur's status and were allocated the best seats in the entire building.

After ordering their meals, the made small talk about various things, eventually returning to the conversation they were having before they entered into the restaurant.

"So, you said you were sensitive to energies and you use that to tell the strength of anyone you met huh?"

"Yep, though it's not always accurate, it's correct most of the time."

Downing her glass of wine and ordering a new one, Alexia with a slightly hushed voice.

"So, how strong do you think I am?"

"There seems to be some sort of cloaking so I might not be right but you're probably a high tier deity? Superior stage at least."

"Close, I'm about half a step above that."

"Oh, still not as strong as my dad though."

"Hades? Wasn't he supposed t- Oh! I see, he's gotten stronger than the last time I was around here."

Hearing her words, Arthur looked at her with a curious gaze,

"You've met him before?"

"Nope, I did hear of him last time I came here, although I'm not familiar with this universe, I'm quite familiar with someone who used to live here so I came over a few times."

"Really? Who?"

"The previous king."

The moment she said that, there was obvious hostility directed towards her from various sections of the restaurant, ignoring all of these she whispered to a slightly frowning Arthur.

"I heard the royal academy sends their students on expeditions to various realms, when it's your turn go to the Varona realm, he told me over drinks once that he left a bunch of useful stuff for his descendants there, you're his great-grandson so you should be able to access the inheritance."

After hearing her words, Arthur realized the misunderstanding he had and laughed, he then waved his hands in the air, at once the hostility being directed at Alexia stopped.

"How long ago were you here, I advise you to brush up on history so you don't cause such misunderstandings again."

Alexia showed a dumbfounded look at his words but Arthur just continued speaking,

"So where're you from, Miss Alexia?"

"Huh? Why so polite all of a sudden, you tryna hit on me?"

"Although I have no idea how you came to that conclusion, I don't exactly have the hobby of hitting on women older than my mother."

Alexia almost-, no she definitely choked on her drink when Arthur said that, quickly putting down the glass she shouted towards Arthur.

"Are you saying I'm an old hag?!"

"Your words, not mine, besides if you knew the previous king, you're definitely older than my mom, she wasn't born when that guy was still ruling after all."

It was then Alexia realized she'd dug a hole for herself, coughing awkwardly, she decided to blatantly change the topic. She dropped the bag she was carrying around in front of Arthur, who opened it and was shocked at its contents.

One of the things inside was a light blue crystal, anyone with basic knowledge of laws should have realized what that crystal was, it was a law crystal.

A crystal that held knowledge of a law and gave one a technique geared towards comprehending the Law held within. Comprehending said law gave one an authority over that law, depending on affinity, one can gain a unique authority related to that law.

This was something all beings from the transcendent realm and above needed to advance in strength. Similar to the realms of existences, laws also had ranks. They were, basic rank, low rank, mid rank, high rank, monarch rank laws.

Starting from the transcendent realm, one needed an authority to increase in realm. Having a certain level of comprehension (Mostly 50%) in a law granted one the equivalent level of authority with demigod realm existences having basic rank authorities and monarch realm existences having monarch rank authorities. The laws also needed to be comprehended in order, one could not attempt to comprehend a monarch rank law without having comprehended those below it.

There is also no limit on the amount of laws one can comprehend as there are numerous, almost an uncountable number laws that exist. However, whether you make significant progress in that law, depended on your affinity with it.

Like the laws they held, the crystals also have ranks, the one in the bag was a basic rank crystal that only held knowledge of the basic rank law of time, however it was very valuable, especially to transcendents.

"Law crystals are valuable stuff you know, don't just leave it out in the open like this."

"It's just a basic rank, it's of no importance to me if it's stolen. Anyway, its for you, take it as a gift from me."

"A gift? Why? It's of no use to me, even if I could use my magic, I would not be able to use it till I'm a transcendent."

At Arthur's words, Alexia dropped her cutlery and stared at him in shock, after mumbling a few things to herself, she created a barrier to block others from hearing their conversation and asked Arthur a question that was quite strange.

"Arthur, what race are you?"

"Huh? What's with that, I'm obviously half-devil, half-god."

His reply however, was not the one she wished to hear. She looked at Arthur with a pitiful gaze.

'He seriously doesn't know, how is he supposed to help me if he doesn't even know what race he actually is?!'

"Arthur, you're not a Halfling, you're a totally different race from both your parents."

"How's that possible?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know why either, however it doesn't change the fact that you're not a Halfling, you're a different race."

Arthur looked at her skeptically, he downed his drink and asked,

"So what race am I?"

"I don't know, you're supposed to know what race you are instinctively, that's how it is for all progenitors. At least I that's what I heard."

"You're saying I'm a 'progenitor'?"

"Yes, Arthur, you're the first of your race, a progenitor."

Arthur sighed and shook his head, what he was being told was simply absurd. He had basic knowledge on what progenitors where, but he simply couldn't believe he was one. If not for the completely serious look on her face, he might have thought Alexia was pranking him.

"I don't buy it."

"Haa, it's only natural you don't. Just say 'I'm a progenitor' three times. Say it while thinking you are actually a progenitor, dont doubt it."

Although it was a weird request, he decided to comply with it just to see what was gonna happen,

"I'm a progenitor, I'm a progenitor, I'm a progenitor. See, i sai-!!."

As he said it the third time he noticed something due to his exceptional senses he inherited from his mother's bloodline, the ambient energies around him moved in response to his words.

Alexia laughed and released a burst of magic to distract others and prevent them from noticing what just happened. After apologizing to the restaurant staff, she looked at Arthur and waited for him to speak.

"What was that?!"

Seeing Arthur's agitated look, Alexia laughed even harder. For Arthur, he was slowly getting angry. Cattleya had told him about a similar situation before, she even showed him an example. The response of the ambient energies was similar to that time.

It was one of the few times she adopted a serious attitude when interacting with him instead of her usual Happy-go-lucky one. A situation where the ambient energies responded in that manner meant one thing; the law of casuality acted.

The law of causality was one of the autonomous laws that governed all worlds and universes, it was responsible for the various restrictions placed on various existences and the repercussions they received for breaking these restrictions. It also made sure that the members of a pantheon properly fufilled the duties they had.

An example of its restrictions is the reason higher existences did not randomly descend into lower dimensions and planes of existences as they pleased, if they tried to force it without taking the proper processes, they would be stopped by the law of casuality.

That was just one of the many roles of this law, it was a law that even Monarch realm existences treaded carefully around, even those with authorities related to it did not dare abuse those authorities recklessly.

Looking at the agitated Arthur, Alexia stopped laughing responded with a serious voice,

"The law of casuality does not take too kindly to those who impersonate progenitors, if you actually weren't one, you'd be dead by now."

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