Godslayer's Legend

Chapter 46 - Drake Ogre

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Feeling the crazy amount of magic energy building up within them, Arthur couldn't help but voice his thoughts out loud.

"F*cking Hell!"

And like so, they began shooting out flame and lightning projectiles from their mouths. However, even though Arthur cursed out loud, he was still able to avoid the incoming projectiles.


Arthur dodged them and the projectiles exploded on contact with the ground. Seeing that, the thoughts of using his shin guards to kick them away escaped his mind instantly.

'I like my legs and I don't feel like losing them anytime soon.'

The projectiles continued for a while before eventually stopping. Arthur who dodged them all flawlessly, thought Jenson was out of mana, but after sensing a large amount of mana from underground, he struggled to hold back his urge to curse.

The ground cracked open to reveal an enormous 5 meter tall golem made of rocks, in its chest was red spot, most likely its core. The steam being emitted from the mouth of the golem showed it had some sort of flame ability as well.

'He's not gonna make it shoot flames from its mouth right?'

Unfortunately, Things never always went the way one wanted them to.


The golem opened its mouth and roared before launching a giant ball of flames from within. The teacher frowned and put up a barrier to prevent the spectators from being harmed. Arthur on the other hand, ran for his life.

'That thing can roast an intermediate stage master with ease, I'm not in for that!.'

With those thoughts, he ran forward, towards the ball of flames. Right before the spectators thought he would confront it head on, he laughed before sliding under the ball of flames and through the legs of the golem. The ball of flames that missed its target, crashed into the ground and exploded.


"Thought he was gonna punch it...."

"Thought I was gonna do what!!??"

Arthur retorted loudly to Edward's mutter he happened to hear.

'It was a big slow ball of flames, it was destructive, but only if it hit.'

Jenson, who was on the shoulder of the golem, clicked his tongue before commanding it to attack Arthur physically. With another loud roar that attracted even more attention, it moved to punch Arthur.

"Next time, give the projectiles a homing feature, or could it be you can't do that? What could i have expected from a mere third rank?"

Arthur who noticed the incoming punch, stood up with his back turned towards the golem and decided it was the best time to taunt Jenson.

"Arthur, there're two fists coming right at you."

"There's what now?"

Turning around to see not one but the two fists of the golem heading straight for him, Arthur sighed and jumped backwards to dodge. Even after escaping their range of effect, he kept on moving backwards till he was at the edge of the ring.

He then got into a running stance and took off seconds later, crossing the distance between the edge of the ring to the golem that was trying to regain its footing in less than ten seconds.

Using the hands of the golem that were still stuck into the ground as a ramp, he ran up and punched the exposed chest of the golem, destroying its core and crumbling it to the ground.

Jenson gave up on the golem instantly and jumped down, clapping his hands to summon more lightning beasts. Arthur, after escaping ftom the pile of rocks that was once the golem, rushed to mow down the summoned lightning beasts with ease.

In a few minutes, the lightning beasts that could hardly handle his brutal onslaught diminished fast. At this point, the number of beasts was already less than half of what it used to be.

Arthur's movement was fast, too fast for even Layla, the second strongest in their class, to follow without straining her eyes. Noticing something, she shouted out to Arthur,

"If you don't finish this quick your clothes would end up being rags you know?"


Finally realizing that his clothes were beginning to get burnt, he decided to end the fight as quickly as possible.

Jenson, once again tried to clap his hands against each other to summon more flame and lightning beasts.


However, no beasts were summoned this time because of Arthur.


"Did you ask for permission to do that?"

He said as he interrupted Jenson with a kick just before his summoning could be triggered. The metallic noise just now was produced from the impact of Arthur's shin guard and the gauntlets on Jenson's hands.

Arthur had figured out that as long as his hands didn't hit each other, the summoning wouldn't be triggered and so he had stopped Jenson right before he could act upon it.

"What the actual fu… really?"

Jenson had not expected that move from Arthur at all.

"Damn!" Jenson exclaimed as he took a big leap backwards.

Whilst he pulled himself together, he once again tried to clap his hands together, only to be stopped again.

"I don't recall giving you permission to summon anything."

Arthur said before he grabbed Jenson's wrists and sealed his movements.



He followed it up with a knee kick to his stomach, one packing enough power to bring Jenson's whole body afloat.


Just from that one blow, Jenson nearly lost his consciousness and he would have if he was left alone.

Arthur grabbed Jenson and threw him to the ground before he could fly out of his reach, he then followed up with a kick when Jenson's body bounced back up.

"Ah! Shit, I gave him distance."

Even though Arthur was fast, for Jenson whose hands were already close to each other despite being sent flying by Arthur's kick, it was not hard for him to grit his teeth and bear the pain to clap his hands again.

He summoned a new set of flame and lightning beasts and made them all explode instantly.


Alongside the explosion, a bright mix of yellow and red light filled the spectators vision, the teacher was about to call the fight off when he sensed something, he looked up and saw Arthur Flying in the Air with is wings.

"Haven't used these in a while now huh?" Arthur said as he flew above the explosion's area of effect, he turned to Layla and asked. "Hey, why didn't you use your wings in the spar just now?"

Although he casually disregarded his opponent and spoke to a spectator, no one could say anything in response. Layla just sighed and answered him.

"My illusions can't mask sounds well, if I used them he'd be able to tell from the flapping sounds of my wings."

"Good poi-!"

He was speaking when he sensed a burst of magic and ducked instantly, Jenson had fired a spear of lightning at him.

He launched a few more at the descending Arthur, forcing him to block them with his hands.

"Ouch! That stings!"

Arthur exclaimed as he landed back on the ground, he then flapped his wings to clear out the dust and smoke from the explosion.

He instantly retracted his wings the moment he did that, as if he was trying to hide them, a few people noticed this but didn't pay it any mind.

'Tch....he made me use the wings, it's been increasing lately and it's even faster whenever I use my wings. I have to end this quick before anyone notices.'

The moment he thought that he decided to put it into action, Jenson had also recovered a bit and had begun summoning one of his contracted beasts.

"Come forth!"

With his words a magic circle spread out on the ground, from the center, a giant over four meter tall monster that looked like a minotaur and was as tall as an ogre appeared, parts of its body were was covered in scales.

This was one particularly huge one beast. The body of the ogre was covered in blue scales in some parts while the lower half was larger than even the biggest minotaurs. The goat head had four horns protruding from it and his eyes were blood red.

It was holding giant sickles in his hands too. Its appearance stunned the spectators as they did not expect Jenson to be able to summon such a beast already.

"Drake Ogre..."

It was a drake ogre, one at the peak of the intermediate stage of the grandmaster realm. This was almost 3 stages higher than his current stage.

Him being able to summon this meant that he was definitely a talented summoner, however Arthur was someone who defeated an Intermediate stage grandmaster with ease, this was nothing for him.

It roared multiple times and rushed towards Arthur. It was an unbelievable speed for someone over four meters tall. He was like a runaway train.

Arthur glared as he stared at what was before him. He read the drake ogre's trajectory. He determined whether it was a front, side or diagonal direction.

Arthur kicked against the ground. He estimated the drake ogre's trajectory and rolled on the ground. He jumped up and struck the lower half of drake ogre accurately on the side.


His fist connected and the drake ogre's body flew up approximately one meter in a diagonal direction. However, shortly afterwards, the drake ogre swung at Arthur's head.

Arthur managed to avoid the attack intuitively. It was almost impossible to damage the lower half that was covered with thick scales. Moreover, the drake ogre's reflexes were surprising.

He rose about one meter in a diagonal line because he jumped at the moment of the attack. Although the angle meant the attack wasn't fully received, the performance was clear.

It was true for the shocked drake ogre. Arthur's blow had far exceeded its expectation. It raised its scythe again like it was hiding the pain. Rather than stopping its attacks, Arthur ran to it in order to limit his trajectory.

'Don't drag this out for a long time.'

Arthur kept telling this to himself, he was unable to perform properly due to more than half his attention being diverted elsewhere.

Moreover, he was now in an evasive fight, so his concentration was being exhausted quickly. A long fight was disadvantageous for him right now.

He needed to finish it with one shot. He would finish the fight by aiming a blow at the upper body, there were less scales there.

He focused his strength on his arm, more strength than he needed threatened to spill out but he held it back with force of will.

The drake ogre sensed the danger and sped up its attacks while Arthur continued to flee from the attacks. The drake ogre got angry then and covered its scythe with a purple light.

It was a grandmaster level beast, no matter how strong Arthur's body was, it wasn't to the stage where he could brush off the attacks from grandmaster realm beasts yet.

The beasts were usually stronger than sentient humanoid races too, so the strength of an average grandmaster realm beast was more than that of an average grandmaster realm humanoid.

One hit would be disadvantageous to him.

Layla on the other hand, narrowed her eyes at Arthur, the way he was acting seemed weird to her, it had been weird for a while now, others would not notice it but Layla had known Arthur personally for years, it was impossible for her to not notice it.

At that moment, the scythe struck like a thunderbolt. Arthur barely evaded it and the drake ogre opened its mouth. It wasn't a mere roar, but a distinctive drake ogre battle cry that caused mental collapse.

The drake ogre aimed a wild blow at him but this was a chance for Arthur. He had high resistance to spiritual attacks due to the training he received from Cattleya.

He would take this chance.

Arthur responded immediately. He didn't hesitate to run toward the blow.

The moment it reached, Arthur used his fist and met the attack, a sound of metal hitting metal rang out, it wasn't a sound one would hear from a fist colliding with a scythe.


Arthur clicked his tongue and grabbed the blade, he used his high physical strength to pull it downwards, alongside the drake ogre holding it.

He then jumped up lightly, using the drake ogre's slanted body as a foothold. He stepped on its hands and head.

The drake ogre raised its head quickly and saw Arthur who then pulled back his right fist.

It was already too late by then.

His speed was too fast, too fast for even Arthur to control it. The strength put behind the fist was also more than Arthur's normal strength.


There was a loud explosion like sound as his fist hit the drake ogre's head. The intensity didn't just penetrate the giant drake ogre's head, but its whole body as well.

The drake ogre's head exploded. Its legs couldn't endure the power and broke.

It was dead.

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